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Hassanabdal-Mansehra Expressway (E35)...Updates

Aerial view of Under Construction Abbottabad Interchange of Hazara Motorway Project

Chinese Embassy Lijian Zhao on Friday, while addressing a seminar on ‘Belt and Road Initiative and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Impact on Developments in South West Asia’, L said that the Thakot-Havelian section of Karakoram Highway was likely to be ready by the end of the year 2019.
180 Km #Hazara #Motarway it's lovely #Observation Point build near #Haripur It's reduce travels time & Traffic load on #KKH it's great gift for locals and Tourists

Under Construction Longest bridge of Village Nowshera of Abbottabad District part of Hazara Motorway Project


3 Km Battal Tunnel completed at Hazara Motorway (Havelian-thakot KKH Phase II)

Battal Tunnel is 2960 meters (3 KM) long which will convert 1.5 hour distance to 5 minute. This tunnel starts from Battal and covers all distance of Chattar Plain top and reaches towards Kakti area. This tunnel simply bypass all distance of Chattar Plain Mountains Top.

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