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HAL’s Light Utility Helicopter


Dec 29, 2010
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Hindustan Aeronautics Limited is in the process of development of developing a Light Utility Helicopter (LUH). The LUH is a single engine helicopter in the 3000 Kg class. It is powered by a single turbo shaft engine with a dual channel FADEC and a backup fuel control. The helicopter will have a 3 axis AFCS. Cockpit is expected to include Smart Cockpit Display System Line replaceable Units (SCDS LRUs).

The LUH features a skid landing gear. Its spacious cabin is designed to accommodate six (6) passenger seats or four (4) VIP seats.

The helicopter will be capable of operating in all weather conditions. It will be cleared for both VFR and IFR day and night operations. The cockpit will be compatible with operation with Gen 3 and Gen 2++ NVGs.

It is planned to have both military and civil versions of LUH. The helicopter certification will be primarily based on FAR 27. However individual systems shall also comply with relevant military standards.

The military roles to be performed by LUH are primarily Utility roles with future variants for armed roles. The utility roles include Armed Reconnaissance, Aerial photography, Scout Role in conjunction with attack helicopter, Platform for Electronic Support Measure (ESM), Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) and Electronic Counter Counter Measures (ECCM).

LUH will be initially integrated with systems and equipment required for basic and military utility roles. Subsequently integration and certification of the helicopter for armed roles as well as civil / commercial variant would be taken up.

The Military variants of the helicopter would be certified by the Indian Military Airworthiness Certification agency – CEMILAC.

The Civil variant of the helicopter is intended to be certified in India by DGCA and internationally through agencies like FAA, EASA.

LUH basic avionic systems inclide V/UHF Communication System(1st set), Intercom System, Radio Altimeter, Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT), Global Positioning System (GPS)/ Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)/ GALILEO, Flight Data Recorder (FDR), Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) and Air Data Unit (ADU).

Mission and role equipment include V/UHF communication system (2nd set), HF (SSB), Inertial Navigation System (INS) linked to GPS, VHF Omni Range (VOR)/ Instrument Landing System (ILS), Tactical Air Navigation System (TACAN), Digital Moving Map (DMM), Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) and HMD with binocular display.

Weapon system and Mission sensors include Nuclear, Biological and Chemical sensors, Electro Optical System (EO), Fixed Sight and Flare & Chaff Dispenser (FCD).

Weapon Systems include Podded Gun, Rockets and Anti Tank Guided Missile.

Growth Potential Systems include Identification of Friend or Foe (IFF), Ground Proximity Warning system (GPWS), Digital Video Recording System (DVRS), Air-to-Air missile, Data Link, Obstacle Avoidance System (OAS), Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), Missile Warning Receiver (MWR), Laser Warning Receiver (LWR) and Weather RADAR
I think more important would be to have a project like Heavy Attack Helicopter like Apache and Heavy lift helicopter like Chinook.

Our army should have such helicopters more in number for the offensive role and for speedy transport. I hope after this we go for these projects.

I think these two projects are actually more important than LUH.

Indian Glass Cockpit

I think more important would be to have a project like Heavy Attack Helicopter like Apache and Heavy lift helicopter like Chinook.

Our army should have such helicopters more in number for the offensive role and for speedy transport. I hope after this we go for these projects.

I think these two projects are actually more important than LUH.

While the underlined part holds (only) some importance, the LUH will be the real work-horse of the Armed Forces.
The predecessors of the LUH; viz. the Chetak and Cheetah helicopters have run up more operating hours and operational sorties than helicopters of the type you write up have or ever will.
In places like Siachen and Kargil (or even NE) LUHs will be the lifeline flying in men, material and stores or vice versa.
The Apaches or Chinooks may not even be able to land on many of those landing pads. In any case their role is vastly different and their numbers required vastly lesser.
As an example, there is something that a T-90 cannot do, carry a load like the humble 3 tonner lorry.
The LUH is a much greater asset.
While the underlined part holds (only) some importance, the LUH will be the real work-horse of the Armed Forces.
The predecessors of the LUH; viz. the Chetak and Cheetah helicopters have run up more operating hours and operational sorties than helicopters of the type you write up have or ever will.
In places like Siachen and Kargil (or even NE) LUHs will be the lifeline flying in men, material and stores or vice versa.
The Apaches or Chinooks may not even be able to land on many of those landing pads. In any case their role is vastly different and their numbers required vastly lesser.
As an example, there is something that a T-90 cannot do, carry a load like the humble 3 tonner lorry.
The LUH is a much greater asset.

Correct me if I am wrong ; But isn't Dhruv supposed to do that and is doing that ?

Livefist - Indian Defence & Aerospace: SPECIAL: Dhruv Shakti In Siachen

Why another helicopter ?
I think more important would be to have a project like Heavy Attack Helicopter like Apache and Heavy lift helicopter like Chinook.

Our army should have such helicopters more in number for the offensive role and for speedy transport. I hope after this we go for these projects.

I think these two projects are actually more important than LUH.

Right now two more helicopter projects are in pipeline, design process for medium lift helicopter and and heavy attack helicopter has already started, you will see public announcement after couple of years or may be just in year 2012.
Originally Posted by Karthic Sri

Why another helicopter ?

MehrotraPrince has already supplied the answer, our thanks to him.
Will add only 1 cent. worth- even the Armed Forces have to run according to a budget. Maintenance of operating costs is nearly as important as the operations themselves. Otherwise the economy can be "bled dry", as we can see around in our neighbourhood.
The predecessors of the LUH; viz. the Chetak and Cheetah helicopters have run up more operating hours and operational sorties than helicopters of the type you write up have or ever will.
Then why in the gods name we are 197 buying helicopters like Fennec. Although the deal is not finalized yet but it has not been cancelled either.

In places like Siachen and Kargil (or even NE) LUHs will be the lifeline flying in men, material and stores or vice versa.
Second thing that i don't get is that, are we going to fight all the wars in Kashmir :) ??/

There are areas like in N-East, Punjab, Rajasthan also we need helicopters for our island areas also. So why we always wanna make helicopter which would be able to fly in Siachen.

We already made choppers for that purpose now we should move forward to make something which would defend the rest of our country's border.

Correct me if I am wrong ; But isn't Dhruv supposed to do that and is doing that ?
Thats what i am trying to say. HAL is thinking all the wars will be faught on Siachen glacier.

Right now two more helicopter projects are in pipeline, design process for medium lift helicopter and and heavy attack helicopter has already started, you will see public announcement after couple of years or may be just in year 2012.
Please share any source.
Then why in the gods name we are 197 buying helicopters like Fennec. Although the deal is not finalized yet but it has not been cancelled either.

Second thing that i don't get is that, are we going to fight all the wars in Kashmir :) ??/

There are areas like in N-East, Punjab, Rajasthan also we need helicopters for our island areas also. So why we always wanna make helicopter which would be able to fly in Siachen.

We already made choppers for that purpose now we should move forward to make something which would defend the rest of our country's border.

Thats what i am trying to say. HAL is thinking all the wars will be faught on Siachen glacier.

Please share any source.

I'm sorry but you seem ignorant to basic military tactics, the IA/IAF want a one fit solution not a number of platforms flying around each adapted to different conditions. As such the trails and requirments of the IA/IAF will sek to address the extremes these helos will fly in i.e deserts (Rajestan) and high alt, extreme cold (Saichin, Kashmir etc) and of these perhaps the later (high/cold) presents the greatest challenge, low oxeygen= lower lift etc that is why these trails/requirments are so important, it has NOTHING to do with IA/IAF/MOD taking precident over any conflict zone.
Correct me if I am wrong ; But isn't Dhruv supposed to do that and is doing that ?

Livefist - Indian Defence & Aerospace: SPECIAL: Dhruv Shakti In Siachen

Why another helicopter ?
The name suggest the answer to U. It is light Utility.
Also as Captain pop and Prince said it is maintence ,logistics , economy.....
The heights of Glaciers which can be reached only by these machines. Beyond certain point the airpressure drops and the normal Heli cant operate.
The cheeta holds a world record but recently it was beaten.
the IA/IAF want a one fit solution not a number of platforms flying around each adapted to different conditions.
Correct me if i am wrong but IAF intend to by 22 heavy attack helicopters, 12 heavy lift helicopters, they are already operating Dhruv and Russian counterparts of previous categories and they also intend to buy light helicopters from eurocopter.

Forgive me if I am wrong but no matter what we do, IAF and IA needs a chopper in every category and they will buy them, i am just saying that we should build chopper in these categories also so that we don't have to buy.

I said not every war will be fought in Siachen because as per need for all terrain we have already developed choppers. Now heavy lift helicopters and Heavy attack helicopters might not reach at such altitude but that does not mean we should not build them.

This is not me who is asking, this is our forces requirement and they are fulfilling it by purchasing from US and Russia.

Also i know HAL has developed a very good products like Dhruv and LCH. But lets face it, if you wanna do a rapid deployment in an area where there is no connectivity then is it better to use choppers like Chinook or there also we should use Dhruv.

We are getting Apache from US, but its not far when US might also give them to Pakistan, and let me assure you however good LCH is, it stand no chance to fight against Heavy attack helicopters like Apache or any other in its category. LCH is meant for different purpose and i am sure it will fulfill it but still we need to fill the gap in heavy attack helicopter.

Its not just us. Every army or AF has these categories :
heavy lift (???/)
medium transport (Dhruv)
light weight (LUH or eurocopter whatever army choses)
heavy attack (????)
light attack (LCH)

We face many natural calamity every year, Heavy lift helicopters like chinook will definitely help alot.
Correct me if i am wrong but IAF intend to by 22 heavy attack helicopters, 12 heavy lift helicopters, they are already operating Dhruv and Russian counterparts of previous categories and they also intend to buy light helicopters from eurocopter.

Forgive me if I am wrong but no matter what we do, IAF and IA needs a chopper in every category and they will buy them, i am just saying that we should build chopper in these categories also so that we don't have to buy.

I said not every war will be fought in Siachen because as per need for all terrain we have already developed choppers. Now heavy lift helicopters and Heavy attack helicopters might not reach at such altitude but that does not mean we should not build them.

This is not me who is asking, this is our forces requirement and they are fulfilling it by purchasing from US and Russia.

Also i know HAL has developed a very good products like Dhruv and LCH. But lets face it, if you wanna do a rapid deployment in an area where there is no connectivity then is it better to use choppers like Chinook or there also we should use Dhruv.

We are getting Apache from US, but its not far when US might also give them to Pakistan, and let me assure you however good LCH is, it stand no chance to fight against Heavy attack helicopters like Apache or any other in its category. LCH is meant for different purpose and i am sure it will fulfill it but still we need to fill the gap in heavy attack helicopter.

Its not just us. Every army or AF has these categories :
heavy lift (???/)
medium transport (Dhruv)
light weight (LUH or eurocopter whatever army choses)
heavy attack (????)
light attack (LCH)

We face many natural calamity every year, Heavy lift helicopters like chinook will definitely help alot.

I'm sorry but I think you've misunderstood me, or maybe I didnt make myself clear enough. I don't mean one single helo for the heavy/medium/light/attack role but ONE helo TYPE per ROLE i.e only Apache for heavy attack, only Chinook for heavy lift etc hopes this clears up the misunderstanding.
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