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High rates of Divorce in Pak society and esp in Military class

Hi Everyone @Oscar @Horus @Windjammer @Everyone else

I have recently seen four marriages dissolving and family going into disarray with destruction of family and children. This is all what i have seen in last one year. All have come from our military class and not the high officers class but from relatively decently educated middle grade young officers class. The divorce rates are already astonishingly high in civilian classes and that is all due to the 'faminine revolution' and rules being drafted in legislature giving females unprecedented rights in name of female liberty. Most certainly these females living with young officers are not oppressed, they come from good origins, have good education. They are not like the poor unducated class. This is bizzare and i was distressed with that. In one case, the female not only destroyed the life of the young man but also took away the children and now he has to present himself to court every month to meet his children. In this case, the female's father is a former brigadere and he has concieved several bogus charges against him in addition to divorce ( i say they are bogus, because i know the family for 25 years atleast).

This is all happened when we have embarked on dajjals feminist revolution and started drafting all kind of pro-female legalities and rules changing the balance between male and female as ordained by Allah SWT. I feel shattered to see this. We need to kickstart a campaign to stop this fanatic course of destruction.

Its high time for the state and culture to take up this issue, and curb down on the NGO's spreading this filth in our society.

Feminism has utterly decimated Western family and morality. We need to control it while it is still nascent in Pakistan.

You should bring this up among your powerful connections. These lunatics aren't only a threat to family but also our national narrative in the long term.

The root cause of all this is ultra secularist liberalism rife in our higher education institutes. Very disturbing situation
Some angraiz friends mine used to say Pakistani society is patriarchical. I.didnt understand but now I do very well.
Too much abuse of masculinity and way too much imbalance between parents and wife's rights by husbands. They don't even know what they are doing.
It's such a cultural thjng when we are told Nabi(SAW) did his things himself and helped in the household, we become angry.

I'm focusing on men because our women are very accomodating and hence they are taken advantage of. Feminism is.jot much to blame really.

Happens but not always. Many don't compromise hence the high divorce rates
Compromise on what ? Shitty demands , demeaning demands ?
In so many cases , u only hear the end of the story when woman gets frustrated and then leaves. But what got to that stage , you are not told.
Regsarding your earlier.post , those me. , Who were caliphs , were very good with their partners. Once wife of Umer(RA) TOld him string words and he didn't say anything. He said afterwards that she takes care of me. Washes my clothes etc.

And we , we would slap her to death if that happens. I am talking about so called degree holders who are considered as educated. Bura haal hay dost. Divorce rate is high. Women are changing. But men have to become better seriously.
We cant blame west and feminism for it.
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Some angraiz friends mine used to say Pakistani society is patriarchical. I.didnt understand but now I do very well.
Too much abuse of masculinity and way too much imbalance between parents and wife's rights by husbands. They don't even know what they are doing.
It's such a cultural thjng when we are told Nabi(SAW) did his things himself and helped in the household, we become angry.

I'm focusing on men because our women are very accomodating and hence they are taken advantage of. Feminism is.jot much to blame really.

Compromise on what ? Shitty demands , demeaning demands ?
In so many cases , u only hear the end of the story when woman gets frustrated and then leaves. But what got to that stage , you are not told.
Regsarding your earlier.post , those me. , Who were caliphs , were very good with their partners. Once wife of Under(RA) TOld him string words and he didn't say anything. He said afterwards that she takes care of me. Washes my clothes etc.

And we , we would slap her to death if that happens. I am talking about so called degree holders who are considered as educated. Bura haal hay dost. Divorce rate is high. Women are changing. But men have to become better seriously.
We cant blame wear and feminism for it.
I am talking about the liberal ones.
Its important to analyze if the values of both families match. Usually people ignore that because the phase of looking for a 'bahu' gets to people's head. People just prioritize the status of the family in society.
Hi Everyone @Oscar @Horus @Windjammer @Everyone else

I have recently seen four marriages dissolving and family going into disarray with destruction of family and children. This is all what i have seen in last one year. All have come from our military class and not the high officers class but from relatively decently educated middle grade young officers class. The divorce rates are already astonishingly high in civilian classes and that is all due to the 'faminine revolution' and rules being drafted in legislature giving females unprecedented rights in name of female liberty. Most certainly these females living with young officers are not oppressed, they come from good origins, have good education. They are not like the poor unducated class. This is bizzare and i was distressed with that. In one case, the female not only destroyed the life of the young man but also took away the children and now he has to present himself to court every month to meet his children. In this case, the female's father is a former brigadere and he has concieved several bogus charges against him in addition to divorce ( i say they are bogus, because i know the family for 25 years atleast).

This is all happened when we have embarked on dajjals feminist revolution and started drafting all kind of pro-female legalities and rules changing the balance between male and female as ordained by Allah SWT. I feel shattered to see this. We need to kickstart a campaign to stop this fanatic course of destruction.
It is not that grim as you potray You just happened to be in an unlucky surroundings .
This is a cycle that will complete its course one way or the other. Now the women want more liberty and equality. Let them have it and remain spinsters. In a few generations, they will come to their senses.
For pious men, there will never be a shortage of pious women and vice versa.
Islam has given women very important role. She prepare generations.

If you dont wear hijab and show off your body parts and expect man to close their eyes that is against nature law. ALLAH has made female attractive in sight of male for a reason.

As for husband he should give wife separate kitchen, a flat or floor. Dont expect that wife will serve father in law or mother in law. There is nothing in Islam like that she serve them.
Hi Everyone @Oscar @Horus @Windjammer @Everyone else

I have recently seen four marriages dissolving and family going into disarray with destruction of family and children. This is all what i have seen in last one year. All have come from our military class and not the high officers class but from relatively decently educated middle grade young officers class. The divorce rates are already astonishingly high in civilian classes and that is all due to the 'faminine revolution' and rules being drafted in legislature giving females unprecedented rights in name of female liberty. Most certainly these females living with young officers are not oppressed, they come from good origins, have good education. They are not like the poor unducated class. This is bizzare and i was distressed with that. In one case, the female not only destroyed the life of the young man but also took away the children and now he has to present himself to court every month to meet his children. In this case, the female's father is a former brigadere and he has concieved several bogus charges against him in addition to divorce ( i say they are bogus, because i know the family for 25 years atleast).

This is all happened when we have embarked on dajjals feminist revolution and started drafting all kind of pro-female legalities and rules changing the balance between male and female as ordained by Allah SWT. I feel shattered to see this. We need to kickstart a campaign to stop this fanatic course of destruction.


Islam has given women very important role. She prepare generations.

If you dont wear hijab and show off your body parts and expect man to close their eyes that is against nature law. ALLAH has made female attractive in sight of male for a reason.

As for husband he should give wife separate kitchen, a flat or floor. Dont expect that wife will serve father in law or mother in law. There is nothing in Islam like that she serve them.

Watching **** must be halal then, it's the woman's fault, i swear. My eyes are not controllable by me.

Your observation is quite correct but I must say not only military class but also civilian families see the rise of feminism and divorce.

Our old grandparents are correct when they say Aurat ghar k andhar hi achi lagti hai....


Hahahaha, the amount insecure males here.

Hi Everyone @Oscar @Horus @Windjammer @Everyone else

I have recently seen four marriages dissolving and family going into disarray with destruction of family and children. This is all what i have seen in last one year. All have come from our military class and not the high officers class but from relatively decently educated middle grade young officers class. The divorce rates are already astonishingly high in civilian classes and that is all due to the 'faminine revolution' and rules being drafted in legislature giving females unprecedented rights in name of female liberty. Most certainly these females living with young officers are not oppressed, they come from good origins, have good education. They are not like the poor unducated class. This is bizzare and i was distressed with that. In one case, the female not only destroyed the life of the young man but also took away the children and now he has to present himself to court every month to meet his children. In this case, the female's father is a former brigadere and he has concieved several bogus charges against him in addition to divorce ( i say they are bogus, because i know the family for 25 years atleast).

This is all happened when we have embarked on dajjals feminist revolution and started drafting all kind of pro-female legalities and rules changing the balance between male and female as ordained by Allah SWT. I feel shattered to see this. We need to kickstart a campaign to stop this fanatic course of destruction.

Question. Do you know why they divorced. Kiya aapnai pucho dono sai kabhi? If no, then better you don't throw around ur theories of feminism and dajjal around.

If women were empowered in Pakistan there would be a lot more divorces because men of our society are fucked up.

Do you see dramas, man hitting woman is normalized, woman is expected to bear with it and have patience, not complain, keep everyone happy sacrificing herself. We may not like it, but it depicts reality.
Hi Everyone @Oscar @Horus @Windjammer @Everyone else

I have recently seen four marriages dissolving and family going into disarray with destruction of family and children. This is all what i have seen in last one year. All have come from our military class and not the high officers class but from relatively decently educated middle grade young officers class. The divorce rates are already astonishingly high in civilian classes and that is all due to the 'faminine revolution' and rules being drafted in legislature giving females unprecedented rights in name of female liberty. Most certainly these females living with young officers are not oppressed, they come from good origins, have good education. They are not like the poor unducated class. This is bizzare and i was distressed with that. In one case, the female not only destroyed the life of the young man but also took away the children and now he has to present himself to court every month to meet his children. In this case, the female's father is a former brigadere and he has concieved several bogus charges against him in addition to divorce ( i say they are bogus, because i know the family for 25 years atleast).

This is all happened when we have embarked on dajjals feminist revolution and started drafting all kind of pro-female legalities and rules changing the balance between male and female as ordained by Allah SWT. I feel shattered to see this. We need to kickstart a campaign to stop this fanatic course of destruction.
Honorable Dear Madam,
I personally witness whole family(joint) destruction because of one woman(one of daughter-in-law) …. A happy family got destroyed because she cannot live together after 8 to 9 years of marriage……… Long story short , Her husband faced losses in business and gone bankrupt , and when he had no money left she also left him and took 2 kids with her.....

Feminism , pamper-ly mothers , modern mother-in-laws , lack of patience , Not ready for compromise(in other words not ready for adjustment) and not ready to live in joint family system are the main causes ……
Most important cause is lack of Islamic knowledge !!!!!!! Distance form Islam ,, Not knowing the Haqoq of Husband and Haqoq of wife and family , and in some cases after knowing Haqoqs still do it because of personal vendetta (feminism) against Islam (in reality doing Kufar).
Honorable Dear Madam,
I personally witness whole family(joint) destruction because of one woman(number 3 daughter-in-law) …. A happy family got destroyed because she cannot live together after 8 to 9 years of marriage , business get divided in brothers ……… Long story short , Her husband faced losses in business and gone bankrupt , and when he had no money left she also left him and took 2 kids.....

Feminism , pamper-ly mothers , modern mother-in-laws , lack of patience , Not ready for compromise(in other words not ready for adjustment) and not ready to live in joint family system are the main causes ……
Most important cause is lack of Islamic knowledge !!!!!!! Distance form Islam ,, Not knowing the Haqoq of Husband and Haqoq of wife and family , and in some cases after knowing Haqoqs still do it because of personal vendetta (feminism) against Islam (in reality doing Kufar).

In Islam, she has no responsibility towards her father and mother in law, its her husband's duty.

Aren't you forgetting about her rights. And also, this sounds like the consequence of an arranged marriage where her opinion doesn't matter. If she was acquainted with conditions and allowed to make a decision, it wouldn't have reached to such a point. Sort of what happens when you force stuff.
In Islam, she has no responsibility towards her father and mother in law, its her husband's duty.

Aren't you forgetting about her rights. And also, this sounds like the consequence of an arranged marriage where her opinion doesn't matter. If she was acquainted with conditions and allowed to make a decision, it wouldn't have reached to such a point. Sort of what happens when you force stuff.
Agree but she also cannot force her husband to abandonee his parents and move away …….. From 1000s of years arranged marriages doing way better then love marriages , that is why family oriented societies still sticking to it..
Just look at west ,,,,,,,, they lost every thing in battel of "who is better" , "Why I do it". …… Islam tell us to Give respect and take good care of not only your family (Father-mother) but also Family(mother and father) of your wife....
Husband take care of his wife and her family for whole of his life in retune she (wife) cannot take care of his family . In many cases she even wont allow (look around you) . This is destroying our family system.
I really can't believe how insecure the people on here are about women having their rights, having self awareness, and being able to make decisions.

Few points to note.

1. Feminism in west is very different from feminism in Pakistan. In west, they have equal rights, Feminism focuses on wage gap, and socially invisible gender constraints which are debatable. But in Pakistan, women don't have equal rights to begin with.

2. OP is saying divorces are rampant based on his personal experience. Statistically, divorces in Pakistan are one of the lowest, again due to cultural reasons and norms.

3. Who is to blame for the increasing divorces though? Feminism, domestic violences, ghosts, aliens? How about you try asking the women. We are empowering women, they are becoming more aware of their well being and their rights. In a country where domestic violence is so normal and common, it is obvious that with empowerment of women, divorce rate will go up.

It's your choice.
Either keep 50% of the population uneducated, disempowered, and not have to deal with domestic violence issues and misogyny (she's the one to blame, not me, blah blah). Or...
Empower the 50% of the population so that your country can go forward, and deal with domestic violence and misogyny which will result in less rapes as well (happening weekly nowadays in our fake Islamic republic, or Islamic only by law and name) as men will stop blaming their dressing.

Who's the man that said: "No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you."

So, empower, or not empower. You decide.

Agree but she also cannot force her husband to abandonee his parents and move away …….. From 1000s of years arranged marriages doing way better then love marriages , that is why family oriented societies still sticking to it..
Just look at west ,,,,,,,, they lost every thing in battel of "who is better" , "Why I do it". …… Islam tell us to Give respect and take good care of not only your family (Father-mother) but also Family(mother and father) of your wife....
Husband take care of his wife and her family for whole of his life in retune she (wife) cannot take care of his family . In many cases she even wont allow (look around you) . This is destroying our family system.

Yes, she can't force her husband. So if she was given a choice in marriage, she wouldn't have selected him as she didn't want such a constraint.

What if she doesn't want to move away from her parents? What will you say to that?

You have any manners?


Manners apko nahi hein jo apna mou domestic violence cases orr marital rape per band rakhte hein, likin ek dum sai divorce pai apni tang pasah leitai hain.
And also, this sounds like the consequence of an arranged marriage where her opinion doesn't matter.
Actually in love marriages her opinion doesn't matter
Reason is she can't return to her parents home but a love marriage with parents consent is like arranged

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