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Hatf-IX - Tactical Multi-Tube Ballistic Missile

It is basically an option to stop a sneak attack which is unlikely given the level of intelligence employed to monitor major formations.
Right - I doubt that Indian IBG's under Cold Start would be able to to accomplish anything even close to what the doctrine envisions (The US perhaps is the only nation that could, and only because they possess the air power to neutralize the PAF in a prolonged conflict). But now there is an additional deterrent in that Pakistan can bring a very high amount of firepower to bear on a relatively small concentration of enemy forces on its territory, and potentially obliterate them, without having to dedicate an equivalent number of troops or resources (relative to the Indian IBG's) to the effort.

And since the use of tactical nukes would be on Pakistani soil and against enemy combatants, Indian decision makers would be hard pressed to retaliate (and justify) with a nuclear strike (tactical or otherwise) of their own on Pakistani soil, since that would then invite similar retaliation from Pakistan and potentially escalate into a full fledged nuclear exchange.
Right - I doubt that Indian IBG's under Cold Start would be able to to accomplish anything even close to what the doctrine envisions (The US perhaps is the only nation that could, and only because they possess the air power to neutralize the PAF in a prolonged conflict). But now there is an additional deterrent in that Pakistan can bring a very high amount of firepower to bear on a relatively small concentration of enemy forces on its territory, and potentially obliterate them, without having to dedicate an equivalent number of troops or resources (relative to the Indian IBG's) to the effort.

And since the use of tactical nukes would be on Pakistani soil and against enemy combatants, Indian decision makers would be hard pressed to retaliate (and justify) with a nuclear strike (tactical or otherwise) of their own on Pakistani soil, since that would then invite similar retaliation from Pakistan and potentially escalate into a full fledged nuclear exchange.

100% right :)
ARTHUR isn't good for quasi ballistic trajectories simply because even in the terminal stages the projectile can vary its coarse; because the propulsion unit is still ON WORK!!
I am unfortunate to say that are you humans...we are discussing the prospects of a nuclear [I don't care mini/macro] nike upon India...We must realise this from our side will be of the gravest of all mistakes...as we van now no more rely on our nukes as mere deterrent furthermore nuclear hazards can play havoc with our soldier lives. Like I said previously we must use cluster type ammunitions or kinetic rods which are more lethal both to the armour or the infantry...& yet HUMANE
I am unfortunate to say that are you humans...we are discussing the prospects of a nuclear [I don't care mini/macro] nike upon India...We must realise this from our side will be of the gravest of all mistakes...as we van now no more rely on our nukes as mere deterrent furthermore nuclear hazards can play havoc with our soldier lives. Like I said previously we must use cluster type ammunitions or kinetic rods which are more lethal both to the armour or the infantry...& yet HUMANE
What is more humane about being killed by a landmine, cluster bomb, artillery, MBRL, mortal shell etc. vs a small tactical nuclear explosion?

IIRC, radiation, or damage through radiation, is not the goal of a tactical nuke - it is the ability to deliver a very large amount of explosive power through a single warhead on a small area. So whether it is an artillery shell or a Tac. Nuke, the idea is the same - to neutralize the enemy through firepower.
Nuke is comparably more humane - the enemy soldiers would be vaporised or die immediately due to radiation.
this is a suicide missile- must be used as a last resort only-

Its not suicide.......the atomic yield is low....... i mean... it will only effect the place where it falls ...... 60 km away............. Thus eliminating its target not the guys who launched it................. coz the radiation wont catch up to them.......................Thts why its called a miniature nuke.
Right - I doubt that Indian IBG's under Cold Start would be able to to accomplish anything even close to what the doctrine envisions (The US perhaps is the only nation that could, and only because they possess the air power to neutralize the PAF in a prolonged conflict). But now there is an additional deterrent in that Pakistan can bring a very high amount of firepower to bear on a relatively small concentration of enemy forces on its territory, and potentially obliterate them, without having to dedicate an equivalent number of troops or resources (relative to the Indian IBG's) to the effort.

And since the use of tactical nukes would be on Pakistani soil and against enemy combatants, Indian decision makers would be hard pressed to retaliate (and justify) with a nuclear strike (tactical or otherwise) of their own on Pakistani soil, since that would then invite similar retaliation from Pakistan and potentially escalate into a full fledged nuclear exchange.
indian doctrine clearly states that any nuclear attack on India or its soldiers whether in its own territory or outside would be treated as a Nuclear strike on India and would invite massive retaliation.
The Iron Dome will come in handy for just these kind of missiles..
It won't the Iron dome will have to be set up in Pakistan for that or very close to the border. This is made so that if the Indians rush onto Pakistani land, Pakistan will destroy the Indians on its soil using those missiles, that's why these have a shorter range than would be expected. Seeing as thats its primary use which is why it will be equipped on a vehicle that can move immediately after deployment to avoid getting hit by the return of fire to the same site it was launched from. Pakistan's new missile aimed at India's 'Cold Start' doctrine: Experts - The Economic Times
indian doctrine clearly states that any nuclear attack on India or its soldiers whether in its own territory or outside would be treated as a Nuclear strike on India and would invite massive retaliation.

so you have to attack and come inside pakistan and its our duty to welcome you with roses ?stay inside india and no one will attack on you.




Vespa Bazooka
What is more humane about being killed by a landmine, cluster bomb, artillery, MBRL, mortal shell etc. vs a small tactical nuclear explosion?

IIRC, radiation, or damage through radiation, is not the goal of a tactical nuke - it is the ability to deliver a very large amount of explosive power through a single warhead on a small area. So whether it is an artillery shell or a Tac. Nuke, the idea is the same - to neutralize the enemy through firepower.

Sir I would disagree; the propose of any weapon isn't killing; rather its the job effectively done!! The HE fragmentation warhead will be more effective than any nuke; even a shielded tank [if you but know] is the best regarded vehicle in case of nuclear fallout...plus it will inflict damage not only to armour & infantry but our deterrence edge willnt be lost...ths is the biggest point
Some friends brought an argument to stop NASR with ABMs. This is far from possible for two reasons

1. It is a high supersonic highly agile missile with high accuracy.

2. Due to its battle field usage, it has maintained a short range of 60 km which will prove to be extremely difficult for ABM system to shoot it down and being a QUASI missile that does not go into atmosphere it will be as difficult as hitting a bullet with an arrow (not arrow missile by the way).
In my observation...
Look at the video above especially the 15-20 seconds & you will see abrupt maneuvers of the said missile. One thing you may have noticed is the absence of Gas dynamic control which is usually present in Russian originated systems...see this

above is based on Smerch system; notice the small explosions besides the nose cone; something missing in Nasr launch photo as well as video. I think NESCOM has opted for gimbled thrust. Compare the similarities I have outlined above with this :
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Sir I would disagree; the propose of any weapon isn't killing; rather its the job effectively done!! The HE fragmentation warhead will be more effective than any nuke; even a shielded tank [if you but know] is the best regarded vehicle in case of nuclear fallout...plus it will inflict damage not only to armour & infantry but our deterrence edge willnt be lost...ths is the biggest point

I guess you are missing the big picture. The presence of battlefield nuclear very short range highly agile guided missile will make the opposition think many many times before commencing the Cold Start from now on. This weapon will ensure they remain less ambitious in future and will help us avoid any surgical strike notion.
I guess you are missing the big picture. The presence of battlefield nuclear very short range highly agile guided missile will make the opposition think many many times before commencing the Cold Start from now on. This weapon will ensure they remain less ambitious in future and will help us avoid any surgical strike notion.

Battlefield presence of nukes can't be regarded detergency in the least, sir. Deterrence must be strategic in nature so as to keep the element of surprise more clandestine which makes your assumption justified:
opposition think many many times before commencing the Cold Star
Plus the presence of such weapons within the battlefield will much strain the opposition & the probability of nuclear fallout will be much more enhanced
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