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Hiding True Muslim Population Demographics


Sep 8, 2009
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For long time we have heard the rational that India is a large 1 billion people nation however ,
when it comes to Muslim rights , the people (Muslims) are told that Muslims are a minority for most of the high perk roles

In 1947 , a general consensus was that their were as many Muslims in Pakistan , as were in India

1947 Pakistan included (West Pakistan (Modern Pakistan) , and East Pakistan (Bangladesh)

  • Today in 2019 Pakistan's population is 220 Million people
  • Today in 2019 Bangladesh boasts a population of 140 Million People

So by that account , using a comparative analysis , Indian Muslim Population should
  • 360 Million Muslims

However India claims Indian Muslims are only "172 Million people"

So here is the million dollar question , if two demographics of same people start with same population , one in Pakistan and one in India , then why is it that one totals 360 Million people in 2019 and while the one inside India is only counted to 172 million people?

Indian Muslims can form a own country , and they would rank at least #8 on world population ranking !!!

For long time we have heard the rational that India is a large 1 billion people nation however ,
when it comes to Muslim rights , the people (Muslims) are told that Muslims are a minority for most of the high perk roles

In 1947 , a general consensus was that their were as many Muslims in Pakistan , as were in India

1947 Pakistan included (West Pakistan (Modern Pakistan) , and East Pakistan (Bangladesh)

  • Today in 2019 Pakistan's population is 220 Million people
  • Today in 2019 Bangladesh boasts a population of 140 Million People

So by that account , using a comparative analysis , Indian Muslim Population should
  • 360 Million Muslims

However India claims Indian Muslims are only "172 Million people"

So here is the million dollar question , if two demographics of same people start with same population , one in Pakistan and one in India , then why is it that one totals 360 Million people in 2019 and while the one inside India is only counted to 172 million people?
Extremist Hindus claim muslims are 25 crores
This is thought provoking question and we need to think about it.
If Indian Muslims feel threatened by Hidutva idealogy , or anti Muslim stance , may be it is time for them to demand a separate state

I was astonished , I could not figure out , how can Indian Muslim population register so low , vs (Pakistan + Bangladesh) population, when in 1947 the population on both side of border was I think declared same

Is their un registered muslims inside India or the counting has been rigged ?

Population Control in Muslim concentrated Provinces or Sikh Provinces
Source of the image "THE HINDU NEWS PAPER"



I came across this map , of Birth Control , Population control it seems areas where muslims and sikh are in high concentration they have a birth control program running this is from a hindu news website

While areas where mostly hindus live their is no following of any birth control
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They have sufficient population to form a country

There is no reason why they must be forced into a union with hindutvas
hmm Birth control ...only in Muslim concentrated provinces very dodgy ...I just exposed that

Modi Gujrat has worse compliance ....for birth control
Creating a designer country / race :coffee::big_boss:

Shades of hitler

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For long time we have heard the rational that India is a large 1 billion people nation however ,
when it comes to Muslim rights , the people (Muslims) are told that Muslims are a minority for most of the high perk roles

In 1947 , a general consensus was that their were as many Muslims in Pakistan , as were in India

1947 Pakistan included (West Pakistan (Modern Pakistan) , and East Pakistan (Bangladesh)

  • Today in 2019 Pakistan's population is 220 Million people
  • Today in 2019 Bangladesh boasts a population of 140 Million People

So by that account , using a comparative analysis , Indian Muslim Population should
  • 360 Million Muslims

However India claims Indian Muslims are only "172 Million people"

So here is the million dollar question , if two demographics of same people start with same population , one in Pakistan and one in India , then why is it that one totals 360 Million people in 2019 and while the one inside India is only counted to 172 million people?

Indian Muslims can form a own country , and they would rank at least #8 on world population ranking !!!
View attachment 576636

The one big issue with this is, if they were in such numbers how does one explain the BJP recording its biggest win ever this year? This also their second term. Pakistan has also had a higher birth rate than Indian Muslims hence explaining the large Pakistani population now.
One thing I am aware is that they have ban on Muslims getting access to housing and condo , in Hindu Dominated areas , the land lords simply do not rent out homes to Muslim families and this impacts the electorate as well

I think I heard documentary that Muslim working class have difficult time to get housing in good areas of city

So what happens is that Hindutva idealogy mindset folks dominate during voting times

Muslim vote is spread across , so collectively their vote cannot result in sufficient number of representatives in Parliament and this means lack of voice

Their are 200-250 million Muslims but they have been so widely segregated that their is hardly any Muslim representation in Government

Secondary Source

Alternative article
Mumbai, India - Across northern and central India, a campaign advocating for a population control law is gaining momentum.

The movement ostensibly seeks to raise awareness over the need to restrain India's population of 1.34 billion, second only to China's 1.39 billion.

But its subtext reflects a core belief of right-wing Hindu organisations: that Muslims are trying to "overtake" Hindus.

The campaign, underpinned by Islamophobia, is being promoted in the real and online worlds.

Facebook posts spread the conspiracy theory that the number of India's Muslims - currently about 200 million - will at some point surpass the 966 million-strong Hindu population, as WhatsApp groups share messages stirring fear and hatred.

And offline, public meetings are being held, blaming Muslims for India's population explosion.

The Jansankhya Samadhan Foundation (or Population Resolution Foundation) NGO, for instance, is travelling across northern India, gathering support for a two-day march to New Delhi, planned for October.

"If we don't bring in a law now, India will see a civil war very soon," said Chaudhary, the head the NGO, in an interview with Al Jazeera.

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