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Has PAF Created It's Own 'Spice' Bomb

@Hodor @airomerix

Thank you sir, wish I knew more about these specialized weapons in PAF inventory and otherwise.
As can be seen that after seven pages, members have given at least seven versions to the subject from being inert to bunker-buster and even a version of JDAMS....which raises another question, as JDAMS are very much part of PAF inventory, again it's an American satellite-guided weapon....so what satellite will PAF use to guide the bomb to its target or does it also incorporates INS.
JDAM is a guidance kit which can be installed on a bomb to make it a guided weapon.

F-16 has a GPS receiver through which it can point the JDAM equipped bomb towards the target by feeding this information into JDAM control computer through a data bus from the F-16 mission computer to JDAM control computer.
The JDAM control computer has its own
1.INS and
2. GPS receiver
which are integrated with each other.

INS monitors the bomb's movements, tracking its path from its launch position.
GPS receiver maintains its position by interpreting GPS satellite signals

GPS receiver gets guidance from few satellites through trilateration method, which basically means getting signals from enough satellites for good accuracy. The GPS satellites are not US Military controlled anymore. GPS technology is public.

Mate, you are spoiling the fun here for those here who believe that Spice is a mythical weapon with horns.
JDAM and SPICE have same function almost, they are guidance kits used for guiding a bomb. I think Media reporting has spread this confusion that SPICE is a Bomb and used the term SPICE Bomb.
. .
A fact that gets overlooked for some reason! Most Pakistani people call it a missile :haha:when it is a SOW
REK (Range extender kit) can be used to make a weapon/bomb into a Stand off weapon (SOW).

Do H2/H4s and Chineese SOWs (if we have) use Beidou or GPS?
PAF can give its bombs ranges of around 100 Km by installing a REK on the bomb which has its own guidance and navigation system too and uses GPS.
REK (Range extender kit) can be used to make a weapon/bomb into a Stand off weapon (SOW).

PAF can give its bombs ranges of around 100 Km by installing a REK on the bomb which has its own guidance and navigation system too and uses GPS.
But there must be an altitude and speed stipulation of the launch aircraft, for the attainment of such a stand-off distance?
But there must be an altitude and speed stipulation of the launch aircraft, for the attainment of such a stand-off distance?

As in speed, Aircraft flies faster than the dropped bomb. How fast does the bomb need to reach the target?
Dropping the bomb at altitude of 5000m will take the bomb longer to reach the target than a bomb dropped at 1000m. Flight time of the bomb itself comes into play.

Longer flight time of the bomb gives the sensor (GPS or any other) more time to align itself to satellites which increases accuracy, meaning bomb is delivered at higher altitude or longer distance. Planning of release altitude for bomb and the approach pertaining to distance is necessary. Detection of delivery aircraft or launch of bomb has to be avoided.

Is the target mobile or stationary ?
. . . . . . .
I keep forgetting you "insiders" have all the info there is to be had. long live google and faebook which with a little effort can make "experts" and "insiders" of us all, pity is they cant teach us any manners

Well, the true insiders, access to the top brass in the PA would never utter a word on this forum. Mum's the word.

Paveway series has certain mods which can be added or removed. Hence, giving the weapon a different look.

This thing, in particular, has no significance since it's merely a dummy weapon for practice. I sent this picture to a guy in 5 sqn and he has said the same thing. This is why i didnt respond to this thread earlier since i wanted to be sure myself.

Two things are becoming clear now.

1- The picture is definitely from 2015, as pointed out. The array and arrangement of the weapons, the back ground, banners etc are the same as in 2015 pictures, thus, without shadow of a doubt, it is the same picture to me.

2- The bomb itself from your explanation above holds no significance being a dummy weapon for practice.

Now the begging question is "What is the fuss"!!!
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Well, the true insiders, access to the top brass in the PA would never utter a word on this forum. Mum's the word.

Really....persons who managed to acquire the images with IAF kill markings.....or those with some fine details on the PAF operations, weapons and systems deployed and used must have got it all on e-bay.

Two things are becoming clear now.

1- The picture is definitely from 2015, as pointed out. The array and arrangement of the weapons, the back ground, banners etc are the same as in 2015 pictures, thus, without shadow of a doubt, it is the same picture to me.

2- The bomb itself from your explanation above holds no significance being a dummy weapon for practice.

Now the begging question is "What is the fuss"!!!
Just because the picture is from 2015, which no one denied, does that naturally proves it's a dummy weapon....or is it simply easy to just place all that is Blue in the dummy basket.

Really....persons who managed to acquire the images with IAF kill markings.....or those with some fine details on the PAF operations, weapons and systems deployed and used must have got it all on e-bay. [\QUOTE]

Yes, really really.

Just because the picture is from 2015, which no one denied, does that naturally proves it's a dummy weapon....or is it simply easy to just place all that is Blue in the dummy basket.


At least you admitted that the pictures are from 2015. That means the weapon is not new to PAF.
So what are you trying to give us as a break through!!

Who gives the title to this thread linking it to Spice bomb!!
Don't you think it is kinda indifferent!!

The news that it is a dummy bomb coming from a members whose words on other threads you guys take as gospel. You decide.

I am just an anlayser.

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