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Hassan Rohani | The New Iranian President.

To be honest, Im a little worried about the upcoming months and elections. I think something is being planned in the corridors of the West. Maybe try to get another Green revolution but this time the US and EU will get involved and try to recreate what they did in Syria.
Especially since they have delisted the MEK from their list of terrorist organizations.

Im also wary of the whole Israel-Turkey rapprochment. Not to mention the ceasefire between PKK and Turkey.
I think something major is being planned.
Lads, I don't suppose you have a anti-war, more liberal candidate who wants to open Iran back up to the world?

I know the Mullahs hand pick the candidates and make sure they are what Khamenei requested - but I was hoping one might slip through.
As soon as the foreign vultures give up their futile quests for hegemony and domination of Iranian politics, you will have just that.

I notice you're from Denmark. Sometimes Iranians outside of Iran can be more extreme. Nationalism gets hyped up when outside of the country.

However, you have to admit your boys were a bit naughty in 1979 coming in and declaring "death to Israel".

Not very nice.

So even the most nationalist of Iranians surely sees the problem with some old geezer in Khamenei deciding who can run for election? the whole point of elections is that ANYONE can run and the people then choose.

No progress can be made if the same man tells you which candidates can be chosen.

Two democracies have very rarely gone to war with each other.
I notice you're from Denmark. Sometimes Iranians outside of Iran can be more extreme. Nationalism gets hyped up when outside of the country.

However, you have to admit your boys were a bit naughty in 1979 coming in and declaring "death to Israel".

Not very nice.

So even the most nationalist of Iranians surely sees the problem with some old geezer in Khamenei deciding who can run for election? the whole point of elections is that ANYONE can run and the people then choose.

No progress can be made if the same man tells you which candidates can be chosen.

Two democracies have very rarely gone to war with each other.

it is absolutely non of the business of a jew to decide the faith of our country
I notice you're from Denmark. Sometimes Iranians outside of Iran can be more extreme. Nationalism gets hyped up when outside of the country.

However, you have to admit your boys were a bit naughty in 1979 coming in and declaring "death to Israel".

Not very nice.

So even the most nationalist of Iranians surely sees the problem with some old geezer in Khamenei deciding who can run for election? the whole point of elections is that ANYONE can run and the people then choose.

No progress can be made if the same man tells you which candidates can be chosen.

Two democracies have very rarely gone to war with each other.

Haha, in half of your posts you adress the fact how supposedly Im from Denmark. Why is that? Because you have no real viable argument?
And Im not from Denmark btw. I temporarily live here for education, and I pay for my own livelihood, as I dont get money from the Danish government. Check the stats, Iranians have the highest percentage of University graduates in countries such as Denmark, Sweden (higher percentage than Danes and Swedes themselves, relatively speaking!). The Medicin, dentist, engineer programs are just overflowing with Iranians. My whole family are doctors. So if anything, they should be more grateful to have us than the other way around. :D
I go to Iran on a regular basis, dont worry about me.

It seems you have a deep rooted problem with Iranians living outside the country with opinions you find hostile, and are somehow owing to hold a certain point of view. lol
Is that why your country, the flag-bearer of freedom of speech, bans PressTV? :omghaha:
it is absolutely non of the business of a jew to decide the faith of our country

You sound brave. This Jew would snap you in half. You Mullah-loving, knuckle-dragging bearded pleb.

I'm bigger than your inflation, you piece of ****. :lol:

Haha, in half of your posts you adress the fact how supposedly Im from Denmark. Why is that? Because you have no real viable argument?
And Im not from Denmark btw. I temporarily live here for education, and I pay for my own livelihood, as I dont get money from the Danish government. Check the stats, Iranians have the highest percentage of University graduates in countries such as Denmark, Sweden (higher percentage than Danes and Swedes themselves, relatively speaking!). The Medicin, dentist, engineer programs are just overflowing with Iranians. My whole family are doctors. So if anything, they should be more grateful to have us than the other way around. :D
I go to Iran on a regular basis, dont worry about me.

It seems you have a deep rooted problem with Iranians living outside the country with opinions you find hostile, and are somehow owing to hold a certain point of view. lol
Is that why your country, the flag-bearer of freedom of speech, bans PressTV? :omghaha:

Relax numbnuts. I don't care what you contribute. I'm just making the point that sometimes people who live outside of their country can be more extreme than those living in it.

If PressTV had paid its broadcasting costs, the mouthpiece of Iranian propaganda would have still been on air.
You sound brave. This Jew would snap you in half. You Mullah-loving, knuckle-dragging bearded pleb.

I'm bigger than your inflation, you piece of ****. :lol:

Relax numbnuts. I don't care what you contribute. I'm just making the point that sometimes people who live outside of their country can be more extreme than those living in it.

If PressTV had paid its broadcasting costs, the mouthpiece of Iranian propaganda would have still been on air.

you're not bigger than me , ask your close relatives :lol:
Ahmadinejad's ally could pose new challenge to Iran's ruling clergy

Iranian president's chief of staff, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, would be a divisive figure if he stood in upcoming elections


Collision course ... potential presidential candidate Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, left, would not be popular among Iran's conservatives. Photograph: Behrouz Mehri/Getty

With a growing list of hopefuls to replace Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, thecampaign's most intriguing candidate may be a man who has not even announced whether he will run in the Islamic republic's 14 June election.

Powerful and mysterious, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei is, by most accounts, Ahmadinejad's most trusted adviser – but he is also divisive, reviled and distrusted by traditional conservatives, and was once deemed unfit for office by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Questions remain over whether or not Mashaei could be cleared to run by the conservative bodies that have the power to vet candidates. If he does, many observers say his candidacy would represent a fresh challenge to the ruling clergy, a trend that began during Ahmadinejad's current term.

"The rules of the game have been known and largely followed for three decades, and the cutthroat nature of Iranian politics is now being shaped by the Ahmadinejad camp repeatedly pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable by the Islamic republic's own standards," said Reza Marashi, research director at the National Iranian American Council in Washington.

Mashaei served briefly as Iran's vice-president in 2009, when Ahmadinejad, showing defiance in response to Khamenei's decree, appointed Mashaei as his chief of staff. He now represents Iran as head of the Non-Aligned Movement, a group of about 120 countries whose presidency rotates among its members.

Regarded as a pragmatist, Mashaei has cast himself as a nationalist and moderate open to expanding co-operation with Iran'slongtime foes. In a 2008 speech that infuriated conservatives, he declared that "no nation in the world is our enemy'', and he praised the United States as "one of the great nations of the world''. For the ideologically committed members of the Islamic republic's political establishment, such statements are considered so radical as to pose a risk to the theocracy that has governed Iran since the revolution of 1979. Opponents have taken to referring to Mashaei and others among Ahmadinejad's advisers as a "deviant current", and some have accused the men of sorcery and other illicit activities. But Mashaei has gained popularity among Iranian expatriates who see him as presenting Iran as open for business.

As a two-term president, Ahmadinejad is barred by law from seeking re-election. He has clashed sharplyover the past two years with the Khamenei camp, and has made no secret of his desire to see an ally elected as his successor. If his candidacy is approved, Mashaei could attract support from Ahmadinejad's base in the working class, many of whom are veterans of the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war. He could also win support among Iranian nationalists who believe that identity trumps their religious one , a potentially large bloc of voters.

Other analysts believe his popularity is overblown. "I do not think Mashaei has enough support to win,'' Farideh Farhi, an Iran analyst on the political science faculty at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, said. "He is not as well-known as everyone thinks outside of Tehran, and his Iran-centred turns are not seen as genuine by urban middle classes."

A final list of candidates is not expected to be announced until mid-May, a month before the election.

Some analysts say Ahmadinejad and Mashaei have used unpredictability as an effective tool in maintaining power.

During Ahmadinejad's presidency,which began in 2005, there have been few aspects of domestic and foreign policy that have not been affected by Mashaei. Among his key positions was his tenure as head of Iran's cultural heritage and tourism organisation. In that role he made multiple trips abroad, solidifying relationships with leaders in a number of key countries where Tehran previously had little contact.

As head of an organisation called the High Council of Iranian Affairs Abroad, Mashaei invited more than 1,000 Iranian professionals living in other countries to return for a 2010 conference in Tehran to discuss ways to expand ties between the Islamic republic and its international diaspora and their money.

Although the event was controversial and expensive, it helped to solidify the image of Mashaei as a moderate. A kiosk at Tehran's international airport recently opened touting the council's successes, welcoming foreign tourists and Iranians returning home, with video messages from Mashaei and Ahmadinejad.

The relationship between Ahmadinejad and Mashaei is thought to go back to the 1980s, when both held posts in Iran's north-west and rose inside the country's security and intelligence forces. Those ties remain strong, and many of their political opponents worry about what sort of information the administration has gathered from intelligence organisations to use against rivals, which it has done in the past.

Neither man was particularly prominent in the Islamic republic, building up their revolutionary credentials without the help of powerful relatives. That fact probably adds to the perception of Mashaei and Ahmadinejad as outsiders in a system steeped in interwoven familial ties and gives them some credibility among Iranians who can identify with them.

The two are related by marriage. Mashaei's daughter is married to Ahmadinejad's eldest son.

Both men have used the image of themselves as everyday people to great effect, cultivating personas as nationalists open to expanding cooperation with Iran's longtime foes.

Mashaei has been more visible in recent months, accompanying Ahmadinejad in most of his public appearances and showing an ability to attract large crowds of supporters."Sidelining the Ahmadinejad team after the election won't come without great cost, because this is now about political survival and the future of the Islamic republic," Marashi said.

Ahmadinejad's ally could pose new challenge to Iran's ruling clergy | World news | Guardian Weekly
seems like a zionist is a bit angry at us.death to israhell anyway!:azn:
seems like a zionist is a bit angry at us.death to israhell anyway!:azn:

Brother, I do not get angry with backward people.

Many Iranians now have hatred in their hearts. Maybe even more than the Arabs. I think we might even get on better with our Palestinain cousins that we do with you now.

Lots of joint projects with us and the West Bank folk.

You're isolated. Your allies are falling to pieces. Your terrorist Hezbollah is bogged down in Syria. Your Assad is beleaguered. Your friends in North Korea can't even feed themselves.

The world thinks you're fundamentalists. Your economy is in ruin, you can't afford medicine. Your terror agents are being arrested around the world. Bulgaria, Canada, Nepal, India, Thailand etc.

So I can understand you're angry. Every day your government-censored TV tells you that it's all Israel's fault. The Jews did it all to you.

Poor Iran. :frown:
yes bro, That's why I said " the scums surrounding Iran". Iran will have to be wise when dealing with the western world. They are like viruses, they will infect Iran with their ideologies if we blink even for a second. They have no love for Iran, they just want us in their grasp. Tbh, as long as we trade with them and can sell them things that good, but anything more will not be tolerated in Iran after what they did in 50's by overthrowing our democracy.

Remember this, if they had not overthrown mosadegh, there would had been no shah and subsequently no islamic revolution and we would not be in this situation today. so the west is to blame for Iran situation today one way or another.
In a sense, I hope our guys are paying more attention to the long view.
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