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Hamas captures Fatah security HQ !

Dear Friends,

I have read all the arguments about Hamas and the Fatah and the blame being put on Israel.
Everyone on this forum says Hamas is an elected Government and I agree they are and have the right to govern Palestine BUT also remember Mohamed Abbas the President was ALSO democratically elected by the same palestinian people who two years later elected the Hamas.

So my point is that the fight is between the members of Parliament and the President BOTH of who are democratically elected by the same electrollate so in a demcocracy why do we need to settle the equation with an AK 47.

We must all strive ( I mean the world, local and Islamic powers) to stop Palestine from being devided AT ALL COSTS.

Best Regards
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Dear Friends,

I have read all the arguments about Hamas and the Fatah and the blame being put on Israel.
Everyone on this forum says Hamas is an elected Government and I agree they are and have the right to govern Palestine BUT also remember Mohamed Abbas the President was ALSO democratically elected by the same palestinian people who two years later elected the Hamas.

So my point is that the fight is between the members of Parliament and the President BOTH of who are democratically elected by the same electrollate so in a demcocracy why do we need to settle the equation with an AK 47.

We must all strive ( I mean the world, local and Islamic powers) to stop Palestine from being devided AT ALL COSTS.

Best Regards
The President was elected sometime ago and obviously he didn't perform hence he saw his government being overrun by the Hamas in the elections.

As I said its a war zone out there, they would be voting for someone who is ready to effectively fight that war.
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y do all the Indian members on the forum get upset if anything is said against US & Israel.

The problem lies with you, you believe whenever we dont support you, it means we support usa and israel...such absolute's. Maybe we dont support you and as well not even america.

We do believe in democracy and power of the electorate; US wont send its money to Hamas period and rightly so. Hamas is a terrorist organization; simple.
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y do all the Indian members on the forum get upset if anything is said against US & Israel.

Dear Baazi,

How does my post make me an Indian or an Israeli Lover ?

I have just pointed out that the fight is between two brothers of the same family Fatah and Hamas. They are killing each other not Israelis nor by the Israelis IN THIS PARTICULAR incident only.

Can you justify the actions of Hamas against the Fatah from the images shown on Al Jazeera ( I hope you don't feel that the Tv station is controlled by Israel). I am not questioning the right of Hamas to rule democratically but through the barrel of gun by summary gangland executions ? Not my words but the words of an international journalist there. Please see the link below with photos.


Can you atleast explain to me why after they had captured the Fatah Headquarters and other offices they burnt the computers tables, chairs and vehicle (all this infront of TV cameras )which was originally probably bought by Western aid. Won't they require the same instruments to provide an able administration to the local Palestinian people after they consolidate power in Gaza ?

Incase my views are wrong(which means they are not malacious) you are more than welcome to correct me with your more educated views but calling people names does not contribute anything to clear their illiteracies which you may percieve.

Not that I mind being called Indian, Pakistani, Israeli or Palestinian lover for that matter since I have very good friends from all these communties who donot mind comming over to my house to watch Formula 1 or Football and share a pint or two.

The President was elected sometime ago and obviously he didn't perform hence he saw his government being overrun by the Hamas in the elections.

As I said its a war zone out there, they would be voting for someone who is ready to effectively fight that war.

Dear Asim,

Your facts on this issue are slightly blurred. Just to recap.

Mr M Abbas stood for elections as Mr Arafat expired. The final results announced on 10 June 2005 gave Mr Abbas 62% of the vote. His nearest rival, Mustafa Barghouti, had 19% of the vote and conceded defeat. The President is elected by the local people so Mr Abbas was elected overwhelmingly. His term is for 5 years and he can be impeached by the Palestinian Legislative Council with 2/3 majority.

The elections of the Palestinian Legislative Council was held in Jan 2006 and out of the 132 seats, Hamas won 76 seats against 43 by Fatah and 13 by allies. Hence both Hamas and Fatah decided to form Govt. of Unity and run the administration. Bottom line is that both were democratically elected under international supervision by the same electrolate.

Incase Hamas wished to force Abbas out the best way would be to do it democratically not through the Gun. Hamas is playing into a trap by doing that and now the world has seen that Hamas does not believe in Democracy which allows Israel to turn around and say to the world we told you don't trust Hamas and we were right.

Who will be end looser the Palestinian ordinary people !

. .
Dear Baazi,

How does my post make me an Indian or an Israeli Lover ?

I have just pointed out that the fight is between two brothers of the same family Fatah and Hamas. They are killing each other not Israelis nor by the Israelis IN THIS PARTICULAR incident only.

Can you justify the actions of Hamas against the Fatah from the images shown on Al Jazeera ( I hope you don't feel that the Tv station is controlled by Israel). I am not questioning the right of Hamas to rule democratically but through the barrel of gun by summary gangland executions ? Not my words but the words of an international journalist there. Please see the link below with photos.


Can you atleast explain to me why after they had captured the Fatah Headquarters and other offices they burnt the computers tables, chairs and vehicle (all this infront of TV cameras )which was originally probably bought by Western aid. Won't they require the same instruments to provide an able administration to the local Palestinian people after they consolidate power in Gaza ?

Incase my views are wrong(which means they are not malacious) you are more than welcome to correct me with your more educated views but calling people names does not contribute anything to clear their illiteracies which you may percieve.

Not that I mind being called Indian, Pakistani, Israeli or Palestinian lover for that matter since I have very good friends from all these communties who donot mind comming over to my house to watch Formula 1 or Football and share a pint or two.


Always neutral let me say this much. Quoting the Daily Mail is not the greatest of ideas. It is one of the most xenophobic newspapers out there. It is also very pro-Israel so it's journalists are not a good place to start. Bring a broadsheet to the argument and I will listen.
This selective choosing of governments seems to be quite endemic for the U.S. it used to any left leaning governments that got "deposed" (see most of south and central america for the mess that was left there.) And any Islamic govt or party can be deposed despite claims of supporting democracy.

The exception seems to be a)ex Israeli terrorists who bombed British troops and then went on to politics.
b)Irish terrorists who bombed everyone and went on to politics
This selective choosing of governments seems to be quite endemic for the U.S. it used to any left leaning governments that got "deposed" (see most of south and central america for the mess that was left there.) And any Islamic govt or party can be deposed despite claims of supporting democracy.

The exception seems to be a)ex Israeli terrorists who bombed British troops and then went on to politics.
b)Irish terrorists who bombed everyone and went on to politics

Good, But the Irish completly left arms when they joined the political stream, do we see that with Hamas;
US will definitly have its national interest, it is therefore not going to fund a muslim organization which already calls it an enemy and infidel. Please none of you would do it, were you the president of america
Always neutral let me say this much. Quoting the Daily Mail is not the greatest of ideas. It is one of the most xenophobic newspapers out there. It is also very pro-Israel so it's journalists are not a good place to start. Bring a broadsheet to the argument and I will listen.

Dear Keyser,

Finally a relief to get a rational response not accusing me of an Indian. You and me live in the same country so you can forget the newspapers and TV stations like CNN, BBC or Sun, Daily mail etc. All my views are from Al Jazeera Channel 514 on Sky. Also some other leads


1. They have broadcast images of people from fatah being executed!
2. Hamas burning furniture, computers and vehicles etc. Who is going to pay to replace them once peace is restored ?

Since you have not told me which part of my post needs independant confirmation I cant make a comprehensive reply.

Under Arafat, Fatah had no problem because he looked to it that corruption does not occur or will of the people be upheld in all cases. This is proved by the fact that Fatah was never contested in elections. After his death, under Abass reign Fatah became a corrupt organization and only survives on EU and US alms. They need this money very bad. Palestinians showed their anger by giving Hamas a chance.

US and jews dont want to give Hamas a chance they want a civil war ... Let me say that another way, they want a civil war in every Muslim country and have constantly tried to sabotage the Palestinian unity government by using splinter groups from among Fatah. Ishmael Haniya said in a news conference that "security chaos in the Gaza Strip reached new heights when the presidential guards along with the so called Fatah's executive force started committing crimes against residents of Gaza, executing people based on their affiliations, or growing a beard. It was the actions of those militias which forced the people to react". So surely Fatah has been trying to provoke Hamas.

But both parties should recognize these jewish tricks and honor the Mecca agreemnt otherwise Afganis are a good example.

This mess wouldn't be here in the first place if Hitler would have completed his job. Jews live on our land, eat from it sleep on it and biuld a wall (imitating a concentration camp) to restrict Muslim from access to their own land. Then instead of giving Muslims their homeland back, they are told to recognize the jewish state and love jews like brothers and sisters. In contrast jews are tought a little different lesson:

Palestinian, Somalis or Kashmiris nobody loves an occupier. They are right in defending their land, religion and their lives.

Adux >> I thought reserves were considered part of the Army.
Always Neutral >> I dont think Baazi was refering to you.
Your nick is prefect, you are actually neutral.
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It pains me to no end when Muslims fight among themselves. Nevertheless it is a fact that vested intersts will prevail.

It happened in Afghanistan after Soviet pull out. It is happening in Iraq ( Shia vs sunni) and now in Palestine. I hoped that better sense would have prevailed and the two faction would unite to fight Israel but alas not to be. We always blame everything on Western conspiracy but why are people naive that they become victims of this conspiracy. Both Fatah and Hamas are Palestinian Arabs and majority is Muslim, why this fight??. Why cant there be compromise ??

Muslims/Arabs will never get anywhere as long as this lack of prudence and unwillingness to listen to the other faction persists.
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