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Hey fellow Chinese, important message

Gee, I must have missed something. What do the Chinese have to brag about anyway? I agree they should keep a low profile until they have achieved something worthy of admiration.

The Chinese have achievements. But now is not the time to celebrate.

And you have nothing to be smug about.
The Chinese have achievements. But now is not the time to celebrate.

And you have nothing to be smug about.

Do you mean that we only can celebrate when we are the only super power of the world?
Gee, I must have missed something. What do the Chinese have to brag about anyway? I agree they should keep a low profile until they have achieved something worthy of admiration. Excellent idea, chineseexpat! :china: :china: :china: :china: :china: :china:

well this is the whole point, in the short term view we have gone from broken 3rd world country to second largest economy on earth but in the long term view the current china is comparatively weak when view next to what the Chinese people have achieved in the past, thus nothing to really brag about but must continue working hard until one day the nation, the people and the culture is once again back to the place that it was in so often in the past(ie: the top or near it), even then work must continue to keep that place...
whats wrong in celebrating even small achievements...life is made up of small moments...just dont overdo it and dont brag about it...:cheers:
Celebrating a little won't be harmful but some Chinese posters on this forum go way overboard in celebrating. That's not okay. In fact it's an indication of an insecure personality.
whats wrong in celebrating even small achievements...life is made up of small moments...just dont overdo it and dont brag about it...:cheers:

yes but braging is going too far the only one should brag is when one is indeed the BEST
Lol even when one is the best one should not brag! :)

sry i meant to say "can" not "should" when the usa says we have the best military no one laughs, when iran says this however....
sry i meant to say "can" not "should" when the usa says we have the best military no one laughs, when iran says this however....

I see, i see

Yeah it is quite easy for misunderstandings to occur on internet.
When you are talking to someone, only 20% is expressed through words in your speech, 30% through tones of voice and 50% through facial expression.

One the forum you have only 20% left. Which I guess is why they have smileys and stuff.

Doesn't hurt to be proud, just don't addict to it. Knowing the strength of ourselves is good, knowing the weakness is better.
Isn't there a western saying "pride comes before the fall". I guess then don't let (bloated) pride arrive, and you can prevent yourself from falling. There's no point in having an inferiority complex either. That's probably just as bad. Believe in yourself, keep up the good work, and maintain a 'low profile' to avoid making other countries nervous to the point of your own detriment. China's doing mighty fine up till now given where they're coming from. This is just some fine tuning at best.
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