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Happy Flag Day to all Crimean Tatar Turks


Mar 2, 2018
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On June 26, Wednesday, the Crimean Tatar National Flag Day was celebrated for the fourth time in Simferopol’. The Festival was traditionally held in the very heart of the Crimean Capital, the Trenev Park. In this park they settle the largest Crimean Tatar National Flag (22 meters long and 12 meters wide) in the open air.

This time the Crimean Tatar Youth NGO “Emel” was one of the co-organisers, and its activists took part in settling that flag in the square.

The contemporary Crimean Tatar National Flag was statuted during the Kurultai in 1917. In June, 1991, the newly-summoned Kurultai confirmed the flag in the form of the blue cloth with the yellow mark of tamga.

In 2010 the Crimean Tatar Youth initiated the celebration of their national flag, and so June 26 became their national fest.

Traditionally the motor rally is held during this day. The cars decorated with national flags travel across the Crimean Peninsula.

Various activities are also held in Trenev Park, Sipferopol, such as photo show, children's chalk-drawing contest, traditional crafts fair and the Kuresh (Crimean Tatar national wrestling) competition. There has also been a gala concert this year. https://islam.in.ua/en/ukrainian-news/crimean-tatar-national-flag-day-celebrated-crimea

Ukraine celebrates Crimean Tatar National Flag Day

The Day of the Crimean Tatar National Flag is celebrated annually in the Crimea and in the mainland Ukraine.

Exactly one hundred years ago, in 1917, the Crimean Tatar National Flag was approved on the first Kurultai of the Crimean Tatars, historian Gulnara Abdulayeva reported at the press conference dated for the celebrating of the Day of the Crimean Tatar National Flag, according to the QHA correspondent.

The blue color was not chosen by chance for the flag. In Ancient Turks times Kok bairak (flag – Ed.) meant sky-blue color, and symbolized peace, justice, good, unity of the people, heaven and purity, according to the historian.

“The tarak tamga, which is in the upper right corner of the flag, has a more ancient history. It is believed that it emerged in this form at the turn of the XII - XIII centuries. On one of the versions, Girays dynasty who ruled the Crimean Khanate from Jochi, the eldest son of Genghis Khan inherited this symbol”, Abdulaeva said .


To date historians still cannot come to the common opinion on the tamga semantics origin: according to one version, it means the unity of the people, that is, the three families (tribes) that took part in the ontogeny. On another version, tamga symbolizes the Crimean Khan and his Heirs, she noted.

“Most historians consider tarak tamga a symbol of justice and the image of the weights. Dr. Hakan Kırımlı proposed this version for the first time," the historian said.

In the 1920s, during the occupation of Crimea by the Wrangel army, the Crimean Tatar Flag was adopted as a national flag. Then it was adopted as a national flag in June 1991 at the second Kurultay of the Crimean Tatars.

“That’s not to say that the Crimean Tatars had no national flag before 1917. During the period of the Crimean Khanate, they had flags reflecting the tribes. Each tribe had its own tamga that had been undergone modifications and were inherited. Crimean Tatar historians have discovered about 400 tamga species”, Abdulaeva said.

Day of the Crimean Tatar National Flag is celebrated annually in the Crimea and in the mainland Ukraine, starting from 2010. This year the official date of the holiday – June 26 – has been chosen officially for the first time.

“The Crimean Tatar youth initiated the celebration of the Flag Day. They organized the celebration themselves for the first time. Then in 2010 the Mejlis adopted this day as the Day of the Crimean Tatar National Flag”, the Member of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Reza Shevkiev said.

Earlier QHA reported that on June 26, on the Day of the Crimean Tatar National Flag, two flags – Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar – had been raised over the Kyiv office of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.



Dünyanıñ çeşit memleketleriniñ diplomatik temsilcilikleri iyünniñ 26-nda qırımtatarlarnıñ milliy bayrağını kötere.

Çeh Cumhuriyetiniñ paytahtı Pragada Ukraina elçihanesinde qırımtatar bayrağı köterildi. Bu aqta Ukraina elçisi Yevğen Perebıynis Twitterde bildirdi.

Vilnüste qırımtatar bayrağı Litvaniya Tış işler nazirligi ögünde köterildi, dep bildirdi nazir Linas Linkâviçüs.

Ukrainanıñ Belçika ve Finlândiya elçihaneleri de hayırlavlarğa qoşuldı.

Bundan ğayrı, Ukraina ve qırımtatar bayraqları Cezairde köterildi.

Ukrainanıñ OSCE ve BM temsilcilikleri Ukraina Tış işler nazirliginiñ Qırımtatar bayraq kününe bağışlanğan videosını derc etti.

Ukraina prezidentiniñ ofisinde iyünniñ 26-nda qırımtatarlarnı milliy bayraq kününen tebriklep, Rusiye apsinde tutulğan faaller aqqında hatırlattılar.

Qırımtatarlar cuma künü, iyünniñ 26-nda, Milliy bayraq kününi qayd ete.

Qırımtatar Milliy Meclisiniñ reisi Refat Çubarovnıñ bildirgenine köre, Ukraina Tış işler nazirligi dünya boyunca memleket elçihanelerine Qırımtatar bayraq kününde, iyünniñ 26-nda, Ukraina devlet bayrağınen beraber qırımtatarlarnıñ bayrağını kötermege vazife berdi.

Kyivde avtoyürüş ve aqşam üstü tantanalı yürüş ve büyük qırımtatar bayrağınıñ çıqarıluvı planlaştırıla.

Qırımtatar resurs merkeziniñ reberi Eskender Bariyevniñ qayd etkenine köre, Kreml kontrolindeki Qırım akimiyeti qırımtatar faallerine qarşı çift standartlarnı qullana. Böylece, iyünniñ 26-nda Qırımtatar bayraq künü munasebetinen aktsiyalarnıñ keçirilüvine keder etmege tırışa.

Mayısta qomşu Rusiyeniñ «Ekstremist faaliyeti ile küreş» 16-ncı qanunınıñ maddesine köre «qanun bozulmaycağına dair» tenbi kâğıtı 60 insanğa ketirildi. Olarnıñ arasında advokat, aq qorçalayıcı, bir kişilik piketlerniñ iştirakçileri, Qırımtatar Milliy Meclisiniñ azaları, «Qırım birdemliginiñ» falleri bar.

Er yıl iyünniñ 26-nda qırımtatarlar Milliy bayraq kününi qayd ete. Bayram künü olaraq 1991 senesi iyünniñ 26-27-nde Aqmescitte ötkerilgen ekinci Qırımtatar Milliy Qurultayınıñ birinci künü saylânğan edi.

Qırımtatar bayrağı üzerinde altın tamğa tasvir etilgen kök renkli bir bayraqtır. Tantanalı tedbirler em Qırımda, em esas Ukrainada, em çetele ötkerile.


can anyone tell me the story behind the Tartar Ditch ?
I longed for my homeland
O beautiful Crimea!

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