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Hezbullah : Saudi arms purchase from USA threat to IRAN

i am not sure who he is But most Pakistanis with intelligence support Iran over house of saud any day by the way when these arms are Baught with the agreement not to be used against Israel so basically you are buying these arms to kill Muslims with it.

And this hypothetical agreement is made when?? was it made by a hypothetical report?
Hizbullah declared terrorist by a terrorist state no the difference by the way every time you come across any tamil they say Sri lanka is a terrorist state would you agree with that statement also.

UK ban on Hezbollah terrorists

The military arm of Lebanese political party Hezbollah has been added to the government's list of organisations banned under the Terrorism Act 2000.

It means it is now a criminal offence for anyone in the UK to be a member of the party's military structure, raise funds or encourage support for it.

The ban does not apply to Hezbollah's political, social or humanitarian work.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said the move was not a surprise from a country that helped create Israel.

There are now 45 international organisations on the government's banned list.

'Supports terrorism'

Hezbollah's external security organisation was already banned, but this has been extended to a ban on the party's entire military structure.

Home Office minister Tony McNulty said what the government sees as the party's military wing was providing active support to militants in Iraq, including training in the use of deadly roadside bombs.

"It is because of this support for terrorism in Iraq and Occupied Palestinian Territories that the government has taken this action.

"Proscription of Hezbollah's military wing will not affect the legitimate political, social and humanitarian role Hezbollah plays in Lebanon, but it sends out a clear message that we condemn its violence and support for terrorism."

BBC NEWS | UK | UK ban on Hezbollah military arm
UK ban on Hezbollah terrorists

The military arm of Lebanese political party Hezbollah has been added to the government's list of organisations banned under the Terrorism Act 2000.

It means it is now a criminal offence for anyone in the UK to be a member of the party's military structure, raise funds or encourage support for it.

The ban does not apply to Hezbollah's political, social or humanitarian work.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said the move was not a surprise from a country that helped create Israel.
There are now 45 international organisations on the government's banned list.

'Supports terrorism'

Hezbollah's external security organisation was already banned, but this has been extended to a ban on the party's entire military structure.

Home Office minister Tony McNulty said what the government sees as the party's military wing was providing active support to militants in Iraq, including training in the use of deadly roadside bombs.

"It is because of this support for terrorism in Iraq and Occupied Palestinian Territories that the government has taken this action.

"Proscription of Hezbollah's military wing will not affect the legitimate political, social and humanitarian role Hezbollah plays in Lebanon, but it sends out a clear message that we condemn its violence and support for terrorism."

BBC NEWS | UK | UK ban on Hezbollah military arm

Dahhhhhhhhhhh Really UK isn't a western state favoring Israel Dahhhhhhhh Really.
Hizbullah declared terrorist by a terrorist state no the difference by the way every time you come across any tamil they say Sri lanka is a terrorist state would you agree with that statement also.

Hezbollah a terrorist group, I will stand by my comment.

Until now Hezbollah saved due to support from Syria, We know what happens in Syria now.

If the current Syrian regime falls, it will be disaster for Hezbollah.

Turkey strictly monitoring Hezbollah PKK connections, if Hezbollah PKK connections confirmed you can see a strong reaction from Turkey.
And this hypothetical agreement is made when?? was it made by a hypothetical report?

Washington — Almost everyone seems ecstatic about the biggest arms sale in U.S. history, a recently announced $60 billion deal with Saudi Arabia.

The celebrants include the Saudis, who will receive hundreds of high-end aircraft; American defense firms that will pocket huge profits from the agreement; unions whose members will have ample assembly lines to staff; and the Obama administration, which has succeeded in shoring up its strategic position in the Middle East against Iran.

But one of the most important parties involved in the negotiations for this huge deal is making its position clear simply through its silence. Israel and its supporters in the United States have chosen to quietly allow the deal to pass unopposed Congress.

This silence is explained both by behind-the-scenes agreements, reached between Washington and Jerusalem regarding the details of the deal, and by the new strategic map of the Middle East, which puts Israel and the Saudis on the same side, facing Iran as a common enemy.
The administration made clear from the start that Israel had been consulted before finalizing the deal. “I think it’s fair to say that based on what we’ve heard at high levels, Israel does not object to this sale,” said Alexander Vershbow, assistant secretary of defense for international and security affairs, in an October 20 briefing at the State Department.

These consultations, according to Israeli sources, included meetings between Defense Secretary Robert Gates and his Israeli counterpart Ehud Barak, as well as more detailed working-level discussions. Barak’s message, the sources said, was that Israel had to “choose its battles” and would not try and fight this deal.

“We’re not thrilled about it,” said Jonathan Peled, spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Washington, “but we have a good, continuous and close dialogue with the administration and a strong, ongoing commitment to maintain Israel’s military edge.”

This commitment is the key to Israel’s decision to sit out this debate. Equally important, the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Washington-based pro-Israel lobby, is following Israel’s lead.
Also, the American aircraft will be delivered to the Saudis with certain “technical safeguards”—such as limits on their firing systems and radar software—that would give Israel, with its high-end countermeasures, the upper hand in the unlikely event the weapons were ever turned against it.

In the past, the U.S. also made sure that Arab countries receiving advanced technology would be fully dependent on American parts and support, thus retaining America’s ability to pull the plug if arms are used against Israel.

“The U.S. did a good job of convincing Israelis,” said Michael Knights, a military expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He added that in exchange for its acceptance of America’s need to strengthen the Saudi military, Israel could be well compensated on its next arms request. “The fact that Israel is playing ball will definitely be taken into account,” Knights said.

I hope you can read the above and understand it.
Hezbollah a terrorist group, I will stand by my comment.

Until now Hezbollah saved due to support from Syria, We know what happens in Syria now.

If the current Syrian regime falls, it will be disaster for Hezbollah.

Turkey strictly monitoring Hezbollah PKK connections, if Hezbollah PKK connections confirmed you can see a strong reaction from Turkey.

You can stand by any thing you want like it makes a difference to the people that are civilized or have eyes and brains my bad do u need me to make text bigger so u can understand it . i asked you a simple question you keep avoiding it Tamils consider Sri lanka a terrorist state western states you mention also took 100000 of 10000s of Tamils as refugees accepting there application as people on the run cause the state they are living in is killing them what do u say about that and if u cant answer that i suggest get back to the topic.
You can stand by any thing you want like it makes a difference to the people that are civilized or have eyes and brains my bad do u need me to make text bigger so u can understand it . i asked you a simple question you keep avoiding it Tamils consider Sri lanka a terrorist state western states you mention also took 100000 of 10000s of Tamils as refugees accepting there application as people on the run cause the state they are living in is killing them what do u say about that and if u cant answer that i suggest get back to the topic.

Business as usual between Turkey & Israel

Turkey and Israel continues to rise on the sale of military and other goods.

While Turkey purchases high-tech defense-industry equipment from Israel, the military goods going the other way mostly include boots and uniforms. “Turkey dresses the Israeli army, mainly exporting army boots,” said an executive from Turkey’s Yakupoğlu, who spoke to the Hürriyet Daily News on Monday on condition of anonymity.

The company manufactures materials in Ankara and exports them to Israel. Despite the political problems between the two countries, there has been no interruption in the firm’s business thus far, the executive said.

The export of military boots constitutes just a tiny portion of the long-standing trade relations between the two parties, and both Turkish and Israeli businessmen are enjoying a golden age of trade as official figures indicate that commercial bonds are stronger than ever.

Trade between Israel and Turkey increased by 25 percent between 2009 and 2010, and by 40 percent in the first quarter of 2011 compared with the same period last year. Bilateral trade by the end of last year peaked at $3.442 billion, up from $2.580 billion in 2009.

“Turkey and Israel’s business relations are getting stronger despite the political conflicts,” Uriel Lynn, the president of the Tel Aviv & Central Israeli Chamber of Commerce, told the Hürriyet Daily News on Monday.

“Turks and Israelis are not in a fight – the trade boom in both countries proves that,” said Lynn, adding that the “bilateral trade and investments have not been affected by the political situation at all.”

‘Free market wins’

“The main sectors in the recent increase of the bilateral trade volume [between Turkey and Israel] are mainly chemicals and metals,” Lynn said, noting there are several reasons for this increase and “none of them is connected with the political situation.”

He said both countries are enjoying the rise based on free trade agreements and economic growth. “The bonds between the Turkish and Israeli business sectors are still strong,” Lynn said. “All the reasons prove that in spite of political disagreement, the free market wins.”

Turkey made exports worth $2.083 billion while importing $1.359 billion worth of goods from Israel last year, according to Turkish Statistical Institute, or TurkStat, figures. In the first three months of 2011, Turkey exported products worth $579.3 million to Israel and imported goods worth $397.3 million.

Iron, steel, automotive products, oil and oil products, electrical machinery, chemicals, building materials, ready-wear products and metal goods are the main products exported from Turkey to Israel. In addition, there has been a rise in exports from Turkey of plastics, textiles, semi-precious stones and transportation equipment, according to the Israeli Chamber of Commerce.

Biggest trade partner

Turkey is currently Israel’s biggest trade partner in the region and its second-biggest in the world, following the United States, according to Ahmet Reyiz Yılmaz, the head of Yılmazlar Group, which has been undertaking large construction projects in Israel for many years.

He said Turkey could replace the United States in trade with Israel if the volume keeps climbing at its current pace.

Business as usual between Turkey, Israel - Hurriyet Daily News
what does this has to do with topic or my question.

we all no u cut and paste topics on this forum never ever are u involved in discussion and now i can see why.

To Cheetah786

Mate you need to understand regional politics first, calling my country Sri Lanka a terrorist state unacceptable I won’t use harsh comments like you.

Please check the UN Banned Non-state actors list, then you can see how many Non-state actors connected to your country Pakistan on the list.

Back to topic

Economically both Iran & Saudi Arabia depends on Oil & Gas Exports to maintain a healthy growth, so a military conflict between them wont happen.

Enter of Turkey

Turkey the main player in that region, Turkey will play a key role.

regional politics

To Cheetah786

Mate you need to understand regional politics first, calling my country Sri Lanka a terrorist state unacceptable I won’t use harsh comments like you.

Please check the UN Banned Non-state actors list, then you can see how many Non-state actors connected to your country Pakistan on the list.

Back to topic

Economically both Iran & Saudi Arabia depends on Oil & Gas Exports to maintain a healthy growth, so a military conflict between them wont happen.

Enter of Turkey

Turkey the main player in that region, Turkey will play a key role.

I understand regional politics more then u in any given time of the day we are not discussing regional politics or economics here so stop going of the track purposely you made a statement and then stood by it at the same time you consider others making same statement about you harsh funny what you can dish it but cant take it.

western countries or western controlled agencies declaring Hizbullah or any other anti Israel organization any thing means jack all as i said any body with little intelligence no the reason behind it so unless u wanna discuss tropic i am done with you as you are trying desperately to find a corner to hang on to.
I understand regional politics more then u in any given time of the day we are not discussing regional politics or economics here so stop going of the track purposely you made a statement and then stood by it at the same time you consider others making same statement about you harsh funny what you can dish it but cant take it.

western countries or western controlled agencies declaring Hizbullah or any other anti Israel organization any thing means jack all as i said any body with little intelligence no the reason behind it so unless u wanna discuss tropic i am done with you as you are trying desperately to find a corner to hang on to.
we can see what happens in Middle east with in just 2 months.... let's see. Who understand regional politics then.
I understand regional politics more then u in any given time of the day we are not discussing regional politics or economics here so stop going of the track purposely you made a statement and then stood by it at the same time you consider others making same statement about you harsh funny what you can dish it but cant take it.

western countries or western controlled agencies declaring Hizbullah or any other anti Israel organization any thing means jack all as i said any body with little intelligence no the reason behind it so unless u wanna discuss tropic i am done with you as you are trying desperately to find a corner to hang on to.
mate, before going around middle east, try to stop Nato attacks on Pakistan.

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