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Heavy military spending hurting India, Pakistan -US report

Where did you get the <2% figure from? According to SIPRI, India spend's 2.5% of its GDP on the military:

SIPRI Publications
According to SIPRI, India has a higher defence spending than mentioned in other sources. Thats why they get a higher figure. They probably include spending on central police forces and other internal security agencies.
do you know what is our definition of 'poor' based on which we say that today only 30 % are poor ???
First am not giving u an exact number, juwt giving u idea that that how much we have improved in past few years,
Second even by ur global standard (i m quoting CIA factbook) india hv 33 percent poor while ur super duper America has 15 percent, and i guess CIA uses $1.25 ppp as standard PL.
Our military spending is very much in sync with our growing economy. Pakistan's military spending on the other hand is unnecessary. They must spend money to generate electricity for their masses instead.
Where did you get the <2% figure from? According to SIPRI, India spend's 2.5% of its GDP on the military:

SIPRI Publications
is the uncomfortable reality that Indian defence spending will touch a 52-year low in 2014-15, in terms of percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) -1.74 per cent of GDP this year, and 12.7 per cent of government spending. The last time defence allocation was lower was 1962, when the military got 1.5 per cent of the GDP,

Defence spend lowest since 1962 war | Business Standard

This was said in the Indian Parliament so is far more accurate than any other third party estimate.

The 2.5% figure from SIPRI is probably including the Central Armed Forces of India budgets with India's defence budget which is nonsensical as they are two separate budgets controlled by two separate entities- the Ministry of Defence for the Military and the Ministry of Home Affairs for the central police forces.
Defence spend lowest since 1962 war | Business Standard

This was said in the Indian Parliament so is far more accurate than any other third party estimate.

The 2.5% figure from SIPRI is probably including the Central Armed Forces of India budgets with India's defence budget which is nonsensical as they are two separate budgets controlled by two separate entities- the Ministry of Defence for the Military and the Ministry of Home Affairs for the central police forces.

I don't think so. The reason to use third party sources is that they are objective and have no incentive to hide or underestimate defence spending. Also, it's standard practice to combine budgets for the military and internal security forces for every country. That's why KSA's budget is at a whopping 8.6% of GDP. India is not being disadvantaged or singled out here.
I don't think so. The reason to use third party sources is that they are objective and have no incentive to hide or underestimate defence spending. Also, it's standard practice to combine budgets for the military and internal security forces for every country. That's why KSA's budget is at a whopping 8.6% of GDP. India is not being disadvantaged or singled out here.

Defence spending (for us at least) is the expenditure for the MoD.... expenditure on central police forces and other security agencies simply does not fall under military spending.
If they were so concerned then stop arming Pakistan with advanced weapons and using terror as a weapon against India. But I guess the concern is BS. People starving, being trafficked into slavery, corruption, etc are serious issues that get swept aside when all they see and feel is Pakistan sponsored terrorists exploding bombs and killing innocent ppl. So, for me this repost is HALF YOU KNOW WHAT!
I don't think so. The reason to use third party sources is that they are objective and have no incentive to hide or underestimate defence spending. Also, it's standard practice to combine budgets for the military and internal security forces for every country. That's why KSA's budget is at a whopping 8.6% of GDP. India is not being disadvantaged or singled out here.
Not even remotely true. When looking at defence budgets, say for the US, is how much the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) included in their defence budget? Nope. Considering India's military and central law enforcement agencies have separate budgets and come under separate hierarchies (MoD and MHA respectively) when assessing India's defence budget you shouldn't be adding the MHA to the defence budget, this is how you come to the 2.5% of GDP spent on defence figure but that is an entirely BS figure. As I've pointed out the actual defence outlay is 1.74% of GDP.

As for fudging the figures, this isn't China bro- this figure was said in the Indian Parliament if there was any untruth to it the opposition would have ripped the Govt of India to shreds over it. And considering the fact India spent only 1.74% of its GDP on defence was actually met with criticism of the GoI as this is a 5 decade low and the GoI is/was accused of being lax on defence modernisation the GoI have every incentive in the world to OVERSTATE how much it spends on defence not underplay it.

I'm sorry but you are wrong on all accounts, India's defence spending for 2013-14 was only 1.74% of its GDP.

Will be interesting to see what Modi will/would do if/when he becomes PM as he has said defence modernisation is a priority for him. Will we see 2% of GDP? 2.5%? 3%? @Star Wars @arp2041

Personally I would like to see it pegged at 2% and left at that, as the Indian GDP expands so will the defence budget. Anything above this is needless and only inviting critics citing India's poverty and blah blah blah. 2% is an adequate figure.
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Will be interesting to see what Modi will/would do if/when he becomes PM as he has said defence modernisation is a priority for him. Will we see 2% of GDP? 2.5%? 3%? @Star Wars @arp2041

A Modi govt. will most probably concentrate on I buying indigenous weapon systems which probably means more Arjuns, Akas,Tejas etc... which will probably allow India to procure far more items at far lesser cost ....
Not even remotely true. When looking at defence budgets, say for the US, is how much the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) included in their defence budget? Nope. Considering India's military and central law enforcement agencies have separate budgets and come under separate hierarchies (MoD and MHA respectively) when assessing India's defence budget you shouldn't be adding the MHA to the defence budget, this is how you come to the 2.5% of GDP spent on defence figure but that is an entirely BS figure. As I've pointed out the actual defence outlay is 1.74% of GDP.

As for fudging the figures, this isn't China bro- this figure was said in the Indian Parliament if there was any untruth to it the opposition would have ripped the Govt of India to shreds over it. And considering the fact India spent only 1.74% of its GDP on defence was actually met with criticism of the GoI as this is a 5 decade low and the GoI is/was accused of being lax on defence modernisation the GoI have every incentive in the world to OVERSTATE how much it spends on defence not underplay it.

I'm sorry but you are wrong on all accounts, India's defence spending for 2013-14 was only 1.74% of its GDP.

Will be interesting to see what Modi will/would do if/when he becomes PM as he has said defence modernisation is a priority for him. Will we see 2% of GDP? 2.5%? 3%? @Star Wars @arp2041

Personally I would like to see it pegged at 2% and left at that, as the Indian GDP expands so will the defence budget. Anything above this is needless and only inviting critics citing India's poverty and blah blah blah. 2% is an adequate figure.

don't expect major changes vis-a-vis % of GDP spent on defense, at most, Modi will ensure minimum 2% expenditure (currently it's below that). His first priority is ECONOMY & he will do everything to bring Indian Economy back on track. He had "Vibrant Gujarat" Summits in Gujarat, Expecting Incredible India summits when he take over the GOI.

As they say, It's The ECONOMY stupid.

UPA's freebies regime has ensured that our fiscal deficit crosses the 5% GDP mark when RBI states that the safe limit is at max 4%. He will ensure that it comes down to 3%.
Defense spending as a percentage of GDP is not a good measure I think. Since the Government doesn't have access to the entire GDP of a country per year.

It is better to compare it to the Government budget, since that is the money the government is able to use.

China's Government budget has been over $2 trillion USD for several years now. Only a small fraction of that goes to defense spending.

Does anyone have data for the Government budgets of India and Pakistan?
More and more of the defense budget has to be spend on domestic research and development.

Defense spending as a percentage of GDP is not a good measure I think. Since the Government doesn't have access to the entire GDP of a country per year.

It is better to compare it to the Government budget, since that is the money the government is able to use.

China's Government budget has been over $2 trillion USD for several years now. Only a small fraction of that goes to defense spending.

Does anyone have data for the Government budgets of India and Pakistan?

Indian budget for last year was 280 billion USD.
Defense spending as a percentage of GDP is not a good measure I think. Since the Government doesn't have access to the entire GDP of a country per year.

It is better to compare it to the Government budget, since that is the money the government is able to use.

China's Government budget has been over $2 trillion USD for several years now. Only a small fraction of that goes to defense spending.

Does anyone have data for the Government budgets of India and Pakistan?
India's present budget for 2014-15 is around Rs.17.64 trillions which is roughly equivalent to $300 billions.
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