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High-powered laser-based weapons for Arjun Mk-II

I agree GogBot , It will take time . Not possible for DRDO alone .
They want some other agency to help them out . BARC perhaps wrt to "KALI "

BARC : P&PPD : Development of High Power Pulsed Electron Accelarators
fUSION Anomaly. Kali

KALI and laser is completely different systems. KALI-5000 can be used as a beam weapon not laser weapon. For laser we have DURGA. When KALI-5000 was commissioned in early 2000/2001 it was mentioned that it will have strategic application but there after they kept silent about it. Its was little bit bulky and required very high amount of fuel so they went for KALI-10000 more power full, compact and more efficient but its not revealed yet.

DURGA means Directionally Unrestricted Ray-Gun Array which generates high energy laser.

Why do you think that its not possible for DRDO. Yes DRDO has continuous cooperation with BARC/DAE etc so it can be a joint product, if not already. If DRDO is working on airborne laser, I think it is very much possible for DRDO to develop such system. But they have to work a lot before making it small enough to mount on a MBT.

Direct LASTEC website mentions.......

LASTEC (Laser Science and Technology Centre)

Mission: Develop and deliver directed energy weapon systems for the services. Carry out advanced research in the field of Lasers, Photonics and Opto-Electronics.



Laser Science and Technology Centre (LASTEC) is a laboratory of the Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO). Located in Delhi, it is the main DRDO lab involved in the development of Lasers and related technologies. LASTEC functions under the DRDO Directorate of Electronics & Computer Science.

Areas of Work

LASTEC's primary focus is the research and development of various laser materials, components and laser systems, including High Power Lasers (HPL) for defence-applications. The main charter of the lab revolves around progressing in areas of Photonics, Electro-Optic Counter Measures (EOCM), low and High Power Lasers (HPL). LASTEC also develops and delivers directed energy weapon systems for the Indian Armed Forces, based on High-power laser technology.

Laser Science and Technology Centre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its will be much easier than many of the requirements IA considering for FMBT.
^^^^^^. I never said KALI and LASER are same thing .

I gave example of KALI bcoz like LASER it can be also a Directional Beam Weapon if configured, and KALI has been put to use already .
DRDO has no such history of system in operation , BARC has one . JV will definitely reduce the time of Development
DRDO (lastech) has already demonstrated table top size lasers, with equally small power pack, to drill hole in steel. Can do it on fast moving object. That is, the laser system is ready. Now, what is required is, as "Indian Army" mentioned earlier, mini mmwr and sensor fusion. This is going to take a long time. Or may be recent jv and tot teach something.
By thw way are ther any futuristic tank in the world in making which have these so called laser systems, or any other tank which currently has it?
By thw way are ther any futuristic tank in the world in making which have these so called laser systems, or any other tank which currently has it?

No , system in the world currently uses laser for active defence the closest would be the Israeli "trophy" system.

However Throphy does not use lasers.
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Then I will agree with Gogbot.

The point here is if no one is using such systems and not even getting such systems in 5 years, then its pointless by IA to expect such a system from DRDO.

The IA needs to get realistic here in what can be expected from an organization.
here the real doc is:


check from page 20 title: "Armour"

20. Armour has been constantly finding ways to increase mobility, protection and fire power to enhance survivability. The proliferation of number of hand held weapons, top attack munitions, land mines, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) as well as involvement of armour in urban and 4th Generation Warfare has necessitated a new look at these issues and enhance the vital ingredients of survivability of tanks.


21. Automotive System : Diesels and Turbines. Developers of Armed Fighting Vehicles (AFV) are expected to continue to desire more power, light weight, a smaller package, and reasonably long life of propulsion system. In order to achieve ‘extraordinary’ acceleration, it is necessary to couple conventional diesel engine to a turbine. The ‘Hyberbar’ engine will be able to accelerate from zero to full power at 1,500 hp in 2.8 seconds, while conventional diesel engine requires 8-12 seconds. The quest for more compact power pack has led to renewed interest in gas turbines, which needs to be explored.

22. All Electric Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs). A fundamental step in designing a diesel-electric drive involves coupling a high-power-density motor with a magneto-electro dynamic generation and replacing the variable mechanised transmission with a similar electromechanical model.

23. Tracks and Suspension. Continuous-band tracks are a design alternate that reduces track weight, maintenance, and acoustic signal of light AFVs. Active suspension system with sensors, control units, and a hydraulic power source in combination, is needed to automatically alter the suspension characteristics to more closely match the speed of the vehicle and the terrain profile, especially in Indian terrain conditions.


24. Survivability. The survivability of armoured vehicles on the battlefield involves basic principles of remaining undetected; if detected, avoid being hit; if hit, stop the penetration; and if penetrated, survive. The most obvious way to prevent being hit is to minimise the possibility of detection by making the armoured vehicle small and compact and as difficult to detect by a variety of battlefield sensors including radar, acoustic and electro-optical system, as possible.

25. Signature Management. Current and expected future threat scenarios require signature management measures of a multi spectral type, and they require an extremely short reaction time. Indian Army (IA) requires signature management in design measures, basic camouflage, additional camouflage and temporary camouflage.

26. Armour Protection. The main battlefield threats against tanks are Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGMs), unguided anti tank rockets and grenades; shaped charge High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) gun rounds; Kinetic Energy (KE) gun rounds; and top-attack weapons like intelligent sub-munitions, terminally guided artillery rounds, etc. There is a need for developing Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA). Given optimised designs, integrated ERA offers tanks highly effective protection against both the penetrators of Armoured Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) projectiles and the jets of shaped charge weapons, including those with tandem warheads.

27. Material. Increasing the level of protection of a vehicle involves considerations of cost and weight. We require high-performance armour system with advance materials including:-
(a) Reduced penetration by most lethal weapons.
(b) Elimination of parasitic mass leading to a weight reduction.
(c) Excellent corrosion resistance.
(d) Inherent thermal and acoustic insulation properties.

28. Soft Kill Sensors. Our tanks need Infra Red (IR) detectors, target identification systems, laser warning systems, radar warning receivers and devices to coordinate their signal and instantaneously control a countermeasures suite. These countermeasures fall into two categories: soft-kill system and hard-kill system. The soft kill sensors must discriminate true and false targets and they must discriminate between missiles or other rounds that threaten the vehicle being protected and those that will miss or are aimed at other targets.

29. Hard-Kill System. We need Automatic Protection Systems (APS) for tanks. The radar should determine threat levels adequately, and the self-defence rockets should not cause high levels of collateral damage, particularly to accompanying dismounted infantry.


30. Electronic Weapons. Conventional tube weapons are the product of a mature technology, and have now reached a high level of performance. However, on account of the gas-dynamic processes of thermally transformed powder, the muzzle velocity of projectiles is theoretically limited to approximately 2,300 m/s. Contemporary tank guns still offer a considerable growth potential, and electronic guns will be able to exceed this and become an attractive proposition.

31. Tank-fired Missiles. Such missiles, which carry shaped-charge warheads, were susceptible to various countermeasures, especially reactive armour. Now, it seems reasonable to expect development of high velocity KE missiles with heavy-metal, long-rod penetrators to defeat current and future tanks both within and beyond line of sight. Such extended-range missiles would enable armoured vehicles to engage targets beyond the direct fire zone.

32. Fire Control System (FCS). Ground sensors, non-line-of-sight launch system and the network capability will enhance soldiers’ understanding of their situation in dynamic battlefield conditions by promoting a common perspective of enemy and friendly locations on digital maps and provide timely actionable intelligence.

33. Simulators for Training. Need to manufacture modern simulators using lasers, micro-processors and magnetic tapes, thereby creating near actual combat conditions during training.

34. Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT). A futuristic design for an MBT to meet our long term requirements should be pursued. Futuristic tanks could incorporate the following technology:-

(a) Develop an Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system for our tanks, to obviate chances of own tanks firing at each other in battle.

(b) Reliable and secure mobile communication system capable of data transmission, audio and video conference.

(c) Stealth technology including paints/materials to provide limited invisibility in IR/visible spectrum and for scrambling and avoidance of detection.

(d) Development of driving, gunnery and tactical simulators.

(e) The high/medium-energy level (100 kJ) vehicle-mounted laser is expected to be a lethality option against rockets, air vehicles, light ground vehicles, antennas of armoured vehicles and electro-optical sensors.

(f) Protection in the form of soft-kill system requires IR detectors, laser warning, radar warning and devices to instantaneously integrate these signals and control a countermeasure suite. Such systems are threat specific so all would have to be carried on a vehicle to gain protection against more than one part of the EM threat spectrum.

(g) Hard-kill system to provide full-spectrum defence against top attack weapons, ATGMs, guided missiles and gun-launched KE and HEAT rounds.

(h) Hybrid electric vehicle technology.

(j) Digital vehicle electronics (vetronics) will provide intra-vehicle and inter-vehicle communication capability that will greatly improve sit awareness and enhance operational effectiveness.

It seems it may be in fact some , idea for the FMBT which 15 years away
Kewl Down guys...if for some reason IA reject MKII they will have to share it...This is democracy :)...Now tell me how on this earth they can reject a tank for some super duper High Powered Laser based weapons which they cannot get from anywhere else????

Arjun MKI has already proved that it is better than the current MBT... Arjun MKII is definitely going to be even better...As far as T-90 deals is concerned and it is still on...T-95 deal is scrapped...May i ask what other platform that you guys think will IA go if not MKII???

Secondly the way we are discussing is that it was Army who was responsible for Arjun MKI saga...Mind it i am not saying kickbacks were not involved however we need to understand the sensitive relation between buyer and seller...Once you loose the trust(undermining DRDO capability, Constant Lags, So may issues in the end-product) it is very hard to bring it back....Possible reasons for Army brass to take it that long before finally inducting Arjun....If Arjun MKII is going to give our Army the much needed punch and superiority over its adversaries then i have little doubt this tank would be inducted and that too in numbers...

Last but not the least i was under the impression that any further tank induction in Army would be FMBTA apart from the orders that are already in Place...Seems i was wrong...
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Kewl Down guys...if for some reason IA reject MKII they will have to share it...This is democracy ...Now tell me how on this earth they can reject a tank for some super duper High Powered Laser based weapons which they cannot get from anywhere else????

See I dont think I am against army here...However you will agree with me that even though there was a lag in the Tank building process, the army didnt even contribute towards "Motivating" DRDO. I dont even see these orders of additional 124 tanks not a very motivating factor for DRDO but just a face saving activity for them selves (possibility).

You could very well arrive at a conckusion that there may be a time when they will again oppose Arjun MkII, possible, Can we deny the fact? no...
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