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Hajj Ghassem's Iran ceremony

Talk about being stronger in Death than in life.....
His death won't be forgotten.

After a long time, USA will fight a Nation and history will prevent future @SSHOLES from committing such mistakes.

Iran is honouring their National hero but at the same time invoking Iranian National Spirit by walking their martyred among messes for days. Now if Iranians will fight, it won't be for politics, salary or ownership of land - it will be for revenge they believe is justified. Try to negotiate that.
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Talk about being stronger in Death than in life.....

His death won't be forgotten.

His best friend Assad killed as many people. I am glad he is gone thanks to your country bro and now he will be answerable to Allah for his crimes.
I want to address Saudi Arabia and UAE and people representing these two states.

You have not just destroyed an opportunity to Unite Muslim countries (G7 Block), but have prevented Pakistan to be its part using its economic compulsions. You have gone against the teaching of Islam and sayings of our Prophet Muhamad SAWW. Who are you appeasing.... yourself or your throne keepers? Where in your priority does Allah lie? After yourself and your throne keepers or - not even there?

Connect back with the Book or none of your personal strategies will save you in this world or hereafter. If Iran is attacked today, and you aid attacking it, how many more years do you think you have before you will be attacked for some similarly cooked fabricated reason? Which country will you run for help then?
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These are application forms allegedly distributed in Mashhad for volunteers who want to carry out "Martyrdom operations" as a revenge for the recent assassinations:
Would even 1/10th the amount of Soleimanis funeral attenders attend Trump or Netanyahus funeral?
Apparently Iran is going to leave the JCPOA and go full nuclear R&D with zero restrictions abandoning all operational nuclear restrictions.

Meaning the following:
  • no restrictions on enrichment
  • no restrictions on storage
  • no restrictions on centrifuges
  • Probable increase in Iranian nuclear facilities
It has been announced just recently, but we have to wait for confirmation.
Apparently Iran is going to leave the JCPOA and go full nuclear R&D with zero restrictions abandoning all operational nuclear restrictions.

Meaning the following:
  • no restrictions on enrichment
  • no restrictions on storage
  • no restrictions on centrifuges
  • Probable increase in Iranian nuclear facilities
It has been announced just recently, but we have to wait for confirmation.

Iran Rolls Back Nuke Deal Commitments, Vows to Enrich Uranium Based On Its Tech Needs – Report

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