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Held By The Taliban


Dec 25, 2007
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David Rohde, the NYT reporter who's recently escaped offers the first in a series of five articles chronicling his experiences and observations as a captive of the taliban inside the Islamic Emirate Of Waziristan.

Held By The Taliban-NYT

Utterly fascinating and harrowing simultaneously. First-class reading in my view.
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He should be thankful to Pakistani Scout for saving his ***.If he had not gotten in contact with them..he would have been dead by now.Yes, we do know that SW is quite dangerous area..so dont come here if you dont have the balls to face the siutation.
Utterly fascinating and harrowing simultaneously. First-class reading in my view.

We've seen these bastards cutting throats and not throats really but the necks so that their 'pray' feel more pain.

He must thank that atleast he was saved from beheading otherwise his end would be like of that Polish engineer.

Now it is the credit of Pakisan Army which took the bold step to infiltrate and destory the terrorists garrison there, whereas on the other side of fence the Allied forces are vacating their posts to give these bastards a chance to flee.

KIT Over:pakistan:
More from David Rohde that reveals the full extent of Haqqani-based dominance in the Islamic Emirate of North Waziristan.

Checkpoints denuded of P.A. soldiers and vehicles clearly of taliban passing P.A. convoys without interference.

Ah well, such is life in the occupied lands...


Held By the Taliban Pt. II-NYT

Good thing Rohde made his escape. Rescue wasn't ever in the cards for him.
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Checkpoints denuded of P.A. soldiers and vehicles clearly of taliban passing P.A. convoys without interference.

Well, Pakistan is a poor country, so we can't bribe our way out of a war

French troops died after Italians bribed Taliban | News & Politics | News & Comment | The First Post

US bribe insurgents to fight Al-Qaeda - Times Online

And our army doesn't start whining or get sloshed when the fighting gets tough

German soldiers 'drink and complain too much to fight Taleban' - Times Online

In war, US troops 'complain' about weapons failure

American troops in Afghanistan losing heart, say army chaplains - Times Online
Your choices to make your lands their lands.

We can go home.

You can too-

to a smaller Pakistan tomorrow than it was yesterday.

The Islamic Emirate of North Waziristan once was yours. Now it's Haqqaniville with you having transit rights by negotiation.

Please don't violate the terms of your agreements lest you offend your hosts.

Thanks. Hope you bothered to read the article, btw.
Your choices to make your lands their lands.

I fully agree that Pakistan must exert its authority and reclaim all its territory. There should be no lawless, autonomous regions with different tribal control.

I was simply responding to your insinuation that PA is not doing their job. The autonomy was granted by the politicians, not the army. When given the go ahead, the PA has performed remarkably well, especially given their low tech capabilities compared to NATO.
Sticking to the thread..... Riveting account and looking forward to part four.
The article makes clear that all civilians must exit their vehicles at the sight of a P.A. convoy- except taliban vehicles, where only the driver must do so.

That described convoy drove right past a vehicle that hadn't done so except for the driver. Taliban.

Who was the driver? The son of Jahaluddin Haqqani, waving to the P.A. while holding an American hostage within meters of your forces.

How frustrating it must have been.

Of course I suppose David Rohde could be lying to sensationalize his experiences.

I DO wish your army well in the south. Sincerely. I do also hope that it will eventually lead to other operations in other parts of your country that have been taken by these men.

Whether you like America or not is irrelevant in the face of the objectives which all taliban share. That, too, was clear in the article.

No difference from their perspectives.
I DO wish your army well in the south. Sincerely. I do also hope that it will eventually lead to other operations in other parts of your country that have been taken by these men.

Well I would love to have your claims about the vacating of posts on the other side of border associated with SWA by US and Allied Troops just 3 days before the Operation in SWA started. Why you put all parts on Pakistan to play? I consider it a must that US and Allied troops should have launched an operation in those areas to prevent the escape of Taliban into Afghanistan or Pakistan. But you let them have an escape. Why is this so?

Is this you call US helping Pakistan? Because of your mean mentality and "Extraordinary Military Planning" you, despite of putting all your resources and those of your allies in the hell of Afghanistan, are at the edge of defeat. You yourselves do nothing and force Pakistan to do more.

And when you dont have answers you say "STICK TO THE TOPIC."

Pakistan Army is doing what best they can do. With the help of God victory will be ours, no doubt about it.

KIT Over n Out:pakistan:
I note that as the captivity became longer and longer, the behavior and beliefs of the captors veered further and further from reality: for example, at first they let the reporter wash the dishes, then, months later, they refused because they believed they might catch disease "from my being an inherently unclean non-Muslim". And they expressed joy at the news Pakistani Muslims had been killed in a suicide attack they themselves had orchestrated.

It's as if their sense of righteousness was firmly rooted in themselves and nothing else, so the facts of the world around them had to be altered as needed to accommodate this. Thus it makes sense that the Talib commanders were compelled to become more and more demented as their contact with this Westerner increased. Finally, it became unbearable to them and they demanded he convert to their way of thinking entirely.

"Our Lord! Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, Thou, our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk.”

I'd guess the only reason why he Rohde survived his refusal was because the Talib commander, still thinking this American was valuable, chose to leave the room instead and blot much of the incident from his mind.
Taliban are bloody thugs and psychopaths these cancer cells need to be eradicated from the society.
There is no place for a Talib in Pakistan. Every bloody Talib will be eliminated from our Land.
My captors railed against the evils of a secular society. In March, they celebrated a suicide attack in a mosque in the Pakistani town of Jamrud that killed as many as 50 worshipers as they prayed to God. Those living under Pakistan’s apostate government, they said, deserved it.

Ripping the 'good taliban' argument to shreds now aren't we.

This is nothing but pure evil.

North Waziristan will be next, HAS to be next.
He flatly rejected my compromise suggestion that strict Islamic law be enacted in Afghanistan’s conservative rural south, while milder forms of Islam be followed in the comparatively liberal north.

This view explains why the Swat NAR deal failed - it was not enough for the Taliban to merely have Nizam-e-Adl in Swat, they expanded because their ideology at its core sees no room for compromise, and they will not be satisfied with merely imposing their version of Islam in a small enclave, be it Waziristan or Swat.
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