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Hassan Rohani | The New Iranian President.


آقا این فروم چرا فیلتره ؟

اینا هم دیگه شورشو درآوردن
.فقط بخش ایران رو فیلتر کردن بخش های دیگه رو دیدم سالم بود.احتمالا به خاطر انتخاباته.نه که بعضی دوستان خیلی به انتخابات لطف دارن برای همین اینجوری شده
تحریم ها هیچ اثری ندارد=فکر کردین فیلتر ها اثر دارد.
چرا اینجا رو فیلتر کردن
از اون طرف آمریکا فیلتر میکنه از این ور هم اینا
یه ایمیل به آدرس زیر بفرستید شاید درست شد
توی قسمت موضوع آدرس این بخش از وب سایت رو بنویسید
توی قسمت متن هم ، هر چی میتونید دفاع کنید
اگر اکانت توی میل سرورهای ایرانی دارید از اون استفاده کنید
Well, a few things have happened during this period that the nation are happy about.. we watched the game at a bar and ate faloodeh

You are interesting...are you a parsi ?...:blink:

احتمال بررسی مجدد صلاحیت حسن روحانی از سوی شورای نگهبان

یک منبع آگاه به فارس گفت:* احتمالا صلاحیت حسن روحانی کاندیدای انتخابات ریاست جمهوری فردا مجددا در جلسه شورای نگهبان مورد بررسی قرار خواهد گرفت.

یک منبع آگاه در گفت*وگو با خبرنگار سیاسی خبرگزاری فارس گفت: به دلیل اظهارات ضد امنیتی و غیرقانونی حسن روحانی کاندیدای انتخابات ریاست جمهوری، شورای نگهبان تصمیم دارد تا صلاحیت این کاندیدا را در جلسه فردای خود مجددا مورد بحث و بررسی قرار دهد.

وی افزود: حمایت از سران فتنه در جلسات سخنرانی، افشای اطلاعات نظام و حرکات ضد امنیتی همچون همایش حامیان روحانی در جماران از جمله مواردی است که شورای نگهبان تصمیم دارد تا به این دلایل صلاحیت این کاندیدا را مجددا مورد بررسی قرار دهد.

این منبع آگاه تاکید کرد:* همچنین حرکات خیابانی مانند همایش ورزشگاه شهید شیرودی از دیگر مواردی است که شورای نگهبان تصمیم گرفت تا صلاحیت این کاندیدا را مورد بررسی مجدد قرار دهد.

انتهای پیام/
Jalili goes up::partay:

صعود معنادار آراء دکتر جلیلی در معتبرترین نظرسنجی اینترنتی پس از مناظره/ ریزش محسوس آراء یکی از نامزدها

Jalili became first in tebyan.
شما در یازدهمین دوره انتخابات ریاست جمهوری به کدامیک از این افراد رای می*دهید؟


جمله ای که مشی فرهنگی قالیباف را لو داد = حمایت از روشنفکران سینمایی - راهبرد مشترک فرهنگی اصلاح طلبان، انحرافی ها و فالیباف
I was watching pictures of pro-candidate protests a minute ago. Can anyone tell me why these Hezbollahis/Basijis at pro-Jalili protests are so ugly?
حداد عادل به نفع اصولگراها کناره گیری کرد
Iran and the great Glasgow PhD mystery

The British academic record of an Iranian presidential candidate has come under scrutiny amid uncertainty over where and when he obtained his qualifications.

Hassan Rowhani, who has emerged as the leading reformist contender in the run-up to Friday's presidential election, originally claimed in official state-sponsored biographies to have graduated with a PhD in law from Glasgow University.

He would need to have herculean multi-tasking skills to write a PhD thesis while heading the national security council

Now an election campaign film has changed his alma mater after a website, Iran Election Watch, quoted a Glasgow University spokesman as having "no record of anyone of [Mr Rowhani's] name" ever attending the institution.

The half-hour campaign broadcast - which has been shown on Iranian television - states that Mr Rowhani went instead to Glasgow Caledonian University.


"He went to England [sic] and graduated with a MA and a PhD in Glasgow Caledonian University," the narrator says, accompanied by footage of the university campus.

But the alteration has failed to clear up questions about Mr Rowhani's credentials. While the film does not give a date for his studies, the narrative implies that it was during the 1970s, when he was an active political opponent of the Shah. Glasgow Caledonian was established in 1993.

When a correspondent on Gulf 2000, a Middle East internet forum, pointed out this discrepancy, a supporter of Mr Rowhani responded with a newspaper web link purporting to show that he received his PhD in 1999 - but under a different family name, Feridon.

That date would have coincided with Mr Rowhani's tenure as secretary of Iran's supreme national security council - a role in which he led negotiations with the West over the Iranian nuclear programme - and membership of another state body, the expediency council.

"He would need to have herculean multi-tasking skills to write a PhD thesis while heading the national security council," said Meir Javedanfar, an Iran-born analyst with the Inter-Disciplinary Centre in Herzliya in Israel.

It also contradicts the time-line suggested in his campaign film - the section about his time in Glasgow is followed by a segment showing documents from Savak, the Shah's much-feared secret police, referring to the political activities of a "Dr Hassan Rowhani", suggesting he already had a PhD before Iran's 1979 revolution.

A Glasgow Caledonian spokesman said the university was checking Mr Rowhani's credentials but was unable to confirm them by the time of publication.

The doubts over Mr Rowhani's academic background coincide with his emergence as the most charismatic nominee in the election. Although previously seen as a moderate conservative, Mr Rowhani has wooed reform-minded voters with his denunciations of the repressive atmosphere in Iranian society and by advocating greater personal freedoms.

But he is not expected to win a race dominated by hardliners. on Monday, Gholam Ali Hadad-Adel, a former parliament speaker close to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, withdrew from the race in a move apparently aimed at helping a better-placed conservative candidate.

Read more: Iran and the great Glasgow PhD mystery

WHAT A LOSER!, He should be disqualified for lying about his credentials and spilling national secrets on TV. I was gonna vote for him, but definitely will not vote for him now.

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