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Hardline Lanka Buddhists seek ties with India's Hindus


Sep 20, 2014
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A Buddhist group accused of instigating religious hate attacks in Sri Lanka said on Tuesday it is in talks with Hindu nationalists in India to form an alliance against what it called rising Islamic extremism in the region.

The Buddhist Force, or BBS, says Sri Lanka faces a threat from radical Islam. It has been linked to a rise in attacks against the country's minority Muslim and Christian population in the past two years, although it denies any involvement.

On Tuesday it said it was seeking a tie-up with India's Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist group linked to India's ruling party that is viewed as hostile to the country's 160-million-strong Muslim minority.

"Discussions are at a high level with the RSS," BBS chief, Buddhist monk Galagodaatte Gnanasara told reporters in Colombo. "We are having a dialogue with the RSS as well as Buddhist organisations in India.

"We think we can have a Buddhist-Hindu peace zone in this part of the world."

Sri Lanka suffered its worst religious violence in decades this June when riots left four people dead.

The majority-Buddhist country's government has denied accusations it provides tacit support to the BSS, whose members have been shown attacking minority religious areas in videos posted on social media.

Last month the group formed an alliance with Myanmar's 969 movement, a Buddhist group linked to anti-Muslim riots in that country.

Hardline Lanka Buddhists seek ties with India's Hindus
A Buddhist group accused of instigating religious hate attacks in Sri Lanka said on Tuesday it is in talks with Hindu nationalists in India to form an alliance against what it called rising Islamic extremism in the region.

The Buddhist Force, or BBS, says Sri Lanka faces a threat from radical Islam. It has been linked to a rise in attacks against the country's minority Muslim and Christian population in the past two years, although it denies any involvement.

On Tuesday it said it was seeking a tie-up with India's Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist group linked to India's ruling party that is viewed as hostile to the country's 160-million-strong Muslim minority.

"Discussions are at a high level with the RSS," BBS chief, Buddhist monk Galagodaatte Gnanasara told reporters in Colombo. "We are having a dialogue with the RSS as well as Buddhist organisations in India.

"We think we can have a Buddhist-Hindu peace zone in this part of the world."

Sri Lanka suffered its worst religious violence in decades this June when riots left four people dead.

The majority-Buddhist country's government has denied accusations it provides tacit support to the BSS, whose members have been shown attacking minority religious areas in videos posted on social media.

Last month the group formed an alliance with Myanmar's 969 movement, a Buddhist group linked to anti-Muslim riots in that country.

Hardline Lanka Buddhists seek ties with India's Hindus
Just checked the source.... LOLZZZZ.... But unfortunately read half the article before checking the source :hitwall::hitwall:
not a bad idea

this BBS - Bodu Bala Sena has just had a tie up with strong Budhhist leaders from Myanmar
- the budhist laden as he is commonly known


This BBS also has good hold on the politics in Lanka

if they can make the SL govt give up chinese line .........

budhists in Sl + Budhists in Myanmar + Budhists of Tibet links up with RSS ? + nepal + bhutan
RSS is not against our Muslim brothers.That is why we have our own Muslim Vichar Manch.But we dont spare who sacrifices our Indian culture for the sake of some foreign culture and also who work against our national integrity .
Vote bank politics and minority appeasement is also our enemy.
Fascist idiots joining forces against religious extremists.. Dangerous times ahead
Prothom-alo dot com.. Is that Bengali for first potato?

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