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Hafiz Saeed blames India for floods in Pakistan's Punjab

A. India steal water from Pakistan
B. India floods Pakistan

Pick your choice and be clear first.

Both you nitwit.

In lean season, India steals by damming up water from Pakistani rivers.

In Flood season they open the floodgates to flood Pakistan.

Now was that so complicated for your feeble brain ?

Hope you did not pop a vein to understand that complicated mystery, GENIUS.
Both you nitwit.

In lean season, India steals by damming up water from Pakistani rivers.

In Flood season they open the floodgates to flood Pakistan.

Now was that so complicated for your feeble brain ?

Hope you did not pop a vein to understand that complicated mystery, GENIUS.

Evil yindoos to say the least :D
Both you nitwit.

In lean season, India steals by damming up water from Pakistani rivers.

In Flood season they open the floodgates to flood Pakistan.

Now was that so complicated for your feeble brain ?

Hope you did not pop a vein to understand that complicated mystery, GENIUS.

Is there any law or treaty that India is violating by doing what you say we are doing? If yes, sue us in ICJ (which you have tried and the cases have been thrown out) or else stop whining and fix your country's water management systems
Both you nitwit.

In lean season, India steals by damming up water from Pakistani rivers.

In Flood season they open the floodgates to flood Pakistan.

Now was that so complicated for your feeble brain ?

Hope you did not pop a vein to understand that complicated mystery, GENIUS.

I think Hillary Clinton was right when she said the following.

Conspiracy Theories Abound in Pakistan- Hillary Clinton

can you tell me why International court thrown your case off against India on this matter?
Both you nitwit.

In lean season, India steals by damming up water from Pakistani rivers.

In Flood season they open the floodgates to flood Pakistan.

Now was that so complicated for your feeble brain ?

Hope you did not pop a vein to understand that complicated mystery, GENIUS.

Exactly my point .... :yahoo:

Hafizz Saeed & MBI Munshi - Do I need to say anymore .

Yes actually you do. Are you suggesting that I am a sponsor of terrorism or that I am as dangerous to Indian interests as Hafiz Saeed. I may actually take the latter imputation as a compliment.

Well India is doing both in Bangladesh. Strange that Bangladesh and Pakistan appear to have the same complaints about India river management and control ...

SO you want..... when drought ..India should give all the water ..and ....when flood ....India should hold all the water....how convenient....
Have u see the flood situation in our Kashmir region ???Border fences are erupted,Army had to evacuate its own places,,its worse,,
Just go through news & then u can keep farting ,,

Yes since India is the upper riparian it has no responsibility to other countries in the region. I guess that is why India doesn't whine when the Chinese do the same thing to it ...
There is a very good article on the net regarding the sharing of river waters by India with its neighbors by Brahma Chellaney in the Times of India. I am copy pasting some portion of that article here. Any sort of propaganda against India is never going to succeed.

Google search for this ARTICLE:

India's generosity on land issues has been well documented, including its surrender of British-inherited extraterritorial rights in Tibet in 1954, the giving back of strategic Haji Pir to Pakistan after the 1965 war, and the similar return of territorial gains and 93,000 prisoners after 1971 - all without securing any tangible reciprocity. Despite that record, there are still calls within India today for it to unilaterally cede control over the Siachen Glacier.

Even though India is reeling under a growing water crisis - with hospitals in its capital postponing surgeries because of lack of water and much of the country parched and thirsty - few seem to know that India's generosity has extended not just to land but also to river waters.

The world's most generous water-sharing pact is the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty, under which India agreed to set aside 80.52% of the waters of the six-river Indus system for Pakistan, keeping for itself just the remai-ning 19.48% share. Both in terms of the sharing ratio as well as the total quantum of waters reserved for a downstream state, this treaty's munificence is unsurpassed in scale in the annals of international water treaties. Indeed, the volume of water earmarked for Pakistan is more than 90 times greater than the 1.85 billion cubic metres the US is required to release for Mexico under the 1944 US-Mexico Water Treaty.

The unparalleled water generosity has only invited trouble for India. Within five years of the Indus treaty, Pakistan launched its second war against India to grab the rest of Kashmir when India had still not recovered from its humiliating rout in 1962 at the hands of the Chinese.

Today, Pakistan expects eternal Indian munificence on water even as its military establishment (with blood of innocent Indians on its hands) continues to export terror. Yet, with all the water flowing downstream under the treaty, the same question must haunt the Pakistani gene-rals as it did Lady Macbeth in William Shakespeare's Macbeth: "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?" Meanwhile, India's own Indus basin, according to the 2030 Water Resources Group, confronts a massive 52% deficit bet-ween water supply and demand.

India's 1996 Ganges treaty with Bangladesh guarantees minimum cross-border flows in the dry season - a new principle in international water law. In fact, the treaty almost equally divides the downstream Ganges flows between the two countries. Because of that precedent, India seems now ready to reserve almost half of the Teesta river waters for Bangladesh in what will be the world's first water-sharing treaty of the 21st century.

Water is a state issue, not a federal matter, in the Indian Constitution, yet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has sought to strong-arm West Bengal into accepting a Teesta river treaty on terms dictated by New Delhi. Existing water-sharing treaties elsewhere in the world, by contrast, don't come anywhere close to allocating half of all basin waters to the downstream state. Another key fact is that unlike Bangladesh, India is already a seriously water-stressed country. Whereas the annual per capita water availability in Bangladesh averages 8,252 cubic metres, it has fallen to a paltry 1,560 cubic metres in India.
Kyaaa Baath hein.....Hafiz bhai aaj kal mood mein hein.......... I have a feeling he is kind of taking the place of ZH slowly and wont be surprised ZH is unhappy about it....

Probably part of the job for which Pakistan government pays him, he gets funding from Pakistans national budget to do such things I guess....He's gone legit - part of Pakistans state machinery now.
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