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Has India Surpassed US? : Indian Akash SAM vs US' Patriot SAM

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A little old but informative post..

India & Israel’s Barak SAM Development Project(s)

In February 2006, therefore, Israel and India signed a joint development agreement to create a new Barak-NG medium shipborne air defense missile, as an evolution of the Barak-1 system in service with both navies. In July 2007 the counterpart MR-SAM project began moving forward, aiming to develop a medium range SAM for use with India’s land forces. Both missiles would now be called Barak-8. In between, “India to Buy Israeli “SPYDER” Mobile Air Defense System” covered India’s move to begin buying mobile, short-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems for its army, based on the Python and Derby air-to-air missiles in service with its air force and naval aircraft.

These projects offer India a way forward to address its critical air defense weaknesses, and upgrade “protection of vital and strategic ground assets and area air defence.” In Israel, the Barak-8 is slated to equip its next-generation frigates, and may find its way to other roles. Beyond those 2 countries, export prospects beckon for a missile that may offer a value-priced alternative to the popular Standard-2 and Aster-15. This DID FOCUS article will cover the Barak-8 pograms in India, Israel, and beyond. The latest development involves additional reports that a firm $1+ billion contract has been signed… .

India & Israel’s Barak SAM Development Project(s)
we seriously need some indigenous long range SAMs. we cannot depend barak2/barak8 totally..moreover these are medium range SAMs.
we seriously need some indigenous long range SAMs. we cannot depend barak2/barak8 totally..moreover these are medium range SAMs.

Seriously ?? whats the urgency now???
is there any possibility about s-400

dont know about S-400 but there was some talk about being involved in S-500...however internet talks can always be wrong..
Seriously ?? whats the urgency now???

no urgency till we are mature enough to stop creating thread like these where we start comparing ourselves with US on the basis of a single missile.

BTW seriously was used to focus more on indigenousitaion than the need of the missiles.
is there any possibility about s-400

currently, NO !! we were approached, but the offered was refused. In future more SAM development programmes with Israel coming up but no S-400 as of now.
Misleading title.

Akash better than patriot - Yes
India better than Us - NO

Hope it clarifies every ones doubts...

And btw it was wront to compare Akash with S-300.Still russians make the Best SAM systems.Even Americans are behind them in this field.
Also S-300 is a LR-SAM while Akash is a MR-SAM.

Well we can't compare missiles on a single criteria of "engine thrust" and say its better.

There are several other factors which need to be compared like.

Missile range

Radar range

Missile ceiling

Resistance to ECM

Reaction time

Single shot kill probability against
cruise missiles
ballistic missiles
If true, then when India is going to launch compaign against US! hehehe
we seriously need some indigenous long range SAMs. we cannot depend barak2/barak8 totally..moreover these are medium range SAMs.

:mps:arent u forgetting something
India is developing a complete suite of air defence missiles that are both endo-atmospheric and exo-atmospheric that will employ Network Centric technology and will be able to engage all types of targets including:Short-Range Ballistic Missiles (SRBM)Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM)Air breathing targets such as aircraftCruise missilesThe system is expected to be deployed in a mix and match group to counter short reaction threats. Details of at least two missiles have been released, the PAD and AAD. There has however been some discussion as to whether an air-to-air missile currently in development - the Astra - has already been involved in user firing trials in a surface-to-air role. This may well be used as a means of either point defence, or at the very least in defence of the two primary missile systems against SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defence) attacks. A further missile development that will increase the range and capability of the system is know as the PDV, this is also due for firing trials sometime early in the FY2010. With this capability, India will have protection cover in the western region and the northeastern region against those targets that are launched from 2,500 km. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed technologies including Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Nano materials and Nano sensors to enable it to enter this particular area for missile defence and has laid down a solid foundation for the indigenous missile defence of India from its local adversaries such as Pakistan and

PAD/AAD (India) - Jane's Land-Based Air Defence
:mps:arent u forgetting something
India is developing a complete suite of air defence missiles that are both endo-atmospheric and exo-atmospheric that will employ Network Centric technology and will be able to engage all types of targets including:Short-Range Ballistic Missiles (SRBM)Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM)Air breathing targets such as aircraftCruise missilesThe system is expected to be deployed in a mix and match group to counter short reaction threats. Details of at least two missiles have been released, the PAD and AAD. There has however been some discussion as to whether an air-to-air missile currently in development - the Astra - has already been involved in user firing trials in a surface-to-air role. This may well be used as a means of either point defence, or at the very least in defence of the two primary missile systems against SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defence) attacks. A further missile development that will increase the range and capability of the system is know as the PDV, this is also due for firing trials sometime early in the FY2010. With this capability, India will have protection cover in the western region and the northeastern region against those targets that are launched from 2,500 km. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed technologies including Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Nano materials and Nano sensors to enable it to enter this particular area for missile defence and has laid down a solid foundation for the indigenous missile defence of India from its local adversaries such as Pakistan and

PAD/AAD (India) - Jane's Land-Based Air Defence

Isnt this the two tiered missile shield that you are talking about..the advanced air defence (AAD) and Prithvi air defence (PAD) ???
well, then again this isnt releveant...cause these will intercept ballistic missiles at both lower and higher level but the max range will be approx. 80 km(aproxx because, I am still not sure barak 2 will have exact 80 kms range)..so where am I wrong ??? we still need the long range SAMs..dont we ???
If true, then when India is going to launch compaign against US! hehehe

By your logic when are you launching campaign against India. Since you have better missiles. And having better system means war then there should be war all over.
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