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Heartfelt Apology to the people of Sri Lanka, from people of Pakistan


Dec 29, 2019
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We as a nation are in a deep shock, and we are at a loss for words.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences and sincere apologies for this horrible murder.

These murderers do not represent the people of Pakistan, they are the extremist fringe, and they will face the full force of the law, they will face justice.

We as a nation value, respect and love our guests, which is why this is all the more shocking, so again, please accept our deepest and sincerest apologies.

I would request to keep politics and religion out of this, and keep this only for Pakistani members who wish to add to my apology and condolences.
Non-Pakistanis, especially Indian's are kindly requested to keep out, unless they have something positive to say.

@waz please if you could ensure this stays clean, thank you.
We as a nation are in a deep shock, and we are at a loss for words.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences and sincere apologies for this horrible murder.

These murderers do not represent the people of Pakistan, they are the extremist fringe, and they will face the full force of the law, they will face justice.

We as a nation value, respect and love our guests, which is why this is all the more shocking, so again, please accept our deepest and sincerest apologies.

I would request to keep politics and religion out of this, and keep this only for Pakistani members who wish to add to my apology and condolences.
Non-Pakistanis, especially Indian's are kindly requested to keep out, unless they have something positive to say.

@waz please if you could ensure this stays clean, thank you.

Apologies to Sri lankans from Karachi, Pakistan

My Countrymen were/are/will always remain hospitable to foreigners.

One incident can't define us.

We acknowledge our problems and we will overcome it eventually.

Perpetrators have been caught and will be punished.
As much as I agree with the sentiment I disagree with the idea that we the citizens of Pakistan should apologise for things we are not responsible for.

I think the guilty parties should apologise.

The government who fails to control extremism and appease extremists.

The establishment especially the senior leadership of the Armed forces, in particular the Army who have long provided cover and support to unsavoury elements in turn for their use as proxies against political parties.

The political parties who's short term vision and complete disregard for national interest have long tolerated and partnered with vocal extremists to woo a few more voters.

The judiciary, police and lawyers who have picked at the carcass of justice in our country in exchange for bribes. They are the ringmasters and the clowns in the circus of blasphemy laws.

The clergy in our country who have sat back like cowards and refused to speak out in these cases. They have made the biggest mockery of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) through thier inaction.

I think the above stated people should apologise to the people of Pakistan first and then also to Sri Lanka.

I'm sorry, but this is idiotic, and you're being silly.

I clearly requested to keep this simple and keep politics out of this. But, like a child you refuse to do so. These incidents are an anomaly in Pakistan, not a regular occurrence, look in your neighbourhood, I deliberately did not mention a comparison with other countries in my post.

These groups you mentioned are doing their part, there is time aplenty to pull them to task. As Pakistanis, we and you have to do your part, when you attend to someone, you offer condolences, not bring out a long list of your own grievances, it is extremely rude. SO grow up.

This post was and is for the simple act of offering condolences and apology, pick one, and keep quiet. Typical.
We have an elected govt. They should be apologising, not individuals, unless those individuals share responsibility.

You should be offering your condolences, not apologies on behalf of our nation. You've not been asked to represent us. You've not been given responsibility to govern.
Then you should also be offering apologies for the terrorism committed around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is this one act different? Do you have some personal responsibility attached to it?

You seriously need to grow up.
This is a simple single point thread, it is extremely simple to link every topic under the sun to another if you stretch the lines.

Given enough space I can link your birth to the murder of Jews under the holocaust, or the killing of Muslims and Christians in India.

If I get another political reply from you, I will report you, stop acting like a child. the intention in my original post was extremely clear and very simple, have the decency to respect it.
Brothers keep the disagreements out. This thread isn’t for that.
I've deleted my posts. I'm opening a separate topic.
Following the heinous lynching of a Sri Lankan national in Sialkot much of the Pakistani people are in shock. It won't last, our land is used to frequent tragedy.

There has been a topic open offering apologies and condolences to the people of Sri Lanka. I think it is not good enough.

As much as I agree with the sentiment I disagree with the idea that we the citizens of Pakistan should apologise for things we are not responsible for.

I think the guilty parties should apologise.

The government who fails to control extremism and appease extremists.

The establishment especially the senior leadership of the Armed forces, in particular the Army who have long provided cover and support to unsavoury elements in turn for their use as proxies against political parties.

The political parties who's short term vision and complete disregard for national interest have long tolerated and partnered with vocal extremists to woo a few more voters.

The judiciary, police and lawyers who have picked at the carcass of justice in our country in exchange for bribes. They are the ringmasters and the clowns in the circus of blasphemy laws.

The clergy in our country who have sat back like cowards and refused to speak out in these cases. They have made the biggest mockery of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) through thier inaction.

I think the above stated people should apologise to the people of Pakistan first and then also to Sri Lanka.

Yesterday I also felt the need to offer an apology, but upon reflection I didn't. Why?

1. I didn't do anything wrong.
2. I don't have the authority to prevent this sort of action.
3. I have not been elected to represent our state.

As you know I live in the UK and for the last 21 years I've experienced racists even at govt level trying to associate the wrong doings of others to me, just because they share a religion with me. I have not accepted that, and I don't think any of you should either.

Blaming yourself out of a sense of shame is stupid. What you should do is take action and protest against those responsible and thier facilitators.

I offer my sincere condolences to the family of the deceased and to all victims of extremist violence. As a Pakistani national I will demand my government take deep rooted and sustained action against extremists in our nation.
Gen Bajwa ,Faiz hameed ,Imran Khan ,Faisal kareem dhaindi ,Mufti muneeb accompanied by Sad rizvi should go to Siri Lanka with the body of deceased without any security and protocol and should be be left there for few days ,
This is a result of prolong oppressing of Law in Pakistan. corrupt police and judiciary is the main cause behind this. most of the police officers and judges are corrupt in pakistan and they are hindrance in providing justice to the people of Pakistan. Police officers take huge bribes from corrupt individuals and judges are afraid to give these criminals punishment, and this situation is prevailing for decades, wrath of god is upon us because of this. we as a nation are far away from teaching of Holy Prophet. the only thing islamic in us is our country name, Islamic republic of Pakistan.
We have an elected govt. They should be apologising, not individuals, unless those individuals share responsibility.

You should be offering your condolences, not apologies on behalf of our nation. You've not been asked to represent us. You've not been given responsibility to govern.
We as a society have failed to clamp down on these bigots, whenever the state tried to crack down on them we took the TLP’s side.

We will need to stand up and say no before it’s too late.
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Pakistan society in general is violent and any perceived provocation to it whether it is right or wrong will be met with violence. I’m sad to say this can not be changed by the state it’s who we are rip guy

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