even they stab you or shoot you? then you must be a bravo person.
A friend of mine had to spend more than 1 lakh taka for a treatment when one of his finger was cut off by the hijackers just for a very cheap mobile set. Well that was not for the mobile set that he wanted to save, he just did not want to compromise with hijackers/
Slav Defence
what would you do
dear skiies,
First of all,a lot things effect on human behavior at the time of such incidents.
1)His profession--Is he well trained army professional?police officer?FBI,CIA,ISI agent?or even if not,is he a member of some training institute?if he belongs to common civil class,then definitely he will not fight back 90% cases,but 20% do including men with greater aggression or strong senses.
2)his age-group/gender...
Yes,females mostly surrender and males some times react.but that doesn't mean that females do not react,they will mainly try to reach help
3)exposure--again,if you are exposed to such events,as mentioned in point one,then you can react to hackers stimulus in a suitable way,if not then be ready to become his scapegoat.
I will try to negotiate...
if i found him responsive,or else i will surrender.