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Hafiz Saeed reaction on Modi's visit to Lahore

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Why do we need this ? Is he connected with Army or Gvt. ? Why SHOULD his opinion even Matter ?

This Dude Hafizzz is a "Leading Light" of Pakistan, and one may even say that he is part of the Brains Trust of the country. One could say that he is the tail that wags the PA's policy dog vis-a-vis India.

1) There are no million terrorists in Pakistan, just a reality check. If so was the case, the murders and the blasts won't be slowing down. As those were from similar terrorist fractions that were brewing in Pakistan for decades before.

2) Anyone sponsoring terror into any country, should not be considered an "influencer". There are crazy people on both sides and sadly, the media cares to give them time of the day. Which should never happen.Bad guys' ideology getting publicity means you are showing to them you care. Where they should feel like a total reject from the society for their crazy ideologies!!

LOLLLLLLL; @Orangzaib mian, There are simply no terrorists or terrorism influencers in Paksitan! There are only Social Workers and Charitable Leaders of the likes of Hafizzz Saeed and Great Thinkers like Zaid Hamid......... if one were to make the mistake of following your 'logic'.
This Dude Hafizzz is a "Leading Light" of Pakistan, and one may even say that he is part of the Brains Trust of the country. One could say that he is the tail that wags the PA's policy dog vis-a-vis India.

LOLLLLLLL; @Orangzaib mian, There are simply no terrorists or terrorism influencers in Paksitan! There are only Social Workers and Charitable Leaders of the likes of Hafizzz Saeed and Great Thinkers like Zaid Hamid......... if one were to make the mistake of following your 'logic'.
There are no intellectual thinkers in Pakistan. All our ideologies are imported from Arab countries
There are no intellectual thinkers in Pakistan. All our ideologies are imported from Arab countries

That Sir; to be honest, may be an extreme view, in my humble opinion. There are real thinkers in Pakistan, for certain; it just happens that their voices are drowned out by the "Noise" created by the madmen. Just as the sane idealogies that they propound gets less followers than the madmen.

Viper is a false flagger, right?

Nope...... just a guy with an "identity crisis" just as much as being afflicted by the "Walter Mitty Syndrome". :lol:
1) There are no million terrorists in Pakistan, just a reality check. If so was the case, the murders and the blasts won't be slowing down. As those were from similar terrorist fractions that were brewing in Pakistan for decades before.

2) Anyone sponsoring terror into any country, should not be considered an "influencer". There are crazy people on both sides and sadly, the media cares to give them time of the day. Which should never happen.Bad guys' ideology getting publicity means you are showing to them you care. Where they should feel like a total reject from the society for their crazy ideologies!!
So? It's not necessarily a bad thing . South Korea was once ruled by dictators too

is it today ?? South Korea is a solid democracy without any army influence since 1988.

Better be ruled by Generals than by extremist minority killers.

your founders Jinnah and ML leaders cause a mayhem on a scale thousand time larger than any communal riot in India
Cow is not a sacred animal. Nothing is sacred in nature. End with your stupidity
ignorant you are , anyways nothing is sacred in this world is what you mean ? now i dont want to say anything more as i would be banned for showing the mirror of truth . take care .
is it today ?? South Korea is a solid democracy without any army influence since 1988.

your founders Jinnah and ML leaders cause a mayhem on a scale thousand time larger than any communal riot in India
It was a war of independence. What did you expect?
ignorant you are , anyways nothing is sacred in this world is what you mean ? now i dont want to say anything more as i would be banned for showing the mirror of truth . take care .
Yea nothing is sacred in this world but knowledge
It was a war of independence. What did you expect?
Have you changed your flag or converted?? Sorry to ask because I thought you were Indian some times ago. I have read some good post of you. But nowadays what happened with you??
He is a pathetic loser who belongs in a jail cell. The fact that pakis still listen to him is pathetic.
Why do we need this ? Is he connected with Army or Gvt. ? Why SHOULD his opinion even Matter ?

His opinion matter because he is a Pakistani Citizen. And by the way if his opinion doesn't matter in your eyes, than why were you so concerned that you have watched his message? Things that he said aren't wrong are they?
Pakistan has changed and i am 100% he dont even come out of his house that will be instructions from security establishments, all he can do is warmongering like zaid hamid
But the heck is this dodo being given so much air time by Pak News channels? For TRP ratings?

Pakistanis don't vote for killers to become PM. Atleast he doesn't harm his own countrymen. You can't say the same about your PM. Sarcasm doesn't work when you are a softer target.
Killers? This bugger has blood on his hands. For you, Saeed killing 163 Indians in Mumbai is par for the course as long as he hasn't killed Pakistanis but Indians? Are you for real? It's amazing how some of you guys have been brainwashed by this dodo into thinking he's a messiah from heaven who's been sent down to Earth for the salvation of Pakistanis.

The whole world regards him as a terrorist with a $10 million bounty on his idiotic head, except Pakistan.
This Dude Hafizzz is a "Leading Light" of Pakistan, and one may even say that he is part of the Brains Trust of the country. One could say that he is the tail that wags the PA's policy dog vis-a-vis India.

LOLLLLLLL; @Orangzaib mian, There are simply no terrorists or terrorism influencers in Paksitan! There are only Social Workers and Charitable Leaders of the likes of Hafizzz Saeed and Great Thinkers like Zaid Hamid......... if one were to make the mistake of following your 'logic'.

He isn't a terrorist because he isn't attacking Pakistan. The good terrorist tag applies to him.. its similar to how for the isis followers, baghdati isn't a terrorist - but a spiritual leader and their aamir. Even if he sends thousands of brainwashed people to their death.
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