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By all accounts the United States has given more money to Israel than to any other country. The Congressional Research Service’s conservative estimate of total cumulative US aid to Israel (not adjusted for inflation) from 1949 through 2009 is $106.1647 billion.
US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians

Why US is giving aid only to Israel ? Why US tax payers are silent? May be because AIPAC have too much influence in US politics?:agree:

Here are the top 10 recipients of U.S. foreign aid in 2008.

1. Israel -$2.4 billion Virtually all of this money is used to buy weapons (up to 75% made in the U.S.). Beginning in 2009, the U.S. plans to give $30 billion over 10 years.

2. Egypt -$1.7 billion $1.3 billion to buy weapons; $103 million for education; $74 million for health care; $45 million to promote civic participation and human rights.

3. Pakistan - 798 million $330 million for security efforts, including military-equipment upgrades and border security; $20 million for infrastructure.

4. Jordan -$688 million $326 million to fight terrorism and promote regional stability through equipment upgrades and training; $163 million cash payment to the Jordanian government.

5. Kenya - $586 million $501 million to fight HIV/AIDS through drug treatment and abstinence education and to combat malaria; $15 million for agricultural development; $5.4 million for programs that promote government accountability.

6. South Africa -$574 million $557 million to fight TB and HIV/AIDS; $3 million for education.

7. Mexico -$551 million

8. Colombia -$541 million

9. Nigeria -$491 million

10. Sudan -$479 million

As you can see the aid given to Muslim nations exceeds that of Israel.
While I find the back and forth with Mr. F amusing, I wonder if "we" grown-ups are not indulging him too much by responding to his "information" as if it were a serious matter to be contemplated and discussed. Perhaps some like the sport of it. But, I suggest ignoring the posts which cannot be rebutted because they are so absurd, i.e. about 95% of them .....
Here are the top 10 recipients of U.S. foreign aid in 2008.

It would be interesting to see what are the strings attached to military aid.

I imagine most (all?) of the weapons would have to be American, because I doubt the US is going to give money to some country so they can subsidize the Russian arms industry.

In that case, most of the military 'aid' is really an indirect subsidy for US defense contractors.
On my part I will never recognize "Israel's" right to exist on the soil of my forefathers and nothing will ever change that.

Unfortunately, you are in the same position as the Native Americans. You have truth on your side, but they have the weapons and media control on theirs.

On the other hand I am the biggest supporter of re-locating "Israel" to a more natural spot like Southern Russia, North America or Europe, the faster the better.

The bad news is that that is unlikely to happen. One of the reasons the Western powers supported the creation of Israel is because they wanted to "encourage" Jews in their lands to move far away -- to Israel.

The good news is that, with the global information age, more and more people are finding out the truth about Israel and support for Israel continues to drop, crucially in America. Poll: American voters’ support of Israel drops | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

The Zionist-controlled Western media still has a chokehold on mainstream "news" outlets, but the internet and other avenues let people find the full truth about Israel.
I don't see why Hamas HAS to recognize "Israel", as long as the borders are agreed upon internationally then everything else doesn't matter. What Hamas or others plan in secret is a whole different ball game. Every party has the freedom to plan and impliment, but they have to realize that there are consequences for their actions.
Furthermore, "Israel" has shown numerous times it can't be trusted, so I would also rather have a renewable ceasefire instead of a permanent peace plan that usually works in "Israel's" favor.
Yes it's no secret that Hamas' plan is to liberate all of Palestine and I also hope they or anyone else will succeed in doing that. On my part I will never recognize "Israel's" right to exist on the soil of my forefathers and nothing will ever change that. On the other hand I am the biggest supporter of re-locating "Israel" to a more natural spot like Southern Russia, North America or Europe, the faster the better.

You can't have a state without a permanent peace. otherwise there is zero incentive for Israel to allow a Palestinian state. Or to give any land back since their enemies will just use it their fight against them. you said "Yes it's no secret that Hamas' plan is to liberate all of Palestine and I also hope they or anyone else will succeed in doing that."

That is the exact attitude that will keep peace and a Palestinian State from happening. So do we need to go through another 50 years of Palestinian suffering for Muslims to realize that?
Unfortunately, you are in the same position as the Native Americans. You have truth on your side, but they have the weapons and media control on theirs.

I am an American Indian. Very few Indians wish to go back to the old ways. Most realize the need to change and adapt with the times. I see this analogy used all the time. But it is very far from the truth.

There is no argument here that the balance is still in favor of the Israeli's when they say that Palestine will not have a military but you have to understand what the Harsh reality is? And that is Israel is in a position to dictate the terms and conditions where as Palestinians are not, of course sacrifices are needed on both sides especially from Israeli's starting with Halting the settlement expansion and respecting Palestinian land, airspace and resources.

Either you sit down on the table and further dictate the terms necessary that both parties will agree to OR you can continue with the nonsense violence that will serve no purpose what so ever and only fuel countless more deaths. Recognition of Israel is the first step that Palestine needs to do asap if it wants to live anything close to a 'normal' life. Israel will simply not go away and would refuse to go back to the 1967 pre border conditions and that's another harsh reality the Palestinians would have to live with considering how lopsided the balance of power is...that is a simple condition that has to be met if you want stability and peace in this region its as simple as that..Lets be realistic here and think for a second and look at what both parties can do to STOP the violence and live peacefully..

If Israel does recognize Palestine than it will have to completely withdraw all troops and respect Palestinian airspace, land, people, remove their small colonies etc... and people like Hamas need to stop bullshitting and for once start caring about the conditions that the Palestinians are living in.

These are still positive developments and if this issue isn't resolved under Obama's Administration i don't see this problem being resolved for the next 10 or so years
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Here are the top 10 recipients of U.S. foreign aid in 2008.


As you can see the aid given to Muslim nations exceeds that of Israel.
Just a typical youngster more interested in his own rhetorics than in doing some basic research and looking at hard facts. Just have some pity on the kid, gent.
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Here are the top 10 recipients of U.S. foreign aid in 2008.

1. Israel -$2.4 billion Virtually all of this money is used to buy weapons (up to 75&#37; made in the U.S.). Beginning in 2009, the U.S. plans to give $30 billion over 10 years.

2. Egypt -$1.7 billion $1.3 billion to buy weapons; $103 million for education; $74 million for health care; $45 million to promote civic participation and human rights.

3. Pakistan - 798 million $330 million for security efforts, including military-equipment upgrades and border security; $20 million for infrastructure.

4. Jordan -$688 million $326 million to fight terrorism and promote regional stability through equipment upgrades and training; $163 million cash payment to the Jordanian government.

5. Kenya - $586 million $501 million to fight HIV/AIDS through drug treatment and abstinence education and to combat malaria; $15 million for agricultural development; $5.4 million for programs that promote government accountability.

6. South Africa -$574 million $557 million to fight TB and HIV/AIDS; $3 million for education.

7. Mexico -$551 million

8. Colombia -$541 million

9. Nigeria -$491 million

10. Sudan -$479 million

As you can see the aid given to Muslim nations exceeds that of Israel.

Compare apple with apple , we are dicussing Palestine and Israel , can you provide figures of aid given by US to Palestine from 1949 to 2009 ?

Let us see the real face of US:lol:
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I am an American Indian. Very few Indians wish to go back to the old ways. Most realize the need to change and adapt with the times. I see this analogy used all the time. But it is very far from the truth.

It is true now, after centuries of subjugation, and the benefits brought about by the European settlers.

But I am sure the sentiment was very different in the early days of European settlement. That's where the Palestinians are at this point.

There is no argument here that the balance is still in favor of the Israeli's when they say that Palestine will not have a military but you have to understand what the Harsh reality is? And that is Israel is in a position to dictate the terms and conditions where as Palestinians are not, of course sacrifices are needed on both sides especially from Israeli's starting with Halting the settlement expansion and respecting Palestinian land, airspace and resources.

Either you sit down on the table and further dictate the terms necessary that both parties will agree to OR you can continue with the nonsense violence that will serve no purpose what so ever and only fuel countless more deaths. Recognition of Israel is the first step that Palestine needs to do asap if it wants to live anything close to a 'normal' life. Israel will simply not go away and would refuse to go back to the 1967 pre border conditions and that's another harsh reality the Palestinians would have to live with considering how lopsided the balance of power is...that is a simple condition that has to be met if you want stability and peace in this region its as simple as that..Lets be realistic here and think for a second and look at what both parties can do to STOP the violence and live peacefully..

If Israel does recognize Palestine than it will have to completely withdraw all troops and respect Palestinian airspace, land, people, remove their small colonies etc... and people like Hamas need to stop bullshitting and for once start caring about the conditions that the Palestinians are living in.

These are still positive developments and if this issue isn't resolved under Obama's Administration i don't see this problem being resolved for the next 10 or so years

Please dont forget fatwa about land of Palestine , Mufti Azam Kafiat Ullah(deoband) of India had given fatwa that it is haram to sell land of Palestine to Jews.

Islam dont allow us to deal with Jews or any non muslim for the land of Palestine, it is religious matter so there is no solution other then to kick out jews from land of Palestine by paying them money of land they had paid to Palestinians at present rate.

Similarly it is haram to sell land of hajaz(Makkah and Madina) to non muslims.
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Compare apple with apple , we are dicussing Palestine and Israel , can you provide figures of aid given by US to Palestine from 1949 to 2009 ?

I am not sure what is the exact legal status of West Bank and Gaza.

If they are considered occupied territories then, under international law, Israel as the occupier is responsible for providing basic services to the Palestinians.

In that sense, any aid to Palestinians is really aid to Israel to underwrite its obligations under international law.

Btw, this is the same reason the Americans have been so anxious to get a local government up and running in Afghanistan and Iraq. It provides a face-saving exit for the invaders, and it also absolves them of any responsibility to maintain law and order. Democracy and welfare has nothing to do with it.
Compare apple with apple , we are dicussing Palestine and Israel , can you provide figures of aid given by US to Palestine from 1949 to 2009 ?

Let us see the real face of US:lol:

cant find older figures. here is a article though from 2007 that explains recently given yearly aid.

Embargo didn't stop flow of Palestinian aid
By Steven Erlanger
Published: Wednesday, March 21, 2007

JERUSALEM &#8212; Despite the international embargo on aid to the Palestinian Authority since Hamas came to power a year ago, significantly more aid was delivered to the Palestinians in 2006 than in 2005, according to official figures from the United Nations, United States, European Union and International Monetary Fund.

Instead of going to the Palestinian Authority, much of the money was given directly to individuals or through independent agencies like the World Food Program.

The International Monetary Fund and the United Nations say the Palestinians received $1.2 billion in aid and budgetary support in 2006, about $300 per capita, compared with $1 billion in 2005.

While the United States and the European Union have led the boycott, they, too, provided more aid to the Palestinians in 2006 than 2005. Washington increased its aid to $468 million in 2006, from $400 million in 2005.

The European Union and its member states alone are subsidizing one million people in the West Bank and Gaza, a quarter of the population, as part of their effort to avoid creating a catastrophe from the embargo.

Asked if the European Union could spend any more money on the Palestinians if it recognized the new Palestinian government than it does now, a senior European diplomat laughed and said, "We'd probably spend less."

One side effect of the redirected aid, some officials said, is that while starvation has been avoided, institutions are withering and a culture of dependence is expanding.

In 2007, the United Nations began a humanitarian appeal for the Palestinians of more than $450 million, twice the 2006 appeal, the third largest United Nations request, after Sudan and Congo, ahead of 18 other disasters.

"These numbers are quite stunning," said Alexander Costy, head of coordination for &#193;lvaro de Soto, the United Nations special Middle East envoy, "given the relatively small size of the population of the Palestinian territory."

He added: "What we do know for sure is that Palestinians, and their economy and society, are becoming increasingly dependent on humanitarian handouts, and this dependency is growing fast. For a state in the making, I think this was a step backwards in 2006 and a cause for alarm."

The International Monetary Fund and the United Nations estimate that direct budgetary support to the Palestinian Authority in 2006 was about $740 million, more than double the $350 million in 2004 and 2005.

But Salam Fayyad, the finance minister in the new Palestinian unity government, thinks the Palestinians received at least 250 percent more than that in direct support when cash from Iran and Arab nations is counted, as well as the amount smuggled in by Hamas officials after trips abroad.

"I say the minimum for direct budgetary support was $880 million in 2006 compared to about $350 million the year before," Fayyad said. He estimates total aid in 2006 was closer to $1.35 billion.

The United States, Europe and Israel imposed their boycott because Hamas supports terrorism and refuses to recognize Israel, renounce violence or honor existing Palestinian-Israeli agreements. The unstated aim has been to build enough disaffection among Palestinians that they would drive Hamas from power and replace it with Fatah.

Fayyad, who is from Fatah, says the international embargo should be lifted for the new unity government that includes non-Hamas ministers like him, because much of the money coming in cannot be traced and some is surely being stolen or misappropriated.

Fayyad, a former official with the International Monetary Fund, is considered to be credible by the United States and the European Union. He met Tuesday with the American consul here, Jacob Walles.

The larger amounts of aid Western countries poured into the Palestinian territories in recent months were aimed at making up for the inability of the Palestinian Authority to pay salaries. To a large degree, beginning in the summer of 2006, the European Union and Arab countries paid the salaries instead.

By the last quarter of 2006, full salaries were again being paid to Palestinian Authority employees, who, over the year, received about 55 percent of their salaries. Those salaries were paid despite Israel's decision &#8212; beginning in March 2006, when Hamas took office &#8212; to withhold from the Palestinian Authority some $50 million a month it collects for the Palestinians in duties and taxes, after it deducts the cost of electricity and water that it supplies to the West Bank and Gaza.

While Israel recently handed over $100 million of the sum as a humanitarian gesture to the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah, Israeli officials say that as of today, they are holding back $475 million in money belonging to the Palestinians, a big hole in the normal Palestinian budget.

European and American officials also cited the difficulties in Gaza caused by Israeli security restrictions on Palestinian imports and exports as another reason for the increased aid. Their contributions were to United Nations agencies that deal with the Palestinians, like the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the World Food Program and various health agencies, to nongovernmental agencies and, in the case of the European Union, large cash payments directly to employees of the Palestinian Authority.

The United States provides more money to the United Nations refugee agency than any other country. Congress authorized $400 million in aid to the Palestinians in fiscal year 2005, including its aid to United Nations agencies, said Micaela Schweitzer-Bluhm, a spokeswoman for the American Consulate in Jerusalem which deals with the Palestinians. In fiscal year 2006, she said, $468 million was authorized.
Compare apple with apple , we are dicussing Palestine and Israel , can you provide figures of aid given by US to Palestine from 1949 to 2009 ?

Let us see the real face of US:lol:
Can you think of any reason why we should give aid to the Palestinians in the first place? These are the same people who often chant 'Death to America' and rejoiced when 3000 of our citizens were murdered on Sept. 11, 2001. I traveled across the US often enough, from military service to civilian life, and I do not ever see any mass demonstrations by US citizens every time a Palestinian house got bulldozed or a Palestinian got killed in a crossfire.
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I am not sure what is the exact legal status of West Bank and Gaza.

If they are considered occupied territories then, under international law, Israel as the occupier is responsible for providing basic services to the Palestinians.

In that sense, any aid to Palestinians is really aid to Israel to underwrite its obligations under international law.

Btw, this is the same reason the Americans have been so anxious to get a local government up and running in Afghanistan and Iraq. It provides a face-saving exit for the invaders, and it also absolves them of any responsibility to maintain law and order. Democracy and welfare has nothing to do with it.

Gaza and the west bank were handed over to Fatah. Thus that's why the Palestinian authority came into being. However with Hamas driving Fatah from Gaza. They in effect assumed all responsibility for Gaza.

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