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High rates of Divorce in Pak society and esp in Military class

So been educated , well aware of rights , having self awareness Means Forget Islam and Islamic laws(Haqoq) ? leave culture and cultural values on side for now..

Education , awareness , being able to make decisions also bring one thing call "Common sense". Why cant use it more often then egos (education , knowing rights , etc.)
@messiach , @Dubious

I really can't believe how insecure the people on here are about women having their rights, having self awareness, and being able to make decisions.

Few points to note.

1. Feminism in west is very different from feminism in Pakistan. In west, they have equal rights, Feminism focuses on wage gap, and socially invisible gender constraints which are debatable. But in Pakistan, women don't have equal rights to begin with.

2. OP is saying divorces are rampant based on his personal experience. Statistically, divorces in Pakistan are one of the lowest, again due to cultural reasons and norms.

3. Who is to blame for the increasing divorces though? Feminism, domestic violences, ghosts, aliens? How about you try asking the women. We are empowering women, they are becoming more aware of their well being and their rights. In a country where domestic violence is so normal and common, it is obvious that with empowerment of women, divorce rate will go up.

It's your choice.
Either keep 50% of the population uneducated, disempowered, and not have to deal with domestic violence issues and misogyny (she's the one to blame, not me, blah blah). Or...
Empower the 50% of the population so that your country can go forward, and deal with domestic violence and misogyny which will result in less rapes as well (happening weekly nowadays in our fake Islamic republic, or Islamic only by law and name) as men will stop blaming their dressing.

Who's the man that said: "No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you."

So, empower, or not empower. You decide.
Agree but she also cannot force her husband to abandonee his parents and move away …….. From 1000s of years arranged marriages doing way better then love marriages , that is why family oriented societies still sticking to it..
Just look at west ,,,,,,,, they lost every thing in battel of "who is better" , "Why I do it". …… Islam tell us to Give respect and take good care of not only your family (Father-mother) but also Family(mother and father) of your wife....
Husband take care of his wife and her family for whole of his life in retune she (wife) cannot take care of his family . In many cases she even wont allow (look around you) . This is destroying our family system.
Why not ? She has all the right to ask for her own place or an area in the house which is totally Controlled by her.
Joint family system is now a flop. People abuse each other since we have become much selfish. Specially mother in laws are just ,£#&##_()#. They can't see their son bring taken over. So we must abolish this joint family thing unless mother in law agrees to live in a nice way.
I was born and raised in a Western society. Be it with Islamic and Pakistani upbringing.

Let me tell you folks that feminism has gone too far. The monster cannot be contained anymore. What started as an equal rights movement has transformed into something very sinister. This movement is hijacked by certain groups.

Feminism in its current form is about destruction of family system. The woman doesn't only seek equal opportunities, but it wants to challenge the natural order. I believe in fairness wherever possible. A woman should not earn less than a man etc. These are fair demands. What is not fair is the abolishing of family structure. The West was already an individualistic society. They don't care about family structure. They want to export their norms and values to other parts of the world. Feminism is part of this export.
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Yes, she can't force her husband. So if she was given a choice in marriage, she wouldn't have selected him as she didn't want such a constraint.

What if she doesn't want to move away from her parents? What will you say to that?
Is this fault of her husband or his family ? Who is to blame for it ? Her own family ……. But why she take revenge on Her Husband and his family ??????

Why not ? She has all the right to ask for her own place or an area in the house which is totally Controlled by her.
Joint family system is now a flop. People abuse each other since we have become much selfish. Specially mother in laws are just ,£#&##_()#. They can't see their son bring taken over. So we must abolish this joint family thing unless mother in law agrees to live in a nice way.
Your wife one day will become mother in Law ,,,,, Your wife's mother is also one mother in law , if your mother is not good as mother-in-law then Why you blaming about others ? better work on your own mother !!
Maulana Ashraf Ali thanvi (RHA) once said , if women get to know their rights one us , they would dance.on our heads. Such are the rights of women. But , we have also.got.a few crappy things from Hindus .
And made a few more things up. As a result , women has constantly been abused.and she has no where to go.

No wonder , people are backing up those femjkisr movements because they feel.they share values with them.
We can only conquer them by being better ourselves and not doing danda only

So been educated , well aware of rights , having self awareness Means Forget Islam and Islamic laws(Haqoq) ? leave culture and cultural values on side for now..

Education , awareness , being able to make decisions also bring one thing call "Common sense". Why cant use it more often then egos (education , knowing rights , etc.)
@messiach , @Dubious
Actually in love marriages her opinion doesn't matter
Reason is she can't return to her parents home but a love marriage with parents consent is like arranged

Read that twice. You make no sense.

In love marriage she decides who to marry, by "falling in love." Regardless of whether or not her parents agree to it.

While true that in arranged marriage where parents choose a partner for her, technically she has a choice with consent of parents but in Pakistan, usually or maybe even majority cases, she is not given a choice, if she is given a choice, society and cultural pressure is there for her to say yes in order to not upset her father and mother.
Is this fault of her husband or his family ? Who is to blame for it ? Her own family ……. But why she take revenge on Her Husband and his family ??????

Your wife one day will become mother in Law ,,,,, Your wife's mother is also one mother in law , if your mother is not good as mother-in-law then Why you blaming about others ? better work on your own mother !!
Wow. What a shitty reply. Go to hell twat. Ja Ker mer bister per. Teri umer Nahi yeh Kay u learn new things. Dumpster , jahil ki nasal
Maulana Ashraf Ali thanvi (RHA) once said , if women get to know their rights one us , they would dance.on our heads. Such are the rights of women. But , we have also.got.a few crappy things from Hindus .
And made a few more things up. As a result , women has constantly been abused.and she has no where to go.

No wonder , people are backing up those femjkisr movements because they feel.they share values with them.
We can only conquer them by being better ourselves and not doing danda only
In my first post I said , Main reason is Distance from Islam , Islamic values , and lack of knowledge of Islam(about family and family life). Rest I also agree with you our culture have many things from Hindu-ism (mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in current state also came from there)..
Read that twice. You make no sense.

In love marriage she decides who to marry, by "falling in love." Regardless of whether or not her parents agree to it.

While true that in arranged marriage where parents choose a partner for her, technically she has a choice with consent of parents but in Pakistan, usually or maybe even majority cases, she is not given a choice, if she is given a choice, society and cultural pressure is there for her to say yes in order to not upset her father and mother.
Damn true.
And where has this come from ? Parents choosing for their children. Nobody talks about its link to Islam. Seriously
So been educated , well aware of rights , having self awareness Means Forget Islam and Islamic laws(Haqoq) ? leave culture and cultural values on side for now..

Education , awareness , being able to make decisions also bring one thing call "Common sense". Why cant use it more often then egos (education , knowing rights , etc.)
@messiach , @Dubious

Are you justifying domestic violence, forced socio-marital comstraints?

You think it's okay for a woman to get beaten, belittled, forced to not persue her career, forced to sacrifice herself for her husband's family, just because she is in marriage?
Damn true.
And where has this come from ? Parents choosing for their children. Nobody talks about its link to Islam. Seriously

It's common practice, and it's perfectly okay. Think of it as a marriage bureau except that the marriage bureau are the parents. The important thing however is freedom of choice for the woman without pressure to say yes or no.
In love marriage she decides who to marry, by "falling in love." Regardless of whether or not her parents agree to it.
I was talking about Ghar sa bhag kar karnay wali love marriage
In such type of marriages she can't return back and has no other option except staying with her husband
Are you justifying domestic violence, forced socio-marital comstraints?

You think it's okay for a woman to get beaten, belittled, forced to not persue her career, forced to sacrifice herself for her husband's family, just because she is in marriage?

Why are you putting words in his mouth. Nowhere in his post can I find what you accuse him of.

Don't compare Eastern culture with Western culture. They are a world apart.

What you want for Eastern culture is impossible. You cannot import Western culture into Eastern culture and claim that this is the ultimate solution.

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