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Hindu grave dug up near Karachi

It might be the lack of facilities to lit the pyre in there otherwise its never heard Hindus burying there dead
[Bregs];4852956 said:
It might be the lack of facilities to lit the pyre in there otherwise its never heard Hindus burying there dead

The Vakkaliga bury their dead.

You have to read about Kanarese Caste Hindus to know about their burial of dead.
Sad! And disgusting, Islam doesn't allow this!
Some communities bury some burn ... Does god respect the boundries of one graveyard and another? will land in hindu graveyard belong to hindu gods and muslim graveyard to muslim god's? Why different religions ask for separate graveyards...
Most hindus dont bury.. unless its last wish of the dead... my grandmother was buried in our land because she wished so....
there are no burial ground for hindus as far as I know...
This news was posted by @Imran Khan and the thread was clossed two days back and if we were to go by his words cremation is prohibited in Pakistan in a lot of places and there are no places to cremate, hence without a choice most of the hindus burry their dead.
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Hindu grave?

Don't they cremate their dead?

Lakh lanat on the moron who did it.....lots of junkey's roaming in the Qabristan these days.


How hard it is to declare these junkies as 'flora & fauna', because that will legalize shooting them :D

Many hindus bury their dead according to traditions,many hindu holy saint are also buried rather than being cremated.

18th Hymn of 10th mandala of rigveda is dedicated to burial .
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KARACHI: A Hindu grave was dug up near Pakistan's southern city of Karachi in a dispute over burial plots, police said Tuesday.

Local residents in Pangrio town, some 225 kilometres east of Karachi, protested that a man from the minority Hindu community had been buried in the main Muslim graveyard.

“The members of the Muslim community dug up the grave on Sunday, removed the body and handed it over to the town administration,” local police officer Aslam Khanzada told AFP.

The body of Bhoromal Bheel has now been reburied in another location, he said.

“The town was shut in protest by the Muslims,” Maulvi Mithan, the prayer leader in a local mosque said.

Relatives of the deceased, while talking to AFP, claimed that police had sided with the Muslims.

“My cousin's body was removed and recklessly laid at the road all the day long in the scorching heat,” said cousin Nar Singh Bheel, adding that Hindus had buried bodies in that part of the graveyard for decades.

“We have over a hundred graves of our forefathers there,” he said.

Hindus account for two per cent of Pakistan's 180 million population, mostly in Sindh province of which Karachi is the capital but tension between the two religious groups is relatively rare.

Hindu grave dug up near Karachi - DAWN.COM

Really feel sorry for the plight of minorities in Pakistan. They can't even share a graveyard with Hindus.

This happens all the time with ahmadi graves. Sometimes the police facilitates the people doing this. Why are you people so surprise? Don't you know the decease may try to convert to the dead muslims?
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