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Hillary Clinton blasted over occupation remark

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Hillary Clinton blasted over occupation remark


Hillary Clinton

Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton has been attacked by CNN over her remarks that Palestinians in the West Bank are living under occupation.

Clinton made the comments in her new book “Hard Choices” when she discussed her trip to the region with former US president Bill Clinton.

"When we left the city and visited Jericho, in the West Bank. I got my first glimpse of life under occupation for Palestinians, who were denied the dignity and self-determination that Americans take for granted," she said.

During a program on CNN, American conservative political commentator S.E. Cupp criticized the remarks.

The host told Tracy Sefl, a representative of the pro-Clinton super PAC Ready for Hillary, that Clinton should make an apology.

"Hillary Clinton is going to stand by the words in her book. She is not going to apologize for something she need not apologize for," Sefl said.

"I’m unapologetically pro-Israel and Hillary is very, very strong on this. If that’s the tree you want to bark up, I wish you luck.”

Clinton also said that the United States made a tactical mistake to put pressure on Israel to freeze its settlement activities on the Palestinian territories.

According to the book, Washington’s demand only hardened the stance of the now President of the Palestinian National Unity Government Mahmoud Abbas.

Clinton is preparing for a presidential run in 2016 and in her new memoir she does not shy away from criticizing President Obama.

PressTV - Hillary Clinton blasted over occupation remark
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