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Has Imran Khan Successfully Destroyed the Institution of Army too?

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Lolz. Do you think these puppets have any say on Army decisions?
Atleast not in my memory.
Gen Musharraf was the Government himself. Gen Kayani stayed as long as he wanted. Gen Sharif left only because he got a much better job in KSA. and Now Gen Bajwa is staying as much as he wants.
These Civilian Governments of Pakistan don't even have any authority or Credibility over Civil Administration , Let alone army.
People are against army for running businesses and interfering in politics.

I have a couple questions for those people:
1) Are you ready to give all power to someone like Nawaz who sold us out in kargil and many other places? Are you to hand over Pakistan to likes of ppp who’d create civil war in Pakistan for power?
2) Are you ready to give ultimate control to judges in Pakistan who take pay checks from our enemies? Or the judges who release ttp terrorists and baloch terrorists and justify their actions?
3) Are you ready to pay more taxes so government can give extra billions of dollars to army since army won’t have fouji foundation for army families?
4) Are you ready to see the incompetence and corruption we see in civil government in our army?
5) Are you ready to see Pakistan become Syria 2.0?

If today Pakistan is still alive and isn’t Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan it’s because of the thousands of sacrifices your army made.

The people of Syria the people of Iraq the people of Libya started off how were acting. Always criticizing army and state. Those guys were patriotic for their country too however other powers made them turn against their army and state. Go look at Libya go look at Syria go look at Iraq today. WE FACE A COUNTRY 8 TIMES BIGGER THAN US ITS A MIRACLE WE SURVIVED THIS LONG THANKS TO PAKISTAN ARMY AND THE GENERALS WE CRITICIZE.

Pakistan is enemy number 1 for the whole world the world doesn’t want to see a Muslim country with nukes we have it. They world knows Pakistan can’t be invaded since we have nukes. We’re facing a massive propaganda war against us where our enemies are trying to make us the enemies of our own state and break our own state from within. DON’T FALL FOR ENEMY PROPAGANDA!

Take a lesson from Ottoman Empire and young Turks. Young Turks were patriotic students of the country who believed Ottoman Sultans were ruining their country. They overthrew AbdulHamid while he was facing the whole world. They thought he was incompetent like we think bajwa or our army is. However in reality Sultan AbdulHamid was facing the whole world on his own and when young Turks overthrew him Ottomans began to break down. Now we see no trace of Ottoman Empire they turned a place where the caliphate was into a super secular country!

And then there is this clown

Can't look beyond his sectarian agenda even after such a huge attack on armed forces of the country

By the way the 40 - 50 attackers of this attack are said to have gone back to Iran

Say thanks to Iran when next time you go their

So giving General Bajwa was part of following the law? :lol:

The difference is of results

The decline in violence. The increase in number of dead terrorists

DG ISPR has nothing to do with some army chief's success or failure

And nobody is belittling army but questioning the failures that keep on happening again and again

Well , it wasn't refer to the courts, to check if it is lawful or not. Did you see a verdict it was unlawful!! If you did produce we may have missed it.
All of our government institutions were in shambles

Police, Railway, Education, Health, Revenue, Judiciary. Literally everything

Imran Khan came in power with the lie that he would make things right and would correct insitutions. That never happened

Now looking at the way Pak army was thrashed by BLF in Kech district and the way army is trying to hide it can we say that Imran Khan has successfully destroyed this last functioning institution of Pakistan too

After all it was Imran Khan who gave longest extension to someone like General Bajwa who never deserved it in the first place and opposed giving extension to someone like Raheel Sharif saying giving extensions destroys institutions

So by Imran Khan's own words has he destroyed Pakistan army institution by giving extension to people who never deserved it?

You need to stop smoking whatever you are smoking. Stop blaming Imran Khan for everything that’s happening in Pakistan. He is not a dictator and even he was, he doesn’t have a magic wand to fix everything.
Pakistan is in this mess because of establishment and they are the only one who can fix it.
The popularity of Army is a on a decline with new generation and millennials and all this current fiasco doesn't help it either.
opposition: Imran khan is a military puppet

also opposition: Imran khan destroyed the military.
keep giving extensions, and one day, the generals who are not receiving their rightful promotions will get irritated. the internal structure wont matter much after that.
Agreed, no extension at all, and in my post #23, I expressed my opinion on the same issue. You need to go thru that.

please. war demands sacrifice? feel free to go balochistan.
I am proud to be from a family of soldiers, our family/friends had gone thru when their time was to defend/serve the country. I know none who stayed short of defending/serving the country. Now some retire and some are in eternal sleep, let them sleep they are not free.

armed forces have got everything to do with it. FC kpk got lucky with gen tariq khan, he turned it all around for them. need something like this to happen for FC balochistan as well. or else, you are going to keep on receiving news of more ambushes and death. FC balochistan upgrades were far more necessary than VT-4 tanks.
Here I mean that whenever every wrong happens in politics/calamity in Pakistan, people just jump to conclusions and used to curse armed forces. Good/Bad is everywhere, no one is an angel in this world, in reference to politics you could again check my post #23.
Of course, a soldier needs the best of weapons to face the enemy, which the country could afford there is no doubt about it.
IMO FC to be trained for some guerilla warfare/tactics, IED experts and to be equipped with night visions/sniper rifles/small drones with well capable cameras for surveillance around posts. Upgraded Zarrars to be passed on to FC, keeping in mind the capability of terrorist forces in the area. VT-4s are also necessary for international borders, we also could not afford a blind eye else our suffering will be multiplied in case of any skirmishes with a very well-equipped enemy.
The popularity of Army is a on a decline with new generation and millennials and all this current fiasco doesn't help it either.

Thsrs because of non stop continous propaganda againt them. Without the army Pakistan will collapse and anyone with a brain knows this
the said soldier receives monthly pension. also, the said soldier is no longer a soldier, and should and must look for a job like any other member of the public would do in a similar situation. its all made from tax money, it all belongs to the public and not to commissioned soldiers only.

keep giving extensions, and one day, the generals who are not receiving their rightful promotions will get irritated. the internal structure wont matter much after that.

Fauji group Askari etc, are opened by RETIRED professionals NOT serving.... ..These businesses are NOT opened by public tax money..infact they contribute to country's tax net. For DHA its ownership lies with govt. of Paksitan, comes under secretary defence and constituaionalized.Other companies like FWO work for govt. tenders ad special projects where govt. requires assistance....I think you are gravely mistaken and bringing this in parallel to the steel mills of Nawaz Sharif, this is highly misleading....every thing is not a product of tax money,
Monthly pension is not enough. When a person signs up for ISSB his eye is on his post retirement opportunities as well in case he is unable to go far. If the profession does not promise future endeavors, it attracts left over heads and not the creme..Same goes for non commisioned people.So humble up dear and appreciate your men in green.
And you totally skipped foreign military and their ex service men doing startups.. this is an established practice world over.

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