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Hindu lawmaker in Bangalore gets 17 Muslim hospital staff fired

And this is why I believe India is an artificial country. Racists Hindus of RSS will never allow any minority to live in peace. Muslims, Sikhs, Lower Caste Hindus and others are minorities in India but they still have sheer strength in numbers--more than many independent countries.

Sooner or later these oppressed minorities will take a stand and get their independent homelands.
wow! At a time when every single resource, human and otherwise is needed in India to deal with the fiasco Modi regime has brought upon its nation, they still got audacity to let out their hatred towards Muslims!
And this is why I believe India is an artificial country. Racists Hindus of RSS will never allow any minority to live in peace. Muslims, Sikhs, Lower Caste Hindus and others are minorities in India but they still have sheer strength in numbers--more than many independent countries.

Sooner or later these oppressed minorities will take a stand and get their independent homelands.
You would be surprised at the number of non Muslim minorities who are bhakts. They include Jains, Christians, Parsis and Sikhs.
wow! At a time when every single resource, human and otherwise is needed in India to deal with the fiasco Modi regime has brought upon its nation, they still got audacity to let out their hatred towards Muslims!
This is called diversion.
There is extremism in every segment of society in India.

What a bat shit crazy nation.
typical behavior by them.. they do the same in Dubai

The BJP MP in the thick of this controversy, Tejasvi Surya, is a prime idiot. Last year he posted an idiotic tweet about Arab women for which he faced backlash from prominent Arab women and from sensible Indians too. Article here.

If you visit his Twitter page you will see a slogan on the top - "Youth can lead" with the "You" in saffron ( indicating Hindutva ) and the rest in white, indicating the Indian national flag colors but with the green ( the Muslim element in India in common understanding ) missing. That shows his poisonous agenda.

I am sure if this person ever needs blood or an organ he is not going to ask the religion of the donor.
It is interesting that BJP hasn't asked blood bags to be labeled with donors religion.

Fantastic point. :tup:
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Facebook statement by Muslim health official being targeted by peaceful Hindu IT cells trying to get him peacefully lynched for doing hospital and healthcare Jihad.

"My allegiance is always to my country, to my government and to the Constitution of this country. "
That was your first mistake, my friend!

Here's the video

wow! At a time when every single resource, human and otherwise is needed in India to deal with the fiasco Modi regime has brought upon its nation, they still got audacity to let out their hatred towards Muslims!

Thank God for Pakistan
Whether Modi does anything, at least he showed Muslims their "auqaat". That's enough for the sick majority
There were a total of 205 employees. 17 were Muslim. The 17 were singled out and fired for no fault of their own, except that they were Muslim.

So far, no one has stood up for the Muslims. The remaining employees have kept quiet. This is a society we are dealing with.
Shining India
they don't have culture of going to schools

I don't know if that's true, but from seeing how any dindu hindu from the slums can wander into their place of employment and get them fired for being a Muslim, I can understand why that would happen.
Muslim politicians also have a vested interest in keeping their constituents uneducated.

Which politicians? There are hardly any Muslim politicians in Hindu legislative assemblies. Once again, just from this case we can see it's Hindu politicians who have some obsession with persecuting Muslims.
Even after being fired and treated badly, see the muslim is still begging, calling hindus brothers. I pitty muslims of
I don't know if that's true, but from seeing how any dindu hindu from the slums can wander into their place of employment and get them fired for being a Muslim, I can understand why that would happen.

Which politicians? There are hardly any Muslim politicians in Hindu legislative assemblies. Once again, just from this case we can see it's Hindu politicians who have some obsession with persecuting Muslims.

Please do some reading about India.

Attorcities by Indian Muslims are never reported widely. But any such thing from Hindus are widely publicized. Indian media is left oriented and very liberal. (other than a few channels in recent years).

Please read about shah bano case, the role of muslim leadership and where they ended. While you are at it, please read / watch Arif Mohammed Khan (Indian politician).
Please do some reading about India.

Attorcities by Indian Muslims are never reported widely. But any such thing from Hindus are widely publicized. Indian media is left oriented and very liberal. (other than a few channels in recent years).

Please read about shah bano case, the role of muslim leadership and where they ended. While you are at it, please read / watch Arif Mohammed Khan (Indian politician).

It is kinda funny that members of a depraved society talk complain about atrocities when they elected Modi for the atrocities he committed.
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