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Hashimoto says allied soldiers raped women after D-Day


Apr 4, 2014
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Hashimoto says allied soldiers raped women after D-Day
Politics Jun. 17, 2014 - 03:00PM JST ( 133 )

Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto AFP

Allied soldiers liberating France during World War II raped French women after pushing back the Germans, an outspoken Japanese politician has claimed, as Tokyo comes under pressure over its wartime system of sex slavery.

Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, who was once seen as a future prime minister, argued in a weekend speech that Japan must admit its own historical wrongdoings while also pointing out the mistakes of others, the Mainichi Shimbun said.

“After landing in Normandy, allied soldiers raped French women. ‘Comfort stations’ were built after things became too much,” he said in the speech, using a euphemism for brothels, according to the newspaper.

“It is a historical fact. It is an unfortunate past. We must never repeat it,” he said in the public address.

The comment is the latest instance of a right-wing politician jumping feet-first into the sensitive topic of the Japanese use of coerced prostitution during World War II, which saw thousands of women—mainly Koreans—forced to work in brothels.

Japan has officially apologized for the system and maintains that a treaty normalizing ties with South Korea decades ago settled the issue.

But the two Koreas continue to say Tokyo is not contrite enough—a stance that is reinforced every time a senior politician equivocates or attempts to play down the subject.

Conservatives—including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe—feel Japan is unfairly singled out for wrongs that were more widespread than their accusers admit.

However, historians agree that while there were rapes by allied soldiers in Normandy, there is no generally accepted evidence of officially-sanctioned sex attacks by any military during World War II, other than the Japanese.

“Europeans and Americans say ‘Japanese used sex slaves.’ We have to educate Japanese who would be able to argue and reply to them, ‘We were wrong, but you were wrong as well,’” Hashimoto said in the speech, according to the Mainichi.

Hashimoto, whose small opposition party has recently fractured, is well known for stirring controversy. Critics suggest he is playing to a narrow but vocal domestic gallery with little regard for international implications.

Last year he claimed the comfort women system served a “necessary” role by keeping battle-stressed soldiers in line, sparking outrage in Asia and inviting U.S. criticism.

Hashimoto says allied soldiers raped women after D-Day ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
According to latest scientific research, when the human mind recalls something, it actually recalls the last time it recalled it. Somewhat like a computer hard drive. Point being, the 2nd world war is done and buried. Asking for apologies etc is ridiculous
According to latest scientific research, when the human mind recalls something, it actually recalls the last time it recalled it. Somewhat like a computer hard drive. Point being, the 2nd world war is done and buried. Asking for apologies etc is ridiculous
i will tell u what is ridiculous,,,,,,the justification he gave....
He recognized the mistakes of the past. Period. Both sizes made mistakes.

Nothing wrong with what he said. :coffee:
The nazi raped/killed 10+ millions of poles/slavs
The red army got its revenged and raped 2 million + Germans.

Of course, just because Japan wasn't the only one that committed war crimes doesn't justify Japan's war of aggression. If that were the case, then everyone should have the right to fly planes into New York because the Taliban did it as well.

IMO Japanese politicians should just keep their mouth shut about WW2, whenever someone tries to justify the action of Japan, it makes previous Japanese apologies look insincere.
which country doesn't use rape or sex as weapon in war or to comfort their soldiers.....
this practice is going on from the time humans lived in caves....
WWII is a long gone thing why are wasting ur present over past.... if someone think its not happening now in war they are naive to think so....
IMO Japanese politicians should just keep their mouth shut about WW2, whenever someone tries to justify the action of Japan, it makes previous Japanese apologies look insincere.

Why sir? Or you would drop another Fat Boy on them? Every major power has done a lot of unwanted damage including USA which it conveniently hides from public view. Japanese have as much a right to express their grievances as much as other countries have with them.

In fact, the Allied countries (USA, UK, Russia, France) should hold a separate final talk with Axis powers (Japan, Germany and Italy) now and sort out their differences and grievances themselves. China and India who were major participants of war on both sides, should be also invited to voice out their issues, discuss these issues seriously and like mature adults and BURY the past.

Denial on either side won't help.
When i read the memory of WWII, i knew Red Army ever raped hundred German women in 1945 Berlin.

But such crime didn't affect the justice, retribution to the evil ?! We knew the U.N is the result of WWII, and justice was defined by winner.
Well it certainly happened since his guy says it did. :lol:

Sentiments towards Americans in France are highest in Normandy.

This is just an attempt to justify and marginalize Japanese WWII atrocities.
When i read the memory of WWII, i knew Red Army ever raped hundred German women in 1945 Berlin.

But such crime didn't affect the justice, retribution to the evil ?! We knew the U.N is the result of WWII, and justice was defined by winner.
China is UNSC permanent member !
The nazi raped/killed 10+ millions of poles/slavs
The red army got its revenged and raped 2 million + Germans.

Of course, just because Japan wasn't the only one that committed war crimes doesn't justify Japan's war of aggression. If that were the case, then everyone should have the right to fly planes into New York because the Taliban did it as well.

IMO Japanese politicians should just keep their mouth shut about WW2, whenever someone tries to justify the action of Japan, it makes previous Japanese apologies look insincere.

Japan never apologized for its crimes of the past. They may regret, but their ww2 Japanese history books show them as the victim. You are correct that they are trying to put the blame on the allies to justify their own atrocities.
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