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Has Indian Army Officially Surrendered Bottleneck Post to PLA 18km from the LAC


Sep 26, 2018
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One of the most important friction points between India and China is the Y junction or Bottleneck in the Depsang plains. Yesterday the IA and PLA treated each other with sweets at Bottleneck raising eyebrows in Indian intelligentsia whether India has given up on Bottleneck.


Renowned Indian politician Subramanian Swamy predicts the Chinese will extend their new border to the Brahmaputra river in 2022.
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This year will be the most EXCITING one.
they are willingly bending over because a crack has opened from the Indian deterence and now China can slowly proceed with this as they are anyways bound to stand down and bendover they are terriffied by Ze-Chinese. China has actully succeeded in terrorizing them to a point of no return.. When you terrorize someone to that point it means there spirit is broken and there is no fight in them and that is the level India has reached here.... Some Indians will come here and lie about it but that is not true their spirit is broken
This year will be the most EXCITING one.
What are you getting excited about?

China will squeeze India and they'll squeeze Kashmir and us. And we'll bend over and take it like we've been doing.
China will squeeze India and they'll squeeze Kashmir and us. And we'll bend over and take it like we've been doing.
What they do in IoK, Pakistan has very little leverage on that. The rest along the LoC/IB remains as before regardless of Chinese pressure on India. We can manage that part.
The next target in the Depsang plains is the town of Burtse which lies on the strategic DBO road.
I am not following the latest news,
But I share the house with 2 Hindus,
Man they hate us! They're enemies to be feared.
We need to make them suffer,
we are not even scratch on the country India!
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The Indians have folded up side down i am not surprised folks.. This is is what i have been telling all along they ain't about this life.. I know them indians inside and out.. They just ain't about this life... I have always held a confident point of view in regards to India when it comes to Pakistan we are about this life but they simply ain't..

It was not simply a coincident that the indus valley(Pakistan) civilization has ruled india for 5000 years without us leading them they are nobodies nor have will of any sort they are good for nothing.. Just a colony country for indus valley and why do you think the caste system is there and who do you think has imposed it ofcourse it is the indus valley civilization pre-islam in order to rule the colony safely... The so called aryans were just the indus valley civilization
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India has no capacity to fight China. This occupation of Y-junction in Depsang Plain is older than 2020 face-off, I believe. India was keeping it secret from Indian public.
No Sanghi/Bhakt poster has yet appeared on this thread, though it is based upon highly credible information. They are evading it. :lol:
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