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HAL fast-tracks indigenous light combat chopper project

Even in 30 years, can your country make anything better than this?

View attachment 119481

We have made Dhruvs and Rudras, which are second to none in performance for our needs. A citizen of a country whose aviation industry's crowning jewel is the above contraption (with engine and rotors imported through ebay.cn), should not be making sarcastic barbs at our efforts.

This flying moped is good enough for Janbaz Pakistani Pilots who will shoot down Indian LCH from the sky like mosquitoes sitting on this. Looks like you haven't heard about saying "Its the man behind the machine that matters". Doesn't matter if the Pakistani has to fight sitting on a cycle. He will still destroy the Indian Tank since 1 Muslim = 10 Hindu o_O
we rule india 1000 yrs
that is the history
. Lol, get some life for you. But the US ruling you since your birth.

Majority rule throughout Af.-Pak., Tibet, Burma, India and Indo-Chin like Indonesia, Malaysia, for the largest number of yrs. was Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms. Chola Kingdom, Vijaynagar Empire, Ashoka's Empire, Mauryan, Shivaji Empire's etc. etc. Along side some Muslim rulers, Sikh rulers Portuguese also carved out Empires.

West Pakistan was a British Colony along with India. Before, Af.-Pak. was Maharaja Ranjit Singh's empire. Before that many-many kingdoms but was an integral part of Lord Rama's Empire. Lahore, was named for Loha or Loh; Lord Rama's son!

Qandahar for Qandhari or Gandhari. Karachi is not an Arab name either. Lyallpur is Lyallpur, but now called Faisalabad named for former dead Saudi King Faisal. What does King Faisal have to do with West Pakistan?

Truth is Af.-Pak. has killed, directly and indirectly, the largest number of Americans, Indians, Afghan's, Balochis, J&K ppl., ****. minorities like Christians, Bahai's, Parsis, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jain's, Bengali-Bihari's, Hindus, Ahmedis, Balochis, Pathan's, Shia's, Ismailis etc. in this century. Inversely, said communities thrive to the extent of popping $ Gazillionaires when seen in purchasing parity terms. Eg. Azim Premji, Tata Group (in power parity terms bigger in everything then the famed Rockefellers; for eg. both the Tata and Rockefeller financial emipres and other support founded University of Chicago and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research who built the atom bombs.)

Just try:

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we rule india 1000 yrs
that is the history

1. You all were part of india which was ruled by many....including invaders (which u think is ur history) till 1947:coffee:
2. You cant even rule ur country properly.....forget about you ruling india:hitwall:
3. The so called rulers in your so called history:blah:...were all looters (lootera's)......better ask Hassan Nisar.:big_boss:
4. You all were Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs (till your forefathers were been converted to Islam by Muslims invaders)......and calling those invaders your own history and legacy......god:angel: help you.

**History of Pakistan is India.....anything before 1947 is India's (Indian Subcontinent) history and not pakistan's.

I wish pakistan's could get proper history lessons in their schools.:tup:
we rule india 1000 yrs
that is the history
Umm...Who is the "we" in that sentence? Pakistanis? Sorry, that country only came to existence in 1947, and was split into two in 1971.

Turkic and Afghan invaders ruled parts of modern day India and all of modern day Pakistan for a few hundred years. Most of today's India were not ruled by them. How exactly did you rule us? Are you a Turk or Afghan? If you are a Pakistani, you were the ruled, the conquered, the pillaged, the subjugated - not the conquerer. Just because you were forced into accepting the religion of your conquerers does not make you a conquerer - it just makes you servile.

And by that token, dynasties from present day India's have ruled you for all of recorded history. You really shouldn't go into history to seek solace about your present inferiority WRT India - that will only put greater emphasis on what you wish to deny.
How much year you ruled your Pakistan, don't quote Washington or Bejeing era as yours
Don't respond to troll.

All they is provoking the others with historic events that destroy the Islam many folds that it benefit it.

All due respect to the Great India and the people of it I hope Iraq and India have a better relationship we both supplement each other.
Before that many-many kingdoms but was an integral part of Lord Rama's Empire. Lahore, was named for Loha or Loh; Lord Rama's son!
Qandahar for Qandhari or Gandhari.

Actually Gandhari was named after Gandhara, not the other way round. Gandhara was an important cultural center in the iron age, and Gandhari meant "daughter of Gandhara" or "woman from Gandhara". Just like another name of Sita was "Videhi", which means "Daughter of" or "woman from" Videha, a region stretching across modern day Bihar and Nepal.

Are you sure Lahore was named after Rama's son? (His name was 'Lav", not "Loh".)

But to shore up your point, the name Peshawar came from "Purushapura", or "the land of men".
Don't respond to troll.

All they is provoking the others with historic events that destroy the Islam many folds that it benefit it.

All due respect to the Great India and the people of it I hope Iraq and India have a better relationship we both supplement each other.
We in India wish to have friendly relations with everybody - Arab or Jewish or Persian, Iran or Israel or Saudi, muslim or hindu or christian or jewish, west or east or anything else.

We love all, respect all, and wish to live in peace with all - except those who wish to do us harm.

(BTW, I hope your country can get out of the mess that it is in presently. Iraqis do not deserve the civil strife that is happening there.)
On topic, this is a very significant development. FOC of and fast production of these attack helicopters will revolutionize the army's efficacy. Lack of heliborne firepower is one of the areas in which our army lags behind other modern armies.

IMO, churn these out fast in large numbers, and supply them to all our corps, or even on a division level. That would be a tremendous force multiplier for our IBGs and brigades and divisions.
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