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Happy Defence Day 2010!

Happy Defence Day to all Pakistanis. We salute all men in Khaki, White and blue. We love you all.

Happy Independence Day.......... :pakistan:

No 35 Wing in front of the C-130, leader Zahid Butt 14th from left -1965.

Sargodha combat crews between the two wars. Aircraft L to R: F-104, Mirage-III, F-6 and RT-33.

No 31 Wing with leader 'Bill' Latif, middle row centre -1965.

Four PAF F-86F fighter-bombers return from an interdiction mission - September 1965.

Indian Air Force Ouragan aircraft after being forced down by PAF fighters - 24 June 1965.

Happy Defence Day!!! I've learned so much about the Pakistani military/history on this forum!
We say they are they are paid with our Taxes..
we say they only enjoy privileges..

we say they are leisure seeker

we say they are dictators...

we say we only say!!!


when they sit at blood freezing cold post in siachen,
we don’t say a word!!

when there boxed bodies, pierced with bullets come home we don’t say a word..

when they die and there mothers weep we do not say a word of comfort..

when they get ready to walk in spray of bullets chanting Taqbeer, with out bothering being hit.
We say nothing!!

Let us all admit today…
They are the real sons of soil,
We are indebt to tem!!

Let us all salute,,

The Pak Jawans Of Pakistan Military Forces!!:pakistan: :tup:

Happy Defence Day


Salute to our brave soldiers, pilots and sailors. We are proud of them.:police:

Thanks to those mothers, wives and sisters whom sons, husbands and brothers gave their lives for the sake of Pakistan.

Pak Armed forces Zindabad, Pakistan Payindabad!:pakistan:
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