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hassan nisar saying nice things about taliban

Im from Lahore by the way, secondly immigrants were not allowed to enter Frontier(Sarhad) or Balochistan, the locals resisted, but only Punjab and Sindh welcomed.. and people who work got their rewards, people who adopted progress, succeeded.. cannot complain to be a port city being an advantage, tourism was bringing quite a good luck in FATA, what did you guys do with it, buy guns or developed resorts?

thirdly, again dont make it about Pashtuns, we were clearly talking about the tribal society, and its drawbacks, and I have mentioned it before in one of the posts, that be it Balochi, Pukhtoon or Feudal society, all resist progress, cause thats where the interest of the few Maliks/Sardars/Wadera/Chaudhary lies.

Anyway, Education is the key, more education, more empowerment, more business, more progress.


You talking ****?
Islam do emphasis on education, economic prosperity and is not hindrance to technological advancement but basis of superiority in islam is Taqwa, not your urban lifestyle.

source and reference for your claim?

If you study books related to Pakistan's biggest challenges related to partition, you will find many references.

and why are you circling ? first tried to defend tribal society's backwardness, then hatred for other segments of the society, then took the discussion to pashtunism, then Islam of Mullah?
I should have posted completed sentence. In the God's eyes superior/better among us is the one who is mutaqi.

Mr.secular you and @Leader might wear bikini and go to night clubs, curse mullahs and look down upon poor, it would be your "personal" life and people are supposed to mind their business.......i am sure you have justification and excuse for every thing you do. Liberal people drink sharab and justify it by saying that it does have some medical benefits. They dont pray nimaz and say that God the merciful will forgive him.

lol... no this is not what I do, but this is a choice for anyone who wants to do, if you want to be a mullah why everybody else should follow you?

and no I dont look down upon poor, but yes I do look down upon those who keep them poor or manipulate or pollute their minds.

Now again I will repeat, education is the way forward, else no progress !

by the way how many colleges/universities there are in FATA?
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You can not assert your superiority in this world. Your character and morals make you more trustworthy in the eyes of society than a sinful, while contradictions reveal your munafiqat.

Admit it or not , but there is a superiority that exists , it makes no difference , if someone doesn't accept it . On the basis of Human Development Index , Economic progression , technological advancement , quality of living and education - surprisingly each one of them is interlinked , further with adaptability , welcoming change and modernization . The criteria you listed , is true for the hereafter , the world of course is different . Ironically , the same thinking pattern , is argued by the researchers of Islamic history to be the cause of Muslim downfall , they simply stopped caring for this life and the results , in front of all of us . Nothing whatsoever have the morals and character got to do with , what I am talking about . Not linked , to be precise , you can still retain them , while being superior .
Hassan Nisar is a conniving fraud.
I largely do not care what Hassan Nisar says because most of the time he spouts nonsense without any actual facts to support himself.

This has nothing to do "Mullah's" (which is simply a person educated in Islam so I fail to see how that's a bad thing) the issue is about us needing to fight groups like the TTP and LeJ who threaten social harmony by resorting to violence to resolve ideological differences between Muslims or threaten/kill minorities under the protection of a Muslim state particularly without due process.

However, individuals and groups who don't want Pakistan to be a true Islamic Republic, want Pakistan to simply abandon Kashmir and sit by as our people die and land remains occupied by Hindu Indian niggers and would allow our citizens to be illegally renditioned/kidnapped to a foreign nation all the while undermining our nations interests/security (ex. conspiring with foreign governments to assist in their invasion of our land or attempts to undermine our security forces and strategic interests) are just as bad.

nowhere did he say that democracy is a failure

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy..."
-Alexander Fraser Tytler, 1770

To be frank it's clear to anyone who actually understands how a democracy works and it's historical implementation that it's always doomed to collapse that's probably why virtually every country on Earth isn't a democracy with rules in place to prevent it from actually becoming one. This doesn't mean that a country breaks apart what it means is that it eventually becomes a some form of oligarchy. You already see it today in most Western and non-Western governments.

Winston Churchill is noted as having said “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter” and based on what I've heard in public and on this forum he couldn't be more right. There seems to be many who don't have even the slightest understanding of the problems facing Pakistan they simply parrot the nonsense American or other Western politicians, all of whose own economies and social structures are collapsing, reiterate. Unfortunately, this is partly due to dirt bag liberals from and in Pakistan who routinely either outright lie to our public or have no idea what they're talking about though I personally believe the former is the case with most of them. I agree with the idea of people being able to elect their representatives but since most people do not possess the knowledge necessary to elect knowledgeable politicians and do no research for themselves you are always going to wind up a political system that fails the people.

A Western style "liberal democracy" will not work in Pakistan considering how different our culture and history is but I would go further and say that it wont work for long anywhere. Winston Churchill is also noted as having said "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried" but it is almost assured he had no understanding of an Islamic Republic. As stated previously a public without knowledge will generally not be able to elect knowledgeable leaders and with that comes another problem where a government elected into power has the right to change the constitution so nothing is sacred or guaranteed (ex. Internment of innocent Japanese-Americans during WWII or the Canadian Indian residential school system scandal). Anything can become a law and any right you have can be taken away (whether it's your right to practice Islam, raise your children, have access to different types of information, etc...). However, the Quran has remained unchanged for 1400+ years and no one would ever dare to even attempt to alter it considering Muslim sentiment nor can it be changed since it is the most memorized book in the world and the because of the words of our creator (Surah 15:9). Thus, since a constitution based on the Quran and Sunnah is unchanging those people who disagree with it can finally move on to new pastures while those who do agree with it can stay and all parties involved can finally move forward.

obviously taliban are no good, medieval tribal creatures with peanut brains about the modern world.
p.s whats the contribution of any of your tribal society to the modern world ?

dont say they were kept backward by the State, no it is their own culture that stops its members from learning and adopting modern lifestyle.

I agree with you regarding tribalism but the concept of nation states is not much different. This is probably why the Quran states:

"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another..." (Surah 49:13)

However, it is obvious that there are times when two separate civilizations cant coexist and need to go their separate ways until such time they are able to unite.

If testimony regarding their prior history is correct you are right that they do not have an understanding of how to develop economies and infrastructure but neither are Pakistan's current politicians and the a plethora of Pakistani's who have done little to no research and comment on issues they're not educated on.

I agree with @Pak-one about asking what a "modern" lifestyle is and ask many of PDF members how much they know about the "modern" world?

Most Western nations both economically and socially are collapsing and their downfall began with the end of colonialism and slavery. Dr. Michio Kaku, a Japanese-American theoretical Physicist, was on stage once and stated that the US' secret weapon is the H-1B (aka Genius visas) without which the scientific establishment of the US would collapse (he cited that about half of all US PhD candidates are foreign born). American school systems are producing the stupidest students among the "developed" world (top 5 spots as of today go to Asian nations as per PISA rankings) considering all the resources they have to dedicate towards education and their lifestyles are increasingly based entirely on debt while the family structure is breaking up (50% of marriages end in divorce while around 30% of couples don't even make it to the alter) not to mention a myriad of other issues such as the AIDS pandemic which is the result of Western views on casual sexual relations (which is the byproduct of secularism) a growing issue in countries like India who are increasingly adopting a similar culture.

There are two reasons why the Western world is ahead of the rest of the world technologically and economically. First, the Western world does invest in R&D which takes them forward but more importantly they have kept everyone else back (through colonialism, war and sabotage - ex. Overthrow of Mosaddegh in Iran and now the overthrow of Morsi in Egypt and replacing them with puppets who follow their foreign masters and have no real qualification or incentive to lead and do more for their peoples instead it just results in civil unrest which takes away money from education or R&D and puts it into providing policing). I would venture to say that the Western world has probably set humanity back about 500+ years.

The Western world would not be anywhere close to where it is today without slavery and colonialism which helped them to acquire cheap resources and labor. Whether we are talking about the US, Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, etc... virtually all engaged in it and those who didn't still benefited from it. Before colonialism, particularly about 200 years ago, the richest countries on Earth were only three times richer than the worlds poorest countries but after colonialism largely ended (in the 60s) the richest were 35 times wealthier than the poorest. Pakistan along with China, Iraq, Egypt and Greece represented the oldest most sophisticated civilizations on the planet except for about the last 200 years (so for around 95+% of human history we were on top) yet now all of them are struggling to overcome poverty and/or financial ruin. The reason for this is that while they (Western World) progressed they instigated war (ex. against the Ottoman Empire) or robbed foreign peoples of their culture (a proud people are a rebellious people) along with de-industrializing colonized nations since there was no point of industrializing a country/countries to be more self sufficient and innovative when the colonizer is only there to rob it of resources and acquire cheap manual labor.

To give you an example of how "modern" Western nations have screwed everyone else lets look at the case of the Mughal Empire which in 1820 had a per capita GDP (PPP) of about $533 (1990 International dollars) while Britain had a per capita GDP (PPP) of $1,706 as per the book "Contours of the World Economy, 1–2030" by Angus Maddison (so the difference in per capita GDP was about a factor of 3) and you should take into account that they had already colonized the Americas by this time and were exploiting its resources for their own gain (when the Americas were beginning to be colonized in 1500 AD our GDP per capitas were about equal). Lets assume that the GDP (PPP) per capita remained about the same until 1858 when the British Raj was established and, as per the book I referenced previously, the GDP (PPP) per capita of South Asia grew to $853 in 1973 (a 60% increase in 115 years) while the UKs GDP (PPP) per capita in the same time frame grew by about 700%. However, when British colonialism ended the GDP (PPP) per capita of both Pakistan and India grew about 300% in 33 years (five times the growth in about a third of the time).

Don't be fooled by these people when they start talking about "modernity" and the "modern world" because they're simply lying or out of sheer iggnorance/arrogance have refused to acknowledge their past. Even today these guys are telling poorer nations to do the exact opposite of what made them rich. Historically they became rich through the institution of tariffs and duties on imported goods as well as subsidies for domestic industries until they were able to compete both regionally and worldwide at which point they opened up their markets to competition yet in Pakistan's case the are routinely telling us to open up trade with India which because of their size (economy of scale) and large subsidies (ex. they employ four times the agricultural subsidies that Pakistan does) would destroy our economy at this stage of development.

They do not have Pakistan's interests at heart.
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his views change based on the kind of drink he had a night before, desi pee ke usey taliban hoor jasey nazar atey hain
And you are modern and advanced by wearing tight jeans?

It seems their brains grow larger when they fight pak army and americans with strategy and clever plannings.

Bombing mosques, schools and blowing yourself to kill innocent women and children is not clever plannings but a serious mental illness.
He is not supporting taliban. he is fed up from the present govt. , policies and circumstances in the country. So he thinks if these corrupt leaders can rule why not taliban?
Bombing mosques, schools and blowing yourself to kill innocent women and children is not clever plannings but a serious mental illness.

dropping tons of bombs through F-16 , facilitating drone strikes on your own population (killing women, men and children) is rather a bigger mental illness.
dropping tons of bombs through F-16 , facilitating drone strikes on your own population (killing women, men and children) is rather a bigger mental illness.

You think i support drone strikes in Pakistan? Stop justifying the murder of innocent.
This guy should be charged with terrorism and Beghairti!
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