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Hey PDF members: Are You Left Wing or Right Wing? Take the Test

Economic Left/Right: -4.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.67

Economic Left/Right: -3.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.18

Economic Left/Right: -2.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.31


Wow, this chart just undermined the credibility of the test. Ed Milliband, Julia Gillard, Herman van Rompuy, Mario Monti... and Jacob Zuma as authoritarian right-wingers? You have got to be kidding me.
I am too afraid to take the test..........i fear for my inner monster to pop out in front of me and enslave the likes of u:devil:

Muahahahaha, you can never enslave me. I'll invoke the spirit of Stalin and Mao to crush all you fascist minions. I'll smash your feeble capitalist Z5 with my secondhand proletarian Nokia 3310.

Is it me or is that your favorite emoticon? :lol:

Didn't even notice that, I was so distracted by the others. This test must have been created by an anarcho-communist.

The qualitative questionnaire battery had very leading questions, too. The choice of wording and the examples....lol

Just for reference and fun like the HR personal style test.

Hu Jintao should not be so-called 'right wing'.
Economic Left/Right: -2.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.31

Do you know of An Lushan? I think you would like his life history.

As for the Authoritarian belief, i credit this to observational and environmental learning.

We Japanese tend to be pro-authoritarian in nature, it is imbedded in our Bushido social construct -- which defines Japanese society as a whole.

I like more recent figures like Mao, Che Guevara, etc. :devil:

Yea I think views about Authoritarian/Libertarianism depends on the environment and society we live in. If we are all living in a perfect Utopia right now, most of us would then be pure Libertarian.
Muahahahaha, you can never enslave me. I'll invoke the spirit of Stalin and Mao to crush all you fascist minions. I'll smash your feeble capitalist Z5 with my secondhand proletarian Nokia 3310.

I have a full metal monster turbine pro copper too to withstand ur communist pressures:bunny:

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