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Henry Kissinger On Why US lost in Afghanistan.

I believe Henry Kissinger is a very old man by now. He doesn't have much time left in this dunya.

but that is the wiser leadership US had in the past then we got Bush, Trump and Biden and hence US is what US is today
He didn't (he does mention what Pakistan did) The OP violated PDF rules, and PDF let it stand simply because he is pushing a favored narrative. Such intellectual dishonesty simply does not work.

I think that OP has read the subconscious mind of Kissinger, and extracted, what was hidden there.:lol:
Kissinger is a shameless and probably the worst war criminal after WW2. This man's legacy ought to be mentioned in the same breath as Hitler, Churchill, Stalin and Mao, along with several American Presidents as the most prolific killer of innocent people in history.

His opinion on the matter is irrelevant and completely white washes the role of neocon's, hell bent on teaching Muslim world a lesson, laying the whole region in destruction.

That's the reason US lost along with fellow aspiring mini-imperial powers like India compounding the matters for the worse.

Thanks to Kissinger a lot of people was killed and a lot of people was saved.

It's not Kissinger fault, or evilness, it's just inevitable when you have so much power.

e.g. Kissinger was not revengeful against Germany after WWII, and a lot of people was saved because he's a cold statesman.

Kissinger is smart and deserve to be listened, said that, no one give a sh*t about Afghanistan in the West.
Am I missing something. Where does he say anything about India being a reason for this debacle?
Op can read between the lines ( literally ), duh! In the same article Kissinger also talks about Aliens on Moon and Mars but OP choose not to create panic for the moment.
It has always been about Kashmir. We do not need the fabled realpolitik of the illustrious Kissinger to deduce this obvious fact.

I remember senior American military commanders stating way back in late 2000's that the Kashmir issue is the reason for the Pakistani establishment favoring Taliban in Afghanistan. It is reasonable to assume that the US military planners would have held this notion from the very beginning of Afghan war. The American establishment was however still neutral (or even empathetic to India) in Kashmir. Clearly, they did not think of the Afghan war as important enough to arm twist and antagonize India. :-)
had American realized this earlier they would not have to face this humiliation.

Americans had lost when they started blaming & scape goating Pakistan and started following indian agenda which is only one to destroy Pakistan & Muslims.

I agree - it was trying to get India involved in Afghanistan that spoiled the relationship between the USA and Pakistan over Afghanistan was the first nail in the coffin. Allowing and turning a blind to India creating a terrorist infrastructure in Afghanistan to be used against Pakistan was the second nail in the coffin. Allowing NDS and the puppet regime to adopt a hostile Anti-Pakistan approach that support Anti-Pakistan terrorism and turning a blind eye to it was another nail in the coffin - we can go on .... but USA has to accept that it failed because it tried to get India invovled in Afghanistan. India cost USA 2 trillion dollars in lost money - that it seems is the price of Indian make believe for the USA ... Had it truly co-operated with its neightbours only and kept India out - they could have had a mission success. What the neighbouring countries are NOW DOING to stabilise Afghanistan after they got their original mission done is what the USA should have been helping to organise 20 years ago !!!!!
Kissinger is a shameless and probably the worst war criminal after WW2. This man's legacy ought to be mentioned in the same breath as Hitler, Churchill, Stalin and Mao, along with several American Presidents as the most prolific killer of innocent people in history.

His opinion on the matter is irrelevant and completely white washes the role of neocon's, hell bent on teaching Muslim world a lesson, laying the whole region in destruction.

That's the reason US lost along with fellow aspiring mini-imperial powers like India compounding the matters for the worse.

Kissenger is one of the reasons USA and USSR did not wage unlimited nuclear war destroying each other. For what it is worth he is amoral ruthless bureaucrat

Pakistanis should count their blessings he looked the other way while the Pakistani army slaughtered East Pakistanis. He made sure India and USSR did not balkanize West Pakistan in 1971
India was no doubt a spoiler in Afghanistan. They literally hijacked NDS which was created to serve CIA. US wanted India to play a major role post withdrawl but they literally have no capability to fulfil such a task. Indians as usual made promises bigger than world itself which is typical for current MODIfied india. They are all talk and propaganda but no intellectual capacity to carry out complex geo political maneuvers. At best the can hand out money to TTP or ISIS to destabilize region.
*Henry Kissinger on why America failed in Afghanistan*

It was not possible to turn the country into a modern democracy, but creative diplomacy and force might have overcome terrorism, says the American statesman.

Choosing India as strategic ally in Afghanistan was the key blunder. India, along with Afghanistan's NDS and a cartel of thugs like Ashraf Ghani cheated USA, focused on anti Pakistan campaign, instead of putting Afghanistan in order.

*The Economist* - read more:

Henry Kessinger is one of the greatest asset of US , after Mohammed Ali. Exactly that's what we see. US put all their success eggs in Indian basket. But India totally betrayed US and face massive loss of men, material and money in Afghanistan. In last speech Biden said, we advice many times Ghani talk to Taliban and initiate peace process, but he was adamant that success is few days away.... but in reality ...US knows what happened and from back door NATO-US handover Afghanistan to Taliban by setting terms and conditions under Qatar accord .... and trophy goes to Pakistan.
The lesson for US, never trust India and if you want India to be part of any military expedition , make sure bring in there army with full gear and put them in region where there is security risk.
*Henry Kissinger on why America failed in Afghanistan*

It was not possible to turn the country into a modern democracy, but creative diplomacy and force might have overcome terrorism, says the American statesman.

Choosing India as strategic ally in Afghanistan was the key blunder. India, along with Afghanistan's NDS and a cartel of thugs like Ashraf Ghani cheated USA, focused on anti Pakistan campaign, instead of putting Afghanistan in order.

*The Economist* - read more:

ABSOLUTELY and I said this before

compared to the hundreds of billion's the U.S was spending

India was like a beggar giving a rupee to charity

Donald trump's library comment was right on the button

everyone knew we hated India and Indians and would simply not tolerate them

Pakistan as a neighbor was more important to Afghanistan then almost any other country and for paltry gain from India they both plotted against Pakistan and ensured enmity and response from Pakistan

What the afghans don't understand is that they were in a precarious situation and they desperately needed support from their neighbors and it was UP TO THEM to make their neighbors understand the importance of a successful Afghanistan

Instead they plotted with India
They disrespected Pakistani sovereignty and borders
They supported separatists and terrorists like BLA PTM and TTP

Their leaders constantly tried to undermine Pakistan and our lar aur bar ethnocentric idiots like Manzoor and Dawar lapped it up and partook

In the end what happened, happened and afghans got screwed

Now they are pointing fingers at Pakistan, simply because they are simply too stupid to understand their own failing

They are a donkey people
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