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High-speed rail used to transport troops for first time

Keep it up bro. Keep making tasteful comments like these. Since you are a mp you won't even be punished for it so why worry.

Why attack the messenger. Attack the message.

Are the points given incorrect?

If so, please tell us how.

Even your Chinese scientists are saying that another of your first - Three Gorges Dam - has caused immense damage and is responsible for environment changes causing droughts, flood, shortage of water, leading to famine and starvation and the cause of spiralling food prices.

The Chinese scientists are accepting the reality and trying to rework methods to change all the problems and here you say that the remarks on the reality of the issue is not quite cricket!
Why attack the messenger. Attack the message.

Are the points given incorrect?

If so, please tell us how.

Even your Chinese scientists are saying that another of your first - Three Gorges Dam - has caused immense damage and is responsible for environment changes causing droughts, flood, shortage of water, leading to famine and starvation and the cause of spiralling food prices.

The Chinese scientists are accepting the reality and trying to rework methods to change all the problems and here you say that the remarks on the reality of the issue is not quite cricket!

First the messenger is a piece of crap and his message is filled with glee in others deaths. I feel its reasonable he gets whats coming to him.

Second no one has scientifically proven anything about the Three gorges Dam causing any disasters. Its speculation at best.

People can't stop natural disasters or when imported Canadian products are found to be shoddy.
First the messenger is a piece of crap and his message is filled with glee in others deaths. I feel its reasonable he gets whats coming to him.

Second no one has scientifically proven anything about the Three gorges Dam causing any disasters. Its speculation at best.

People can't stop natural disasters or when imported Canadian products are found to be shoddy.

There is no glee in the death of anyone.

Do show one sentence of mine indicating glee.

That glee that you wish to attribute to me is because you are deeply embarrassed and you just want to shove it under the carpet and find a 'scapegoat' to hide your deep dismay and embarrassment.

I have merely given a news report from not my country, but that of Bangaldesh to be totally fair.

My point thereafter is this chasing of firsts is only endangering the people. These examples are a caution to all (not only the Chinese) not to exult over cosmetic grandeur and instead go into issues seriously not only when constructing but also planning.

What is good of China, I have no qualms in lauding them. Check my posts on the Tibetan Railway. It is worth praise. I don't exhibit juvenile delight at things done shoddily, be it in China or anywhere.

On Three Gorges, I have given links for both pro and against from the Chinese media in another thread.
All time low for you to post stuff like this Tiki.

What is all time low about reporting an accident?

Are you hopeless embarrassed that inspite of your tomtoming the firsts and other 'wonders' to include the hi speed trains, disaster has struck and you have lost 'face'?

Why blame me?

It is the poor planning and operations.

Well, news flash, amigo:
Train derails in India, at least 67 killed - CBS News

And that was not even an express train.

Have we ever tomtomed that Indian Railways are the best in the world as you people do about your 'wonders' and 'firsts'?

Accidents do happen in the Indian Railways.

We don't squirm if it is reported. We are in fact filled with indignation since we travel by rail and we don't want to die. We don't squirm out of embarrassment and want to hide it under the carpet as you all do for any news that does not put China in good light.

So, go figure!

First all of this isn't even considered a high speed train.

Second of all no one can stop natural F**king disasters.

Third of all have some damn respect and stop gloating over others misfortunes.

You are now coming to the point.

Accidents happen since Accident means 'An unexpected and undesirable event, especially one resulting in damage or harm'.

Show one word where I have shown glee at the deaths.

You are red faced having lost face and your tomtoming of the 'wonders' and 'firsts' are crashing down weighed down by the realities of wanting to build 'firsts'. Therefore, you want to find scapegoats and go hammering at him for merely appending a news report from a Bangaldeshi paper!
Yes, mr. shakespeare, not everyone will be as lucky as you bharaties having the chance of taking 200 yrs english class from your ex slave white master, do feel free to take pride for that DN.:lol:
Messenger or a low-life MF taking cheap shot at China on the expense of the innocent victims. "dulay lomo guo nan height"

The same way as some enjoy the charms of Opium?

And the 100 years of Shame?

May I request you to indulge in credible content and not indulge in verbal wastes!
Can't see what's the big fuss about trains transporting troops.

India does the same too - though not with as fast trains as mentioned above - I remember spending 17 days in a train that transported my dad's battalion from Ahmedabad to Guahati. Wasn't that fast, but was a lot more fun for sure :partay:
collided trains were japanese made shinkansen, chinese designation crh-2. accident caused by lightning strike.
latest info:

1st train is actually a swedish made crh-1, not high speed. second is crh-2e, japanese made.
They must have met Chinese specifications and so they were purchased.

Then there is the question of maintenance.

I don't think one should attempt to pass the blame.

What is necessary is that one should get to the bottom of the issue and ensure that it never happens again (if possible) and no unwanted loss of lives take place.
There was also another first of China.

The first derailment of a Hi Speed train.
But that was expected. In doing 'another first', adequate attention is not paid to the safety and also detailed and proper construction.

Instead of first, it should be robustness of construction so as to ensure the safety and maintainability.

The same thing happened to the Highway that collapsed because they had to meet the deadline to be ready for the CCP celebrations!

You do lie again.This accident is not the world's first high speed rail way accident and not the worst.Next time do some research before you lie.
Eschede train disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What is all time low about reporting an accident?

Are you hopeless embarrassed that inspite of your tomtoming the firsts and other 'wonders' to include the hi speed trains, disaster has struck and you have lost 'face'?

Why blame me?

It is the poor planning and operations.

Have we ever tomtomed that Indian Railways are the best in the world as you people do about your 'wonders' and 'firsts'?

Accidents do happen in the Indian Railways.

We don't squirm if it is reported. We are in fact filled with indignation since we travel by rail and we don't want to die. We don't squirm out of embarrassment and want to hide it under the carpet as you all do for any news that does not put China in good light.

There is no shame or embarrassment. It's an accident. Chinese media reported it first.

You are not reporting an accident. There is another thread for that. You make a bunch of claims and link it with 3 gorges dam of all places. You are gloating in a tragedy and that makes you a small, pathetic little man.

Indians do totally cover everything up when they are made to look like fools. Stop acting holier than thou!! Remember NASA's International Scientist Discovery Exam??? Was there ever an investigation of that embarassing fraud??
You do lie again.This accident is not the world's first high speed rail way accident and not the worst.Next time do some research before you lie.
Eschede train disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

maglev train collided killed 23 in germany, 2006.

TGV accidents:
23 September 1988
Injuries: 2 dead, 60 injured
21 December 1993: High-speed derailment
14 December 1992: High-speed derailment
Injuries: 27
11 October 1997: Fire
5 January 2001: Derailment
5 June 2000: High-speed derailment
Injuries: 14
5 January 2001: Derailment
RIP to people who died in derailed express train in China. I hope they were not transporting troops in that train. RIP
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