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Halal Makeup is Now a $20 Billion Industry

the halal burkini :D
Hijabistas wearing gucci hijabs and jimy cho shoes :D

the western "high end" design houses will even spread talibaniyat if money can be earned... capitalism.

one in the 'dolce and gabbana' hijab series :


please note that the huge glasses serve as half veil.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Are you trying to say that girls don't have to to wear hijab after putting so many layers of make up on. :D
What they look sooooooooo sort of ahh eye catching? :D

halal make-up demonstration on 'maria tv' that was run by the egyptian ikhwaanis during morsi's rule until the egyptian people declared them as terrorist and overthrew them :


halal news-reader on 'maria tv' :


ಠ_ಠ ?
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