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Half of India’s Population Lives Below The Poverty Line


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India Raises Poverty-Rate Estimate


NEW DELHI—India's top policy-planning body raised its estimate of the nation's official poverty rate to 37.2% of the population from 27.5%, a key development as the government drafts legislation to give the poorest Indians a right to state-subsidized food grains.

An Indian child eats street food in Mumbai on November 20, 2009.
The move by the country's Planning Commission, which wasn't announced formally but was confirmed by a senior government official, pegs the number of Indians in poverty at around 410 million—more than 100 million above the previous estimate. The change comes after critics said the earlier poverty estimate would leave too many destitute households out of the government's food-entitlement programs.

But the new figure is unlikely to please food activists and politicians who feel it still vastly underestimates the number of people in need of assistance.

"This is a very low, suppressed poverty line. We reject it," said Kavita Srivastava, an activist who has helped organize a "right to food" rally in the capital in recent days. The event has drawn more than 1,000 protesters from around the country. "As far as we're concerned, it still doesn't tell us the real number of poor."

Though India's economy emerged from the global downturn with solid gross domestic product growth of 7.2% in the year ended March 31, the country's poor are struggling to deal with year-to-year food inflation that is hovering near 17%.

Even before the impact of food prices, India was struggling with high malnutrition rates. The ruling Congress Party made food security a key plank in its platform in last year's national elections, in which it won a second term.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government has pushed for legislation that would provide 25 kilograms of wheat and rice per month to households deemed officially below the poverty line. They would pay a rate of about seven U.S. cents per kilogram. India already has a program in place to distribute about 35 kilograms of subsidized food grains to poor household but the rate is about 50% more expensive than what's being proposed now.

Moreover, there is no law that guarantees food subsidies—they are given at the central government's discretion. And the current program is plagued by corruption, with one-third of grains pilfered or ******* before reaching needy households.

Among the protesters at the rally in central New Delhi was 50-year-old Kesar Sahu, who lives in a slum in the city of Jaipur, in the state of Rajasthan, and supports herself and two daughters by sweeping floors and cutting vegetables at schools. The 1,000 rupees she earns in a good month isn't enough to make do, even with existing government subsidies, she said.

"We're only getting 35 kilograms (of food grains) now. We really need 50 kilograms to get by," Ms. Sahu said. "Everyone should get that much."

India calculates its poverty rate by estimating the percentage of households who can't afford to buy a basket of foodstuffs that would supply enough calories to meet basic nutritional needs. The new Planning Commission figure of 37.2%, which is based on recommendations submitted last year by a government-appointed panel, raises the poverty estimate in rural areas.

India Raises Poverty-Rate Estimate - WSJ.com
I don't think the bolded part is true ,last time remember the growth rate being 6.5%.

Any significantly large change in poverty in India will be visible by 2025 or 2030,until then Indian and Pakistanis will be at whats going on currently on this thread.:argh:

Get the facts right..it is already past 9..IMF has predicted it to be 9.5%..
and enough of this Measuring BS...
Stop posting if dont want to get banned..
SE Asian Countries, I just love them all, amazing how we fight over every thing.
Coming to the confession.
Friends true we have poverty, we have a terrible infrastructure at Rural or Sub urban level, that was one of the reasons many including myself left India. I also know how horrible our Politicians are, had they been just we would have progressed at a much faster pace.
Our population growth outpaced the development programs, we had to plan ways to keep Food, Housing and clothing available to every one. It did put enormous burden on the exchequer, again with limited resources at disposal the benefits could not reach every one. With economic boom there are more funds available and the Country is on the right path to progress, but its not an over night process, it would take a few more years.
In this I am very happy to note the selfless devotion of NRI(Non Resident Indians) and PIO(People of Indian Origin), coming forward and undertaking a large number of development projects. The yearly reimbursements to India are a staggering Billions of Dollars, so much so that with our solid exports the Rupee is on its way to become fully convertible.
All this my friends was possible by looking into our selves and working hard towards achieving that goal of self reliance.

Now I expect my dear Pakistani and Bangladeshi members to also have a deep look into their countries and see what has been achieved or not.
Actually RAW works for us now and we are using it to make India look bad. ;)::

:) seems like the case.

I do not know why Indians get agitated and bring in BD and Pakistan viz a viz Indian poverty.

Its a reality and needs some solid suggestions to tackle instead of comparison with other countries
to dear Pakistani and Bangladeshi friends: Please have a look on other side

List of countries by the number of US dollar billionaires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Countries with the Most Millionaires 2010: No. 15: India - BusinessWeek

We stand 5th in no of billionaires and 15th in no of millionaires and that is just the data of tax payers actual number is higher than this.
So please stop posting crap,

My dear Indian when it comes to counting few million billionaire who can be counted on finger tips and billions of poor then its the later that makes India stand out.

Its like Musharraf claiming that having mobile phones is criteria for reduction of poverty :angel:
:) seems like the case.

I do not know why Indians get agitated and bring in BD and Pakistan viz a viz Indian poverty.

Its a reality and needs some solid suggestions to tackle instead of comparison with other countries

Hellooo, did you take the time to read my confession or just used your mindless logic to post..

THAT is what i have been saying!!!!
IDK who the F*ck says India's more than half population is BPL?!!!
Mostly it is 28.7 or 27...
The maximum is was 36.4% that too for 2004-2005.
But our haters will never agree.
:) seems like the case.

I do not know why Indians get agitated and bring in BD and Pakistan viz a viz Indian poverty.

Its a reality and needs some solid suggestions to tackle instead of comparison with other countries

Well, i browsed through wiki.
UNDP (Population below poverty line)
Pakistan 32.6%
And the way you talk,it seems like you are from the developed world?:undecided:
Take out the averages,Ratio of people in poverty in Pak is more than in India.
Request for links,if you don't believe me.
everyone can afford mobile.... even a peon ....... so thats pointless talking abt mobiles:blink:

actually not

according to u people no of poor people in India ranges between some 500 million to 800 million in a population of 1 billion:disagree:

but their r around 636 million mobile users in India

so that mean in a nation where only 20 % people is above poverty line(according to u)have a mobile using population of around 64%

now come to pakistan

according to u Pakistan have only a poverty rate of 25 %:cheesy:

so that means in a population of 170 million about 128 r above poverty line but still u only have 97.5 million connections

so that means in a population of above 75% poverty line only 59% can afford mobile

so the final conclusion is that even the poor in India use mobile which even the rich in ur country r not capable of:woot:

so before dragging stories of Indian toilets,children eating mud,poverty figures always remember that they r still better than most of the Pakistani's:smokin:
this article reminds me of french revolution, when king of france refused to fulfil the needs of its people...atlast people stand against the king and hanged him along with his young wife and 3 months old child... In socialogy we can define it as haves and haves not... Haves possess the power and Haves Not don't... when Haves Not become tired of imbalance they rise against Haves and ultimately finsh them off. This much poverty in india shows the same situation. Now we can see 19 freedom movements are running in india... though Pakistan is also not safe with that respect but situation is not that worse..

If this comment wasnt so sadly lame, it would have been hilareous..
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