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Here are the world's largest weapons exporters

And where/how do you think Janes gets its information? How is its information more reliable than Sipri's?

Anyway, its is besides the point as directly comparing the Janes and the Sipri amounts is comparing apples (Current prices) and oranges (constant prices).

I am not comparing them at all, and i never said that Janes information is more reliable. I just commented on information provided by SIPRI, so i can't really figure it out how you came to these conclusions.
You did notice that SIPRI numbers are expressed in ( "standardized to") 1990 constant dollars? As opposed to Janes numbers, which are current dollars? Do you understand the difference? It explains why the Janes number is larger.

Also, as indicated, I took from SIPRI only those states receiving from Israel 'arms' for a value of $100million or more. Obviously, that's not all Israeli clients. To make it perfectly clear: I left out the small(er) fry. So, in answer to your silly question: no, I do not believe Israel exports to only 8 countries.

And yes, as you can tell, the Netherlands, Spain and Ukrainde did end up higher in their ranking, for good reason (as there are big ticket items in their 2011-2015 basket)

And where/how do you think Janes gets its information? How is its information more reliable than Sipri's?

Anyway, its is besides the point as directly comparing the Janes and the Sipri amounts is comparing apples (Current prices) and oranges (constant prices).
about israel is relible is published by defence office of israel its official janes is relible source and i dont care about 1990 constant dollars we in 2017 now show we detalis about 2010-2015 detalis of every county thats what metter

Fill in: 1990, $2,594,000,000.00, 2015.

If in 1990 I purchased an item for $2,594,000,000 then in 2016 that same item would cost: $4,763,413,603.67

Essentially, the SIPRI number of $2.6billion for Israel in the period 2011-2015 in constant dollars (1990) is comparable to $4.8 billion in current dollars. Cumulative rate of inflation:83.6%

So, comparing to "5-7.5 bilion", then worst case Sipri has not listed 2.5 bilion. Having said that, please note that "5-7.5 billion" worth of Israeli arm exports 2010-2015 (which is 1 year more than Sipri's 2011-2015!) isn't exactly accurate: 7.5 billion is 50% more than 5 billion.....!

about israel is relible is published by defence office of israel its official janes is relible source and i dont care about 1990 constant dollars we in 2017 now show we detalis about 2010-2015 detalis of every county thats what metter
If so published, why would Sipri not use is? As for the second part of your reply, see the calculation. If you don't examine what numbers you are using, then don't yell out that Sipri is wrong (if you don't examine what is reported, you don't know what you are comparing)
7.5 bilion is record year in 2012 from then there is some
Downward trend 2015 was 5.7 bilion dollar wich is more than spain
hope 2016 will be better
What is the difference between current and constant data?
← Currencies

Data reported in current (or “nominal”) prices for each year are in the value of the currency for that particular year. For example, current price data shown for 1990 are based on 1990 prices, for 2000 are based on 2000 prices, and so on. Other series in World Development Indicators (WDI) show data in "constant" or "real" terms. Constant series show the data for each year in the value of a particular base year. Thus, for example, data reported in constant 2010 prices show data for 1990, 2000, and all other years in 2010 prices.

Current series are influenced by the effect of price inflation. Constant series are used to measure the true growth of a series, i.e. adjusting for the effects of price inflation. For example (using year one as the base year), suppose nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rises from 100 billion to 110 billion, and inflation is about 4%. In real prices, the second year GDP would be approximately 106 billion, reflecting its true growth of 6%.

Except for rare instances of deflation (i.e. negative inflation), a country's current price series on a local currency basis will be higher than its constant price series in the years succeeding the constant price base year. However, this relationship does not hold when the data are converted to a common currency such as U.S. dollars. Many countries have had large devaluations of their currency since 1995 (particularly since 1998), which may cause the current dollar series to be lower than the constant dollar series.


7.5 bilion is record year in 2012 from then there is some
Downward trend 2015 was 5.7 bilion dollar wich is more than spain
hope 2016 will be better
There also is a difference between the value of deals signed ("ordered") in a particular year (which is what Janes reported) and the value of equipment and systems actually delivered in a certain year (which is what SIPRI reports). So, again apples and oranges.

Fill in: 1990, $2,594,000,000.00, 2015.

If in 1990 I purchased an item for $2,594,000,000 then in 2016 that same item would cost: $4,763,413,603.67

Essentially, the SIPRI number of $2.6billion for Israel in the period 2011-2015 in constant dollars (1990) is comparable to $4.8 billion in current dollars. Cumulative rate of inflation:83.6%

So, comparing to "5-7.5 bilion", then worst case Sipri has not listed 2.5 bilion. Having said that, please note that "5-7.5 billion" worth of Israeli arm exports 2010-2015 (which is 1 year more than Sipri's 2011-2015!) isn't exactly accurate: 7.5 billion is 50% more than 5 billion.....!

Tell me am i reading this right in case of Serbia. According to SIPRI table for period 2011-2015 Serbia exported goods worth 73 million dollars (in constant dollars), which is comparable to 134$ million in current dollars?
Defense Export measured by the value of contracts signed each year

now we can sell david sling interceptor it will rise this year i hope
Tell me am i reading this right in case of Serbia. According to SIPRI table for period 2011-2015 Serbia exported goods worth 73 million dollars (in constant dollars), which is comparable to 134$ million in current dollars?
That's the calculation, yes. What they do, apparenty, is take value in year x and then express that in 1990 constant dollars.
That's the calculation, yes. What they do, apparenty, is take value in year x and then express that in 1990 constant dollars.

But if you look at national reports for Serbia on SIPRI website, we can see that actual exports were:

For 2011:

Arms and military equipment - 164 015 049$
Dual-use goods - 178 184$

For 2012:

Arms and military equipment - 153 693 181$
Dual-use goods - 3 498 053$

For 2013:

Arms and military equipment - 231 985 766$
Dual-use goods - 17 565$

For 2014:

Arms and military equipment - 267 846 983$
Dual-use goods - 6 080 500$

For 2015 national report is not yet published, but our prime minister declared in national assembly, that Serbian defence industry in 2015 exported goods worth 305 million of dollars. That gives us total value of 1 132 315 164$. I know that dollar value was not the same in all those years, but fluctuations was relatively small.
Well, they do something with their data and they have no reason to incorrectly report, esp. not since apparently they have full data. So, conlusion must be: look at methodology (what do they use from country reports to fill their database)
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