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Herd immunity achieved in one month, Crowds and traffic jams return to Beijing after the covid outbreak


The west and India must be very upset over China mass celebration of new year 2023 and mass back to normal life's.

You do have the habit of finding the worst possible sources in Internet. Last time you posted Tarek Fatah, now you quoted Jennifer Zeng, a 3rd grade attention-seeking troll. This is the same Zeng who broke the news that Xi is under house arrest.

You need to up your game if you want people to take you seriously.
Precisely, @aziqbal . Such tactics only make viewers hate you and western power more with such obvious lies and bogus source. It backfired instead. Even US major media is not that stupid enough to keep using tricks that exposed so many times.
Chinese must provide negative covid test now to enter US .

PCR test has 30% false negative rate. It will not stop covid from reaching the US from China.

True China: Syria student: a China Western media won't show you​

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