A headstrong psychopath at worst! He has probably justified every action he ever committed the only problem is his actions hurt others... hundreds of thousands of innocents died in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistanis ask why Afghans hate them, you don't have to look far... if Pakistan is a sovereign state then it is Musharraf who made its value less than the piece of paper it is treatised upon... Pakistanis ask how India is trespassing Pakistanis territory ask Musharraf... Kashmiris ask why are they in their current predicament, ask Musharraf...
We already know now that Americans were lied to for past 18 years on why they were sitting in Afghanistan or whom they were to fight... A clue is a possible neighbor, which one is speculation. But some people maybe able to have an image, but that is a rabbit hole better left alone until more information trickles to the fore.