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Hindu Radicals Pose Terrorist Challenge to the Sub-Continent

Useless thread.

There is only one kind of radicals who are a danger to the world now. We all know who they are!

Trying to equate some random "group" with 10 members with the terrorists oozing out from every corner of the globe in every country in their thousands is just amazing and only lunatics are capable of it.

There have been 11,000 terror attacks after 9/11. Guess how many are by these "Hindu radicals"!
More than 2000 Muslims killed in Gujrat by Hindu terrorists. Video evidence.

Getting Away with Murder - Gujarat Muslim killings 1 of 3

Getting Away with Murder - Gujarat Muslim killings 2 of 3

Getting Away with Murder - Gujarat Muslim killings 3 of 3

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Arrests signal rise of "Hindu terrorism" in India

Andrew Legon

The arrest of suspects linked to a string of bomb blasts raises the spectre of "Hindu terrorism" in India. The Bush administration moves against a charity believed to support Hamas. Pirates capture a chemical-laden cargo ship off the coast of Yemen, while Islamist insurgents in Somalia seize another key port. And much more in today's update. 13 - 11 - 2008

Indian police arrested a Hindu monk on Wednesday during an investigation into a wave of bomb attacks that have killed more than 200 people this year. Sudhakar Dwivedi, who often used the alias Swami Amritanand, was arrested in Kanpur in the central state of Uttar Pradesh. The head of a Hindu monastery, Amritanand was charged with conspiring in an attack on the predominantly Muslim town of Malegoan in September which killed four people.

The toD Verdict: In years past, terrorism in India has been largely blamed on Islamist groups. Concern has recently shifted, however, to the rising problem of Hindu militancy which many fear could be fulfilling Jawaharlal Nehru's prediction in 1964 that the main danger to India was "Hindu right-wing communalism." The case of Sudhakar Dwivedi follows the arrest of nine other suspects who have been charged with murder and conspiracy in connection with the Malegoan bombing. In August, two members of a Hindu chauvinist group the Bajrang Dal died while trying to build a bomb in the northern town of Kanpur. Two other suspected members of the same group died under similar circumstances in 2006. Keep up to date with the latest developments and sharpest perspectives in a world of strife and struggle.

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Bal Thackeray, the leader of another Hindu hard-line group the Shiv Sena, wrote in June that "the threat of Islamic terror in India is rising... it is time to counter the same with Hindu terror. Hindu suicide squads should be readied to ensure the existence of Hindu society and to protect the nation."

Worryingly, analysts have highlighted disturbing connections between fringe Hindu militants and military and civilian officials. One of the Malegoan suspects, Lt. Colonel Shrikant Prasad Purohit, has been accused of providing money, arms and training to the bombers. Meanwhile, in the eastern state of Orissa, Hindu police officers have been accused of deliberate inaction and active participation in recent anti-Christian violence. Fraternal outfits of the state-ruling BJP party such as the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the Bajrang Dal have been implicated in the violence.

Hindu militancy, which has been labeled "reverse terrorism" by partisans who see such action as revenge for earlier Muslim or Christian provocation, is a worrisome escalation of violence that could pose an existential threat to multicultural India.

Arrests signal rise of "Hindu terrorism" in India | open Democracy News Analysis
does it show all 2000 being killed?
because i have less than 15 posts i cannot post links

youre wrong admit it, 760>2000

watch the beginning of first video stating number of Muslims killed, before talking pure denial
LOL so youre calling me an extremist and saying im in a mind of denial because you have an UNREFERENCED stat, i have a referenced one


go down it mentions 2000 muslims dying yet doesnt mention where it got that stat from

"As per figures given by the Union Minister of State for Home Shriprakash Jaiswal, who belongs to the Congress Party, in Parliament on 11 May 2005, 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed in the riots, 2548 people were injured and 223 people were missing."

that is from the link i provided again

2000<<<< 790 not 760 like i stated before

I am not here to engage with you in inane exchange where you evidently talking through your Hindu supremacy high horse. Very topic we are discussing and wealth of information already posted. We can understand you are frustrated perhaps seeing bit of your self reflection on facts, analysis and news. Doing a soul searching perhaps would do you some good!
Hindu Terrorism touching Great Heights

Reuters, The biggest news agency of the world published a report on 17th November “India wonders how deep “Hindu terrorism” goes This story was consequentially published in all the leading newspapers and magazines of the world the next day

While earlier terrorism was usually connected with Islamic terrorism especially after 9-11 attacks in America, but this report shares information about 10 Hindu extremists who were arrested among them one was on-duty army officer . They been accused of bomb blast in thickly Muslim populated “Melegon” area of state western Maharashtra.

While Hindu Terrorism was never a new term, the fresh reports in world media about Tamil Tigers which portrays itself as a terrorist organization fighting for independence in Sri Lanka since 38 years. This terrorist organization is found involved in suicide attacks not only in Sri Lanka but in India as well.

Suicide attacks in 2008 in India alone has killed 200 so far. In such suicide attacks India always accused Pakistan but recently there is strong evidence found against Tamil Tigers and some Hindu terrorists organizations may also be involved in such attacks. A few years back such suicide attack on Sri Lankan lady President killed several people and also resulted in eye loss of the President.

32 countries of the world have banned the Tamil Tigers labeling them as a terrorist organization and this is a genuine point of concern that this organization is a bunch of fundamentalist, extremist and conservative Hindus. This is the primary reason why some analysts believe that behind the recent attack the Tamil Tigers of India could also be a main supporter.

The report also says that one army officer has already been arrested who is being investigated by Indian government is accused of Bomb blast in “Samjhauta Express” Feb 07 which killed 68 people mostly Pakistani.

There are several extremist religious and political organizations working in India. Most notable extremist political party is Bharti Janta Party (BJP) and former Indian PM Atal Bihari Vajpai was a member of this party . This is a political party which feels massacre of Muslims exactly according to its agenda. “Shiv Sina” is another such organization famous for its hate against Muslims. It can also be fore-casted that in the 2009 elections BJP might use Hindu vote to oust congress party from power.

A prominent leader of ruling Congress party “Veerappa Moily” is of the view “Hindu extremism was the cause of division of India and is still dangerous” The extremist ideology organizations of India still blatantly say “India is for Hindus and therefore, Muslims should go from here” Intrinsically Hindus are not against the Muslim presence in India but also against Christians as well.

Like International and western Media using term “Islamic terrorism “against Muslims now term “Hindu terrorism”will also be an integral part of International media.

An Indian defense analyst believes “In coming general elections the issue of terrorism will be the first point on every political party”s agenda.

After the publication of this story in International media it has to be understood now by all countries that terrorism is not linked to any religion, region or society but it is a global threat common in every society and thus needs a combined effort to eradicate it from its roots.

Hindu Terrorism touching Great Heights | Teeth Maestro
Editorial: Creating Hindu terrorism

Business Standard / New Delhi November 18, 2008, 0:19 IST

The Bharatiya Janata Party objects, understandably, to the use of the term ‘Hindu terrorism’. To those who accuse it of duplicity since it does not show the same reticence while talking of ‘Islamic terrorists’, BJP President Rajnath Singh says the party has never identified terrorism with any particular community. Leave aside that suspect claim for the moment; what is important is that, through its actions in the Malegaon case, the BJP is actually creating the grounds for the escalation of what can then only be called Hindu terrorism.

The BJP’s campaign for tougher anti-terror laws argues in favour of putting a lot of power in the hands of the police network; and once the police get confessions (which everyone knows involves torture and other forms of coercion), these are to be admissible in the courts of law. While it is no one’s case that getting convictions in cases of terrorism cases is an easy job, the BJP’s solution lies in putting extraordinary powers in the hands of the police. But now that very police is accusing Sadhvi Pragya Thakur of being a terrorist, and the BJP complains that she is being targeted; that the Maharashtra police is influenced by the fact that the Congress-NCP rules the state. Mr Singh has protested against the brain mapping and narco tests that she has undergone and has been quoted as saying there should be no torture.

All of which may or may not be fine, but why is the sadhvi’s case different from those involving, say, the many members of the Students Islamic Movement of India, who were nabbed, tortured, accused in the media, and then the cases quietly dropped without any apology or compensation? Because she is a Hindu and the others were Muslims? If it is kosher for the BJP president to carry on a campaign in favour of the sadhvi, who may well be innocent like all those Simi members, why is it wrong for Jamia Millia to organise a defence for those accused in the Jamia Nagar case, or for civil rights activists to carry on a campaign in favour of many others who have been accused of being terrorists? Is the BJP now being soft on terrorism—the very charge that it has laid at the Congress door?

While there isn’t enough evidence to conclude that the larger BJP leadership has bought the argument, there are strands within the party who are in favour of giving a new spin to the sadhvi arrest — that, given the ‘soft’ state run by the Congress, people like the sadhvi had no option but to do what she did! This shows confusion about the line of argument—the sadhvi cannot be both innocent of the charge and at the same time be excused for doing what she was provoked into doing! It must be hoped that leaders like LK Advani will come down hard on this kind of nonsense, for the essence of a modern state is that the state has a monopoly on violence. Break that monopoly and what you get is anarchy.

If the BJP says that it is not anti-Muslim, the Malegaon episode offers it a chance to rid itself of the charge that it regards terrorism as a purely Muslim problem, and to assert that terrorists have no religion; all that the party has to do is to say that the law must take its course, and if the sadhvi is indeed guilty as charged, the BJP would welcome her conviction. If not, the Mumbai police should be asked to explain its conduct. The BJP is blowing that opportunity for a secular position by categorising the Malegaon probe as a Congress conspiracy. This is Mr Advani’s Vajpayee moment — will he play a violent Hindu card, or will he be a statesman?

Editorial: Creating Hindu terrorism
incidentally all the links and youtube videos that the Bangladeshi [aspiring to become a citizen of another - at least in spirits] idune is posting are all written by Indians and that too Hindus

by posting multiple articles about the same incidences, are you somehow trying to show that the issue is that many times multi-fold than it actually is
I will repeat myself.

There is only one kind of radicals who are a danger to the world now. We all know who they are!

Trying to equate some random "group" with 10 members with the terrorists oozing out from every corner of the globe in every country in their thousands is just amazing and only lunatics are capable of it.

There have been 11,000 terror attacks after 9/11. Guess how many are by these "Hindu radicals"!
I'd like to add my own... ;)

Pakistan Nationalist Association

The Ignored World of Hindu Terrorism in India

For years major terrorist organizations in India have been given a free hand to massacre and terrorize minorities. Thousands of innocent people have been murdered by them and they continue to operate putting not only India but also the entire region at risk. The Successive Indian governments have for years not only allowed these organizations to operate but have also denied and hidden the terror related activities of these fascist outfits denying the minorities justice who have suffered at their hands. These fascist outfits are largely ignored and kept away from the attention of the World Media leaving no chance of minorities getting justice for the crimes committed by them or any chance for the World to know about their doings.

It is true that no religion deserves to be highlighted for terrorism and harmony must be promoted at all costs. Also it must be understood that it is not the religion that promotes terrorism but there are certain elements that move away from that religion that promote such anarchy. However the issue in India remains the level of destruction and damage these terrorist organizations are causing and despite this the absolute denial of such criminal and terrorist elements even though they have taken part in the murder of thousands of innocent people.

Terrorist Organizations such as the Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, VHP (Vishva Hindu Parisad) and the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) are all ignored and their horrible crimes not only being hidden by members of the government but also being promoted by them. Several members of the Indian government themselves are part of this campaign of terror and have massacred thousands of innocent civilians and not on one occasion is action taken against them.

It is noticeable in almost all past incidents of such religious violence passed off as riots (even though they resulted in a systematic massacre of a certain religious group which can be defined as genocide) that members of these terrorist organizations are actively involved. If we look at all the instances of such violence in the past 30 years we will see this trend and will notice the damage they have caused to the Indian State:

* In 1984 there was a planned massacre of Sikhs by these same extremists after the tragic death of Indira Gandhi. Over 5000 Sikhs were killed and it has been defined by several Sikh Writers as a &#8220;Genocide against the Sikh Community&#8221; and a &#8220;War against the Sikh Faith&#8221; considering the fact that just a few months ago Operation Bluestar had resulted in death of at least 8000 Sikhs. The figures are highly disputed with vast variations between the figures by Humanitarian Organizations, the Indian government and the Sikh Freedom Movements. The fact however is that the people belonging to the same organizations struck here as well. It is also interesting to note that several Politicians as well have been blamed for having a part in this massacre such as Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler and RK Anand who are in the government even now. The police and government did absolutely nothing allowing mobs to loot Sikh property, torture, rape and murder.

* In 1992 they struck again and Babri Masjid a Seventh Century Islamic Mosque was burned down to the ground by Hindu Terrorists resulting in a major culmination of riots which resulted in the death of at least 5000 Muslims according to several Islamic Groups and Humanitarian Groups. Again the trend was the same with politicians and police taking a part in the massacre. According to Tehelka News the police not only remained silent spectators but even participated in the genocide often attacking Muslims and pointing them out for the mobs. There was also proof against Shiv Sena Chief Bal Thakarey who ordered his followers to murder Muslims in the riots and also in the riots that ensued after the Bombay Blast which is claimed to be by Underworld Don Dawood Ibrahim. Madhukar Sarpotdar a Shiv Sena MP was jailed for his connections to Hindu terrorists and for inciting them to attack Muslims. Other leaders joined the rhetoric by calling for attacks on Muslims including Girijaj Kishore.

* In 2003 a major massacre of Muslims was committed in the Province of Gujarat and this massacre is often attributed to Nirender Modi who is still the Chief Minister of Gujarat and a member of the Right Wing Hindu Nationalist Party BJP. Almost all humanitarian organizations and all groups found exclusive proof that the trail to the massacre indeed did lead to him. However he has been elected for another year as Chief Minister of Gujarat despite this and no action has ever been taken against him. Nirender Modi is also said to have protected a terrorist known as Babu Bajrangi an Ex VHP Leader who has now become a leader of the Terrorist Organization Bajrang Dal. He famously boasted to Tehelka News how he &#8220;ripped open a pregnant woman&#8217;s stomach&#8221; and how he wanted to wipe out 25000-50000 Muslims. Another criminal leader is Giriraj Kishore who is a leader of the VHP and is known to have incited the mobs to attack and kill Muslims just like in . These are not the only people from these terrorist organizations to have taken part in this massacre but there are many more. This was undoubtedly the most horrible pre planned attack on any minority in India and has resulted in over 20000 deaths whereas several claims go up to the 200000 mark and can by all means be defined as a Genocide. The massacre and the fact that none of the leaders associated with it have been punished proves that several Hindu terrorists have high jacked the government and are already in a position where they can destroy the lives of innocents. India has admitted that there are links to these people in these attacks but says it will &#8220;hurt the country&#8221; if any action is taken against them.

* Finally even in Mid 2008 after the murder of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati Hindu Mobs from these organizations have become thirsty for Christian blood and till now may have murdered over a 1000 Christians burning over 1800 Christian homes and many churches and left about 60000 Christians homeless. Most have either fled to the woods or are in refugee camps. Again the figures are highly disputed and different sources have different estimates. The highest claim is by the Union of Catholic Asian News which claims that over 100,000 Christians could have been killed between August 23 and September 4. This is considered a smaller massacre but several analysts have suggested that the growing agitation against Christians in the area may result in a much larger pogrom next time.

Though these are not all the incidents of violence where members of these terrorist organizations have shown the World their true colours it is noticeable that in all these cases it has been activists of Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena RSS and other such terrorist organizations involved in the violence which is proven by the accounts of survivors and people who saw the terrorists. It is also very concerning that the police and several government ministers have supported the violence and there is at least one influential person who has either turned a blind eye on the matter, worked to protect these terrorist elements or even worse support them in their horrible deeds. It proves the level of hatred these elements have and how the terrorists have infiltrated all fields of Indian society. All of them have called for the elimination of Pakistan and Islam.

Not only this but these leaders are inspired by Hitler and his genocide of Jews. That is why they are known as representatives of a Fascist ideology since they call for the elimination of certain groups and want to form a &#8220;Hindu Rashtra&#8221;, an India only for Hindus. Bal Thakarey himself is a great admirer of Hitler.

The fact is India is one of the only Countries where Terrorist leaders like Jagdish Tytler, Bal Thakarey and Nirender Modi who are responsible for past violence are allowed to operate with impunity and endanger the lives of innocent people in the process. All three of these leaders have called for violence against Minorities and are well known to have ordered and commanded their followers to attack minorities yet no action is taken against them or the perpetrators of these horrible and violent crimes. Will all those killed by them ever get justice?

In India there is very heavy handed action against Islamic terror outfits and organizations but this same action is never taken against Hindu terrorists who operate in India with impunity. Therefore there is absolutely no balance and no system of justice for minorities. Several people especially Pakistanis tend to laugh when India blames Pakistan for violence within its borders and &#8220;infiltration&#8221; considering the fact that these are the sort of people who are present in the Nation. Is it not likely that such a massive campaign of violence will naturally result in Terrorism?

What is even more dangerous is that the terrorists do not even leave those who raise their voice against the atrocities of the Hindu Terrorist organizations and their supporters. It has now become a crime to even speak out against them because any such person who dares to raise his voice is being sent death threats and becomes a victim of a massive harassment and bullying. On the net the terrorists are even worse than Bal Thackeray and conveniently hide behind their computers spreading their campaign of hatred, freely admitting murder rape and torture and sending death threats as if there is no big deal in it and they will never get caught. This extremely worrying trend of death threats, admission of murder rape and torture has all been reported by several other Writers and Rights Workers who have decided to expose the wrong doings. By resorting to these cheap acts these individuals are now expecting to cause fear in Rights Workers and Journalists to somehow make them stop their campaign for justice completely.

Despite all this several Indians continue to claim that it is the internal matter of India and if anyone from Pakistan raises a voice he is interfering in &#8220;India&#8217;s Affairs&#8221;. On the other hand if it is a Local Indian especially from a Minority Community, then he almost immediately becomes Anti-Indian just because he raises his voice for minority rights! In any case the fact is that Pakistanis have a right to speak out because these terrorist groups have not only called for violence on Pakistan and have encouraged their followers to kill Pakistanis but have also attacked Pakistanis before. It must be remembered that the Samjhauta Express attacks where Hemant Karkare pointed out that Colonel Purohit with the help of several Hindu terrorists was responsible for the attack resulted in the death of several Pakistanis.

India must deal with these dangerous elements, ban these organizations and arrest their leaders that are spreading hatred and calling for violence and the Indian politicians who have supported such people and are known to have committed acts of murder on minorities before should be brought to book because in the end it is not Pakistanis nor the Muslims Sikhs or Christians that suffer but all Indians that suffer.
I will repeat myself.

There is only one kind of radicals who are a danger to the world now. We all know who they are!

Trying to equate some random "group" with 10 members with the terrorists oozing out from every corner of the globe in every country in their thousands is just amazing and only lunatics are capable of it.

There have been 11,000 terror attacks after 9/11. Guess how many are by these "Hindu radicals"!

Stop Indian oppression in South Asia and you have an end to Islamic militancy.
Stop Indian oppression in South Asia and you have an end to Islamic militancy.

In Darfur, Madrid, London, NewYork, Aden, Pakistan, Afghnaistan, Lebanon, Iran, Chechnya, East Turkmenistan, Thailand, Phillipines, France, those 600 bombs in a day in Bangladesh!

Everywhere in the world! :crazy:
The threat in South Asia comes not from Islamists but from Hindu fanatics.
Kindly highlight the part of the article which supports your conclusion.

Don't get me wrong, I'm convinced that the growing Hindu extremism poses an existential threat to India and should be tackled by both the Indian society and their representative governmental establishment with exigent diligence. But having said that I would like to know as to what you saw in that article which has you convinced that Hindu radicalists pose a greater threat to South Asia than Islamists. The latter currently constitute one of the greatest threats facing humanity at large, particularly on the Indian Subcontinent. And as luck would have it the Jamestown Foundation itself has published a lot of literature on this. Perhaps you should investigate some of that as well.
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Stop Indian oppression in South Asia and you have an end to Islamic militancy.

Dont justify terror. If you dont like the oppression, compete with India in terms of military and financial dominance.

There today more that a geographical reason, south asia is call the Indian subcontinent.
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