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Has the US lost its air supremacy in military combat?

Its losing it big time.

in the 90s war with Iraq. there was only a single generation difference between the iraqi and american armies. Yet the US army was pushing buttons and anahilating anything Iraq had before they even knew what hit them.

no air defense could challenge them, and the US air force could walk into most countries and their troops could walk around free from any potential air assualt.

Today that is not the case. American air force would have extreme difficulty owning the skies of a country with a developed air defense system.

US troops would never ever be able to enjoy the same aireal dominance they are used to where they completlely own the skies. cheap but lethal armed drones are everywhere. it would be extremely easy for a country to constantly attack and harras american troops with drones to devastating effect.

even american generals are starting to acknowledge the big changes. and are admitting they no longer own the air as they used to...

The US air force could still beat anybody in a theoritcal but unrealistic scenario of open warfare. in reality any war the US fights is a war of aggression. and they fight it on enemy territory. So their air force would struggle immensly against an even moderatly competent/armed country.
USA remains number 1 and will remain so.

There is no guaraantee of such thing in this rapid evovling world.. Assuming it would be blind faith rather then factual.. Imo all this is in the unknown hence the chinese could very well be way ahead for all we know
Maybe 10 to 20 years ago, there is no doubt US can maintain air superiority in any corner of earth. But I doubt US can maintain air superiority over China airspace.

And we are not merely taking about fighter taking on fighter only. But location, the network of air defense, space asset moinitoring plus fighter planes protecting the skies too. An all in one complete package which suggest major countries holding the home turf will give them an advantage.
Finally, someone reminded that absolute air superiority cannot be measured by aircraft inventory alone.
Maybe 10 to 20 years ago, there is no doubt US can maintain air superiority in any corner of earth. But I doubt US can maintain air superiority over China airspace.

And we are not merely taking about fighter taking on fighter only. But location, the network of air defense, space asset moinitoring plus fighter planes protecting the skies too. An all in one complete package which suggest major countries holding the home turf will give them an advantage.
Finally, someone reminded that absolute air superiority cannot be measured by aircraft inventory alone.

It’s not the inventory alone, but continued high investment into the most advanced air and space capabilities in the world. It’s why you see B-21 bombers, the first ELO class aircraft in the world, going into production, and 6th Gen fighter prototypes already flying.

The US dominates the air and space domains.

And the USAF will thank the producer of this documentary so that he and his panel can go to the US Congress for more funds.

Jokes aside, the US is still a deadly military force with maximum military experience in all forms of combat, terrain, and formats. They prefer a controlled escalation/de-escalation to a brutal no-holds-barred fight and that's one reason why they do not unleash their full capabilities.

If it came to their nation's safety, heavens help the country that is on their receiving end. Their country was born out of a war, they stabilized on the basis of a (civil) war and since then they are all about war. They will always think 50 years ahead in terms of how to remain a dominant force, and till the time they control the global flow of money, they will retain their position.

They have around 650+ 5th generation jets, AWACS, long-range stealth bombers, weapons that can blow entire nations to kingdom come, and a network of intelligence and communication gear that most countries can only dream of. To call them 'losing their edge' is nothing better than a joke.
Maybe 10 to 20 years ago, there is no doubt US can maintain air superiority in any corner of earth. But I doubt US can maintain air superiority over China airspace.

And we are not merely taking about fighter taking on fighter only. But location, the network of air defense, space asset moinitoring plus fighter planes protecting the skies too. An all in one complete package which suggest major countries holding the home turf will give them an advantage.
US is way over rated and this is how they build their ratings, they go and hit a 3rd world helpless country do intense bombing. Once that is done their media kicks in with all kind spin doctors how their mighty machine is 2nd to none.

Against a formidable foe like China the best tools in US arsenal are proxies & terrorist that's the best US can do, the rest is all noise.
US is still numero uno in Air combat Superiority. No one comes close to its capabilities, firepower, and global force projection. No one. It will take China another 2 decades to come to par to US Air power, as it stands today. In 2 decades US Air power would have increased so even in 2 decades no other country will be able to equate to US air combat capability.
The question for China is not global air dominance. The question for China is regional air superiority. Meaning can it field an air arm and other units within a near region where it can dominate the airspace (brining a broad spectrum of resources not just aircraft assets). That is something China is likely to achieve in its region within the next decade and half. Anyone who thinks China is ahead of US Air power today, is limited in their knowledge. Even China will not think that is the case.
Also China should not fall for such hubris laden traps. It should wait and be patient.
no, the us still has the lead. though that lead has been steadily eroding.

it was only a couple decades ago that the us could overfly mainland china and likely come out alive, think J-7s vs F-22s and what kind of slaughter that would be.

yet now the us would find it difficult to even overfly taiwan in case of war, china has gone from J-7 to J-20 while the us still flies F-22
Its losing it big time.

in the 90s war with Iraq. there was only a single generation difference between the iraqi and american armies. Yet the US army was pushing buttons and anahilating anything Iraq had before they even knew what hit them.

no air defense could challenge them, and the US air force could walk into most countries and their troops could walk around free from any potential air assualt.

Today that is not the case. American air force would have extreme difficulty owning the skies of a country with a developed air defense system.

US troops would never ever be able to enjoy the same aireal dominance they are used to where they completlely own the skies. cheap but lethal armed drones are everywhere. it would be extremely easy for a country to constantly attack and harras american troops with drones to devastating effect.

even american generals are starting to acknowledge the big changes. and are admitting they no longer own the air as they used to...

The US air force could still beat anybody in a theoritcal but unrealistic scenario of open warfare. in reality any war the US fights is a war of aggression. and they fight it on enemy territory. So their air force would struggle immensly against an even moderatly competent/armed country.

US has the Inherent disadvantage of being the aggresive party. They are used to kill people in their homes. But, currently, especially with Russia and China, US have to gracefully accept the likelihood of Pennsylvania or Los Angeles neighbourhoods becoming worse than they are now.

750 F-35s Now Delivered (Overall F-35 deliveries now stand at 753, with more than half (53%) coming in the last three years.)

Well I think the US is still no 1 but it does have serious challengers now from China and Russia
Combine china and Russia can give some fight, but American 200+ f22 stealth fighters can do unrepairable damage to both airforces. I don't think they even need to use f35s
There is 2 scenarios :
1) You take out their airbases for good. And make their fighter jets lose range then Yes they have lost the air supremacy.
2) You fight them in the air and try to catch up with inventor. Then you lose and USA still has the air supremacy.

Since USA has lost the hypersonic race to Russia and China and by some limits to Iran in west of Asia then we can say that USA has supposedly lost its airbases around these missiles powers.

Against Russia, China and Iran, USA has no air supremacy but against other parts of the world, they possess the stealth edge.
There is 2 scenarios :
1) You take out their airbases for good. And make their fighter jets lose range then Yes they have lost the air supremacy.
2) You fight them in the air and try to catch up with inventor. Then you lose and USA still has the air supremacy.

Since USA has lost the hypersonic race to Russia and China and by some limits to Iran in west of Asia then we can say that USA has supposedly lost its airbases around these missiles powers.

Against Russia, China and Iran, USA has no air supremacy but against other parts of the world, they possess the stealth edge.
You are ignoring air defence systems of US.
One thing more,they have to recently introduced stealth UAV refuelers for their fighter jets.
Where the US lost hypersonic race with Russians or China?
They are developing a hypersonic missile.yes this may take a while but they will definitely field hypersonic Missiles very soon.
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