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'Headley says Ishrat was Lashkar suicide bomber'

I think you are being unnecessarily cussed about this. We have no knowledge of how long the IB was following this lead & how much they had developed this. Once passed on to the Gujarat government, you simply cannot be sure that it was not a matter of urgency. Even if captured, what exactly are you going to do with them since the IB may have given actionable intelligence but bot prosecutable necessarily. Bumping them off might have been the only solution thought to be feasible(only those with the full evidence would actually know).
IB might have only passed on actionable evidences not prosecutable. so action is taken and they are in custody, what's next ? giving up on further investigation and possibility of getting the evidences with in four days time and killing the all or take some time and collect the necessary evidences ??
This is now entering very dangerous territory. Which police officer is going to risk being hauled up for murder the next time IB passed on information?
Officers who are too lazy or over confident to investigate a case beyond four days and kill the prisoners.
For that matter, which IB officer will? Maybe the police would prefer to investigate an attack that has already taken place. It is the ordinary people who will pay the price.
There can be investigation, evidence and punishment against busted terror plots also, you just have to have patience to follow the right path.
This case is different because no one has accused the police for acting on reasons other than the supposed intelligence passed on. Not like the police officers were involved in a domestic dispute. Even more odd the case of the IB officer, because he was unlikely to have been mentioned in any dispatches about this inident because of the very covert nature of his work.

police acted on intelligence and arrested them, up to that it's perfect, what happened to them after in police custody is the point here. why didn't the police bother to carry out a investigation beyond four days ??? I don't think even Scotland yard themselves would expect to get all the evidences in four days.
IB might have only passed on actionable evidences not prosecutable. so action is taken and they are in custody, what's next ? giving up on further investigation and possibility of getting the evidences with in four days time and killing the all or take some time and collect the necessary evidences ??

What other evidence did you think would come up?

Officers who are too lazy or over confident to investigate a case beyond four days and kill the prisoners.

Easy to say. In terrorist cases like this, people weren't about to hold on to suspected terrorists. The longer you hold on, the more the chance of things becoming complicated. As I said the IB had developed the case. Maybe it was determined that all they could get was already done.

There can be investigation, evidence and punishment against busted terror plots also, you just have to have patience to follow the right path.

Ya certainly but remember that most people held in guantanomo bay are yet to be prosecued nor is the U.S. waiting to give a trial to all those being eliminated in drone attacks.

police acted on intelligence and arrested them, up to that it's perfect, what happened to them after in police custody is the point here. why didn't the police bother to carry out a investigation beyond four days ??? I don't think even Scotland yard themselves would expect to get all the evidences in four days.[

Remember that this wasn't a Gujarat police investigation. They simply would not have got any further in a case like this. Most likely the suspects would have walked because the IB would not be giving anything more to the courts, certainly not the source. That result was sought to be circumvented & it was.
What other evidence did you think would come up?
evidence from their communications,electronic gadgets,revelations on questioning, further investigations on extracted information which I believe will certainly give prosecutable evidence.

Easy to say. In terrorist cases like this, people weren't about to hold on to suspected terrorists. The longer you hold on, the more the chance of things becoming complicated. As I said the IB had developed the case. Maybe it was determined that all they could get was already done.
IB is an intelligence agency not an investigating agency, it gives intelligence inputs and it's up to the respective branch of investigation agency to take a call and act accordingly. besides how can IB conclude that possibility of getting further evidence is nil when they were only observing the four accused, they didn't have access to them or their belongings which is a major source of evidence.

Ya certainly but remember that most people held in guantanomo bay are yet to be prosecued nor is the U.S. waiting to give a trial to all those being eliminated in drone attacks.
I certainly don't support a set up like that. And the drone strike and a custodial killing is very much different isn't it. There is is a war going on, in Gujarath is on war, on panic situation which calls for military action. In drone strike innocents get killed, just like in any genuine military action, I wouldn't be complaining if these killings were in afghan desserts where there is no law and order. I think you are comparing apples and oranges. every action is according to the situation prevailing in that particular region.

Remember that this wasn't a Gujarat police investigation. They simply would not have got any further in a case like this. Most likely the suspects would have walked because the IB would not be giving anything more to the courts, certainly not the source. That result was sought to be circumvented & it was.
if it wasn't Gujarath police investigation then who was the investigation agency ?

The victims[edit]

Ishrat Jahan Shamim Raza

Ishrat Jahan (1985 – 15 June 2004) was a second year Bachelor of Science student at Mumbai's Guru Nanak Khalsa College.[11] She was the second of 7 siblings. Her lower middle class family, hailing from Bihar, lived in the Rashid compound in the Muslim-dominated area of Mumbra in Thane district in Mumbai. Having lost her father Shamim two years before her own death, Ishrat taught tuition and did embroidery work to support her family. Ishrat's father Mohammad Shamim Raza was the proprietor of a Mumbai-based construction company called Asian Constructions while mother Shamima worked for a long time at a medicine packaging company in Vashi.[12]
Ishrat used to work as the secretary of Javed Sheikh (Pranesh), and used to handle his accounts.[13] Javed used to take her out of town at times on work.[14]

Pranesh Pillai (alias Javed Gulam Sheikh)
Pranesh Pillai was the son of Gopinatha Pillai, a native of Noornad in Kerala. He was married to Sajida, and had three children, including a daughter.[15]
Pranesh had migrated to Mumbai in search of a job. Before his death, he had been booked for four assault cases in Mumbai and Pune, and had also been charged with involvement in a fake currency racket.[16] In the mid-1990s, he converted to Islam and changed his name to Javed Sheikh to marry a Muslim woman called Sajida. Gujarat Police recovered two passports from Javed: one obtained using his original name Pranesh and the second one in his new name.[16]
Ishrat's family first met Javed Sheikh just two months before her death.[12] He had taken Ishrat to Nasik, Bangalore and Lucknow, where he is believed to have met Amjad.[16]

Amjad Ali Rana

Amjad Ali Rana, also known as Akbar or Salim, was alleged to be a Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist from Haveli Diwan, Pakistan. He was reportedly found dead with an AK-56 rifle near his body. Amjad is believed to have met Javed several times in Oman, and also Javed and Ishrat in Ibrahimpur once.[16] Amjad introduced Ishrat and Javed to Zeeshan, the fourth victim.

Zeeshan Johar

Zeeshan (alias Jisan Johar alias Abdul Ghani Son of Kalu alias Janbaaz), along with Amjad, is said to have been caught in a trespassing case in Srinagar in 2003.[16] Nobody claimed the bodies of Amjad and Zeeshan after the encounter.[16] An identity card with a Pakistan address was reportedly recovered from Zeeshan's body. However, a later report by the metropolitan magistrate SP Tamang stated that identity cards were forged by the police and the two men were Indian citizens, although it did not give any evidence on this.[17]

Source Wiki

well after the encounter i heard from my one friend that the encounter was fake, they already kill them before and put them on road. I am told it before the issue of fake encounter raised.

Sanghis themselves are a lot insecure,Dont let me post more about the claims these leaders make to prove that the government of Kerala (Whose Cheif minister and finance minister are christians) is working in favour of x'tias and muslims....some of them are really funny :omghaha:

Your Fun will end soon ,OOmen's Govt is in deep trouble :yahoo:
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Assume them to be terrorist....................But that's not license to kill a young lady in a state sponsored cold blooded murder (Fake Encounter).............

You and Your Kind are the scum of this nation
Suicide Bombers do not have Human Rights ..So spare me the diatribe..

And who decides who is what police or court ? if police can go around killing every terror suspect what's the point of having a judicial system.
So far we have a couple suicide Bomber supporters here :

Hindu gay
Agnostic Indian
gslv mk3

Shameless Creatures

And who decides who is what police or court ? if police can go around killing every terror suspect what's the point of having a judicial system.

Until one of Your close one get killed in the hands of terrorists,You will continue to sprout the same Bullshit
So far we have a couple suicide Bomber supporters here :

Hindu gay
Agnostic Indian
gslv mk3

Shameless Creatures
Until one of their family members got blown up by a terrorist ,They wouldnot Understand.

And when would you understand ? when some of your dear ones arrested as terror suspect and police found there is no prosecutable evidence against him, but they strongly believe he is guilty, and they kill him on a fake encounter??
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