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Here’s what would happen if US tried to strike Russian-backed targets in Syria

Good luck, those SAMs have a range of 400km and are designed to operate under heavy jamming conditions there is also a vast multitude of air defenses, S-400, S-300, Pansir, BUK and more. Some of these systems are designed to intercept cruise missiles.

Yea peice of cake that is why the US lost over 4000 aircraft in Vietnam, most to SAMs.

The SAM location also almost certainly change locations.

Yea, I'm sure it's that easy :lol:

And if that destroyed actually did fire on Russian forces it would be targeted immediately.

Too much Tom Clancy. That Air Base is heavily defended with special forces. Helicopters patrol the base 24 hours a day and Syrian soldiers provide a buffer.

If it would be as easy as you think the base would have been attacked a long time ago.

Wonderful technical analysis. We will take your word.
lol dear america is far ahead
Taking out the SAM batteries is a piece of cake.
They are located by the Russian Air base close to the Mediterranean,
so all you need is a destroyer staying in International Waters firing GPS shells.
Targets provided by satellites.

An even more interesting method would be to create fake targets, inducing the SAM
battery to fire, wasting the missiles.
Once they run out, they are no threat.
One would expect the Dardanelles would be shut, so no replenishment.

Don't rule out Special Forces attacking with ATGM.


MALD-J, now available from the back end of a C-130 (in addition to F-16, F/A-18, B-52)
I guess long range AA defense batteries might be accompanied by the cruise missle killing Pantzir systems. @gambit any thing to add?
Yes...Look closely and ask: How are they flying in formation ?

Cruise missiles are un-manned and un-piloted aircrafts.
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