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help required from senior people of forum.

thanks for ur detailed answer.
like i said she is from a very big family and she said she will never be able to marry me cos her love for me is not as strong as mine for her.so she wont fight to be with me.and she said she is leaving me cos she doesn't want me to be more hurt.that thing is paining me all the time.i want to get over her but it's proving very difficult for now.

u know the worst thing.i put a ring in her finger two days ago and i told her she is mine now for life and she said yes.after two day a stone hit my head when she blocked me

thanks man u understood it

She blocked you after you proposed to her? LOL oh man I really don't mean to burst your bubble but that's like a definite no no. Trust me.

All the best and it ain't worth it bro.
man i own a gold shop girls are like no issue for me.but it is about true love
Hamari duain aapky sath hain. Bachian boht. Aik sher arz hai:
hello everyone.
i want all ur people help in getting over my breakup it has been very hard for me to forget my ex.she just left me saying i cannot love u as much as u love me.without any valid reason she left me when she was lole whole world to me from morning till night i use to think about her.plz help guys
@MastanKhan @Stealth @Bilal Khan 777 @Zarvan @Hyperion

You already said you want to forget about her, here's how. Delete all your emails, phone messages, her number, photos etc, anything really that reminds you of her. After this throw yourself into a hobby/pursuit, if could be something outdoors such as hiking in some nearby mouton range, to something as simple as watching a box set (try Game of Thrones). The thing you should never do is sit idle and let your thoughts consume you.
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my age is 26.worst thing is i had many encounters in life but this was the first true love from which i got the beating.

she was omani

o brother so you had ditched many yourself. So get up man you got the reaction atleast from one Good thing.

BTW there is no such thing called True love... It is either Trust or compromise after breach of trust and compromise can be anyone in the long run
Excellent. Now we will get somewhere.

First...You are speaking to someone experienced -- marriage. I was married once and divorced. So am not talking out of my @ss. Am not saying I know everything about women. Anyone who said so is either a liar or an idiot. My (ex)wife cheated on me, so she did me wrong, and that made it much easier for me to get over that relationship.

Now...The worst thing for you is to be alone. It does not matter if you are out with family or friends. You need to get out of the house or apartment. It is not going to be difficult as outside, you will see couples happy with each other and you are alone. You will see signs of intimacy that you once had. But then, how is is better if you are alone and your mind is occupied with the thoughts of what you once had ? Get out of the house/apartment.

Next...If you are with company, avoid talking about your (ex)gal. Your family and friends should understand that talking up about you and down about her would only make you feel worse. And it will. I have been on that route. Do something, anything, that will occupy your mind. That does not mean going to see a romantic movie. If you are going to see a movie, see one that has car chases, explosions, martial arts, and gratuitous displays of boobs, in other words, the 'manly' kind.

Next...Do not get involved with another gal immediately. You will meet other women, of course, but do not see any as a replacement for your (ex)gal. A replacement implies something matching, as close as possible to the original. Do not do that. It may sound counter-intuitive, but being unattached for a while is a good thing. After my divorce, I was unattached for yrs before getting involved emotionally again. That does not mean I had no 'booty calls'. I had female 'friends with privileges'. Note that I said unattached, not alone.

Next...Eventually, you WILL find a gal who 'clicks' with you. The important thing is that you do not see this gal as a replacement for your (ex)gal. Judge her as a standalone person, independent of any standards you may have had with your previous gal. Doing this is being fair to both of you, especially to her. No one, man or woman, likes to be assessed base upon someone else in the past. Women already do not like it that men judges them according to what the guys sees in the movies or in Victoria's Secret catalog, but now she found out that you are judging her based upon a woman who left you ? :crazy:

The process above works with 9 out of 10 men, so odds are it will work with you. How long will it take depends on how much are you willing to stick with it.

So to start off, get out of the house/apartment. Go to gym more often. Volunteers with kids. As a motorcyclist, I wholeheartedly endorse that if you do not know how to ride -- learn. A bike will keep you physically and mentally busy all day long. Do things.
thanks sir i will start a gym today.and i m planning to go on a trip too lets see if that help

it will make you stronger if you face depression and cope with it rather suppressing it by means like cigarette or alcohol..
Anyway you will laugh that you posted something that 'naive' on pdf

enjoy the verse
wao man nice words


o brother so you had ditched many yourself. So get up man you got the reaction atleast from one Good thing.

BTW there is no such thing called True love... It is either Trust or compromise after breach of trust and compromise can be anyone in the long run
sir u r right i had like dozens of girls in my life i belong to a well respected building family girls aren't an big issue per say.
the problem i don't understand myself is she was one of worst looking girl i had far better then her.it started with friendship and slowly she became like a drug to me.my obsession she knew it too and told me many time that i can easily get another far better girls.
now when she left its like a big hole in my heart and no appetite for food.
but i m amazed at people here at pdf u guys are all like professionals thanks guys

You already said you want to forget about her, here's how. Delete all your emails, phone messages, her number, photos etc, anything really that reminds you of her. After this throw yourself into a hobby/pursuit, if could be something outdoors such as hiking in some nearby mouton range, to something as simple as watching a box set (try Game of Thrones). The most thing you should never do is sit idle and let your thoughts consume you.
sir i already deleted her fone numbers and she too blocked me.but those pics and videos are hard for me to delete i might just save em somewhere and delete from my fone but thanks for advice
hello everyone.
i want all ur people help in getting over my breakup it has been very hard for me to forget my ex.she just left me saying i cannot love u as much as u love me.without any valid reason she left me when she was lole whole world to me from morning till night i use to think about her.plz help guys
@MastanKhan @Stealth @Bilal Khan 777 @Zarvan @Hyperion

She don't love love you and has most likely found someone else.

On the plus side, move on...plenty of girls out there. Good thing it ended now before any legit commitment.
sir u r right i had like dozens of girls in my life i belong to a well respected building family girls aren't an big issue per say.
the problem i don't understand myself is she was one of worst looking girl i had far better then her.it started with friendship and slowly she became like a drug to me.my obsession she knew it too and told me many time that i can easily get another far better girls.
now when she left its like a big hole in my heart and no appetite for food.
but i m amazed at people here at pdf u guys are all like professionals thanks guys

:P professional in a sense? BTW all are not GUYS here ..

and nobody is worst looking . You fell for her means there is much more in life than looks. May be you had been dating many beautiful dump women before her that is why

She don't love love you and has most likely found someone else.

On the plus side, move on...plenty of girls out there. Good thing it ended now before any legit commitment.

Actually he should search how many ARAB girls married with a guy from Pakistan after felling in love..
:P professional in a sense? BTW all are not GUYS here ..

and nobody is worst looking . You fell for her means there is much more in life than looks. May be you had been dating many beautiful dump women before her that is why
very mature people all of u here.and yea she was a great companion

:P professional in a sense? BTW all are not GUYS here ..

and nobody is worst looking . You fell for her means there is much more in life than looks. May be you had been dating many beautiful dump women before her that is why

Actually he should search how many ARAB girls married with a guy from Pakistan after felling in love..
and btw there are quite many girls fell for pakistanis and your brother is also no less charming
thanks bro for advice.actually i was not into her body but her soul.she just left me knowing that it will be hard for me.i had some money i owed which she said will return i told her that's my gift to u just leave me.and she went.i m trying to get over it and u guys are big help.thanks

just started game of thrones
I had a friend who once had an ugly break up....well it was ugly for him cause she left him. He called me to his house and cried like for hours and I couldn't do anything except consoling him(grown up men crying like a baby are the worst).
Next day I took him to bar ordered some tandori stuff(he was a Hindu brahmin) with liquor. Next day I told him just one thing - She left you because she didn't deserved you, there is someone out there who was created by god Allah baghwan just for you(like a match made in heaven stuff), it will take some time but she will find you if not you will find her and when she does you won't have to look for anyone else ever in your life. The idiot still cried over her for a month before he got himself together.

An year later now he has a girlfriend and she loves him more then he loves her.
I am actually 24 doc, my friend is an year older then me. Grown up mens crying over for girls are something you dont wanna deal with.

You are 4 years older than my son.

If I remember this with guys like @Bibo and other misc pests of both genders, I'll probably be more manageable. ...

Cheers, Doc

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