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Has anyone heard of this guy and his "restart movement"?

A history of Iranian people voting for moderetes when allowed. even the corrupt and hated Rafsanjani was beat by a newcomer like Ahmadinejad on very shady circumstances on his first election.

Ahmadinejad was extremely popular, In my city of Urmia, Ahmadinejad banners on cars was a normal sight.
LoL indeed. I'm not wasting my time arguing with a green looser like you about an election you lost 10 years ago that you went out and threw a temper tantrum because your lord and savior Mousavi lost to that "evil" Ahmadinejad.

I wasn't personally invested in mousavi. But I like many others were outraged with the blatantly rigged results.

its funny how so many senior members of the government, including senior mullahs up to grand ayotalloh belive it was rigged. especially at a time when Obama was very interested in negotiating and never eve embraced ther green movement

The protests, Deaths, division and the almost complete division of society.... was it really worth it ?

its not about individuals but government legitimacy. if the government starts rigging its own elections, then the entire system comes under question. its a red line that should not be crossed.

I personally would not be all that disappointed if t he guardian council just disqualifies people it considers threats to national security. Iran is in an war environment and that is acceptable at this time.

but when you allow him to run, you must let the electioons run fair. You CANNOT RIG ELECTIONS IF YOU WANT TO MAINTAIN ANY SORT OF LEGITIMACY AMONG YOUR POPULATION. PERIOD.
He beileves he is next emperor of Iran after Cyrus the great & Shah Abbas Safavi.
When these guys move to the US become nuts like their Yankee masters. :omghaha:
Right now Abbas Jeferson is doing a live in YouTube, In it justifying the americans "incoming attack" on Iran.
Has anyone heard of this guy and his "restart" movement?
Is he actually for real,or just some loon?:cuckoo:
The reason I`m asking is that this guys vids on twitter look nuts.
So, I was watching this video, @15:31 When the Infowars "reporter" asks this retard "What do you think of SOS pompeo's stand on the Islamic Republic? And why do the other oppositions have issue with it?" This retard answers: "Baraye inke bahoshe, He is a very clever."
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