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Has Bangladesh Really Left India and Pakistan Behind in Per Capita Income?


Oct 31, 2009
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United States

Is Bangladesh's officially reported GDP figure credible? Do consumption figures support Bangladesh's claim of higher per capita income than India and Pakistan? If Bangladesh has higher GDP per capita, why is its per capita consumption of energy, cement and steel so much lower than India's and Pakistan's? Does Pakistan really have a much larger informal economy than Bangladesh or India? Is there a lot more currency in circulation in Pakistan than in Bangladesh and India? Let us try and answer these questions!

Energy consumption:

Life in modern times is heavily dependent on energy. Per capita energy consumption, a key barometer of economic activity, is significantly lower in Bangladesh than in India and Pakistan. Use of electricity per capita in Bangladesh is significantly less than in India and Pakistan.

Commercial energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita) above refers to apparent consumption, which is equal to indigenous production plus imports and stock changes, minus exports and fuels supplied to ships and aircraft engaged in international transport. It's only 142 Kg of oil per capita in Bangladesh, much lower than 463 Kg in Pakistan and 494 Kg in India.

Cement Consumption:

Use of cement is another important indicator of economic and development activities, particularly in the infrastructure and housing construction sector. China and the United States, the world's biggest economies, also have the highest consumption of cement.

Steel Consumption:

Per capita steel consumption is another important indicator of economic activity in both construction and manufacturing sectors. It goes into building housing and infrastructure as well manufacturing vehicles and home appliances. The United States and China, the world's biggest economies, are the largest consumers of steel.

Bangladesh is among the lowest consumers of steel products in the world. Per capita consumption of finished steel in Bangladesh (41 Kg) is lower than the regional peer Myanmar (40.5), India (75.3), Pakistan (45.7), Sri Lanka (53.5), according to the World Steel Association (WSA).

Pakistan's Informal Economy:
Dr. Lalarukh Ejaz, an assistant professor at the Institute of Business Administration in Karachi, has estimated that the size of Pakistan’s informal economy at 56% of the country’s GDP (as of 2019). This means that it’s worth around $180 billion a year, and that is a massive amount by any yardstick.
Vehicles and home appliance ownership data analyzed by Dr. Jawaid Abdul Ghani of Karachi School of Business Leadership suggests that the officially reported GDP significantly understates Pakistan's actual GDP. Indeed, many economists believe that Pakistan’s economy is at least double the size that is officially reported in the government's Economic Surveys. Pakistan's GDP has not been rebased in more than a decade. It was last rebased in 2005-6 while India’s was rebased in 2011 and Bangladesh’s in 2013. Just rebasing the Pakistani economy will result in at least 50% increase in official GDP.
A research paper by economists Ali Kemal and Ahmad Waqar Qasim of PIDE (Pakistan Institute of Development Economics) estimated in 2012 that the Pakistani economy’s size then was around $400 billion. All they did was look at the consumption data to reach their conclusion. They used the data reported in regular PSLM (Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measurements) surveys on actual living standards. They found that a huge chunk of the country's economy is undocumented.
Pakistan's Service Sector:
Pakistan's service sector which contributes more than 50% of the country's GDP is mostly cash-based and least documented. Compared to Bangladesh and India, there is a lot of currency in circulation in Pakistan. According to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), the currency in circulation has increased to Rs. 7.4 trillion by the end of the financial year 2020-21, up from Rs 6.7 trillion in the last financial year, a double-digit growth of 10.4% year-on-year. Currency in circulation (CIC), as percent of M2 money supply and currency-to-deposit ratio, has been increasing over the last few years. The CIC/M2 ratio is now close to 30%, according to the State Bank of Pakistan. The average CIC/M2 ratio in FY18-21 was measured at 28%, up from 22% in FY10-15. This 1.2 trillion rupee increase could have generated undocumented GDP of Rs 3.1 trillion at the historic velocity of 2.6, according to a report in The Business Recorder. In comparison to Bangladesh (CIC/M2 at 13%), Pakistan’s cash economy is double the size. Even a casual observer can see that the living standards in Pakistan are higher than those in Bangladesh and India.
Based on published data on energy, cement and steel consumption, Bangladesh's claim of having a per capita GDP than India and Pakistan does not seem credible. In this age of growing energy-intensive industrialization, it does not make sense to have significantly lower use of key inputs like energy to produce higher gross domestic product. For Pakistan, it is important for policymakers to promote ways of documenting more of the economy. It's also important for finance officials to rebase the country's to a more recent year than the year 2006 when it was last done.
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Auto sales in Pakistan for the year 2020-21 (Including PAMA and Non PAMA members)......... 238,000 units
Bike sales in Pakistan for the year 2019...........2.4 million units

Automobiles registered/sales in Bangladesh for the whole year of 2020...........20,093 units
Bikes sales in Bangladesh for year 2019.....500,000 units

All these 3 countries have 95% UNDOCUMENTED Economy. Hence, It is just not possible to know the exact GDP, which I suspect is much higher than on paper.

One way to estimate the size of the informal economy is by looking at the amount of currency in circulation relative to overall money supply. This data is published regularly by all central banks in South Asia. Pakistan's currency in circulation to M2 ratio is more than double the percentages in Bangladesh and India, indicating that the informal economy in Pakistan is much bigger.

Pakistan's service sector which contributes more than 50% of the country's GDP is mostly cash-based and least documented. Compared to Bangladesh and India, there is a lot of currency in circulation in Pakistan. According to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), the currency in circulation has increased to Rs. 7.4 trillion by the end of the financial year 2020-21, up from Rs 6.7 trillion in the last financial year, a double-digit growth of 10.4% year-on-year. Currency in circulation (CIC), as percent of M2 money supply and currency-to-deposit ratio, has been increasing over the last few years. The CIC/M2 ratio is now close to 30%, according to the State Bank of Pakistan. The average CIC/M2 ratio in FY18-21 was measured at 28%, up from 22% in FY10-15. This 1.2 trillion rupee increase could have generated undocumented GDP of Rs 3.1 trillion at the historic velocity of 2.6, according to a report in The Business Recorder. In comparison to Bangladesh (CIC/M2 at 13%), Pakistan’s cash economy is double the size. Even a casual observer can see that the living standards in Pakistan are higher than those in Bangladesh and India.

This one is much better
C'mon it's f-ing retarted my friend
Dude literally makes childish points, like GDP is bigger, railway tracks is bigger, Mumbai is bigger (ofcourse dah it's the financial Capital of India it should have a very GDP, NYC on its own is 10th biggest GDP in the world- but it's because it's the financial Capital of a big country)

Sounds like a Indian teenager writting amateurish stuff in his free time with little outside presepctive
Riaz Sir did it proffesionally
C'mon it's f-ing retarted my friend
Dude literally makes childish points, like GDP is bigger, railway tracks is bigger, Mumbai is bigger (ofcourse dah it's the financial Capital of India it should have a very GDP, NYC on its own is 10th biggest GDP in the world- but it's because it's the financial Capital of a big country)

Sounds like a Indian teenager writting amateurish stuff in his free time with little outside presepctive
Riaz Sir did it proffesionally
Well it has almost all sectors
People are getting jealous of Bangladesh to be honest. First, it was Pakistanis who got jealous, then comes Indians who got peanut butter and jelly when Bangladesh surpassed them in per capita income. Now, it seems like both of them are joining hands in getting jealous of Bangladesh the new economic tiger. Let me tell you a simple solution, jealously won't take you anywhere, only hardwork will. Work hard like Bangladesh, get filthy rich and only then you'll be able to walk with a swagger.
C'mon it's f-ing retarted my friend
Dude literally makes childish points, like GDP is bigger, railway tracks is bigger, Mumbai is bigger (ofcourse dah it's the financial Capital of India it should have a very GDP, NYC on its own is 10th biggest GDP in the world- but it's because it's the financial Capital of a big country)

Sounds like a Indian teenager writting amateurish stuff in his free time with little outside presepctive
Riaz Sir did it proffesionally

India is like 30-something countries put together. So if you added up all the numbers of course everything is going to be 'bigger' than corresponding numbers for BD. But per capita they are comparable to sub-saharan Africa.
that is a brutal tear down

You call this brutal? RIP IQ.

As Sainthood said, it's very amateurish.

For e.g. the idiot compares annual domestic air and rail passengers and freight carried in India vs. BD and concludes that since BD people use planes/trains less often then we must be poor. By this metric, Qatar must be piss poor compared to both India and BD, no?
Idiot forgot to take into account the size of the country. Travel between Dhaka and Ctg is a couple of hours by car, whereas one cannot avoid a flight between Mumbai and Delhi.
It doesn't matter because Pakistan problem isn't GDP but CAD/DEBT. Look at Sri Lanka, practically bankrupt country. Its GDP can crash any day if they default, see Lebanon. Sri Lanka 80% of revenues goes to debt servicing. Pakistan this year 45% of revenue will go to debt servicing.

For India its like 15-20% of revenues going to debt servicing. It doesn't matter how many cars are sold in Pakistan if we cannot control debt and CAD to manageable level like BD and India have done so far.
You call this brutal? RIP IQ.

As Sainthood said, it's very amateurish.

For e.g. the idiot compares annual domestic air and rail passengers and freight carried in India vs. BD and concludes that since BD people use planes/trains less often then we must be poor. By this metric, Qatar must be piss poor compared to both India and BD, no?
Idiot forgot to take into account the size of the country. Travel between Dhaka and Ctg is a couple of hours by car, whereas one cannot avoid a flight between Mumbai and Delhi.

Domestic air travel is another stupid point Indians make. Considering 49% of all domestic travel is done by 1% of population. India definitely have bigger inequality problem in south asia.
People are getting jealous of Bangladesh to be honest. First, it was Pakistanis who got jealous, then comes Indians who got peanut butter and jelly when Bangladesh surpassed them in per capita income. Now, it seems like both of them are joining hands in getting jealous of Bangladesh the new economic tiger. Let me tell you a simple solution, jealously won't take you anywhere, only hardwork will. Work hard like Bangladesh, get filthy rich and only then you'll be able to walk with a swagger.
I remember Indians back in the day used to come and say look
Insert Indian accent "Bangladesh this and that, made it sound like Switzerland"

when Bangladeshi started taking shit with Indians

Now indians are talking shit against Bangladesh, calling it names
This whole ordeal is funny
You call this brutal? RIP IQ.

As Sainthood said, it's very amateurish.

For e.g. the idiot compares annual domestic air and rail passengers and freight carried in India vs. BD and concludes that since BD people use planes/trains less often then we must be poor. By this metric, Qatar must be piss poor compared to both India and BD, no?
Idiot forgot to take into account the size of the country. Travel between Dhaka and Ctg is a couple of hours by car, whereas one cannot avoid a flight between Mumbai and Delhi.
you picked up travel as a parameter to counter the argument? what about 30 other parameters he discussed ?

by the way, how does Bangladeshis travel ? they dont fly much, dont use railways often or dont have enough road network or cars for personal commute ? should we consider bicycle consumption ?
Motorcycle sales IMO is quite valid to see real GDP since I believe countries will not tax motorcycle sales too much.

C'mon it's f-ing retarted my friend
Dude literally makes childish points, like GDP is bigger, railway tracks is bigger, Mumbai is bigger (ofcourse dah it's the financial Capital of India it should have a very GDP, NYC on its own is 10th biggest GDP in the world- but it's because it's the financial Capital of a big country)

Sounds like a Indian teenager writting amateurish stuff in his free time with little outside presepctive
Riaz Sir did it proffesionally

For rail way case in India, large majority of the rail tract is inherited from British India, so comparing railway system in India and Bangladesh can create huge bias since BD is literally starting from zero.
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