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Hindu sadhu shows Indian Muslims their aukaat. Lol

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How will these 220 muslims will carve out a separate nation?

Half of them are women. Half of the remaining are old men. Half of the remaining are children.

So only 54 million are capable of fighting. But do all of them have the courage to fight?

How will they defeat the indian state and other 1.2 billion people?

It won't even take a year to make 15pc to 0pc if the Indian states want to.

Jammu was a muslim majority region. It was turned into a hindu majority within a year.

I would love to hear your hypothesis.

I am not here to discuss how you and they would do what ............ I am only interested in telling you about your habit of playing Pakistan card with them. You cannot and will not send them to Pakistan unless we get to extend our borders into baharat ......... no people without land. So stop using this go to Pakistan every other minute.
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