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Habeebi George Bush!

You got it wrong, movie shows budget in billions of $'s was allocated to find Osama, they believe he is in Tora-Bora. Its very pro Pakistani movie, ridicules war strategies of America, Movie also has same peace message, innocents killed.

not at all, especially considering the fact that so many innocent people lost their lives in this war, i don't think there should have been a comedy movie related to this rather sensitive issue.:tdown::frown:
Movie is good and funny
but the topic "USAMA BIN LADIN" of this video is very uncommon
i have seen move "Mission Istanmbol" on this topic
both these movies show that how easy u can make a video tape f USAMA
there are lot of videos on you tube as well showing the making of fake USAMAZ interviews
Its a street category film...:sick: ghattia class movie!

Nothing to do with Pakistan.

it can't be more 'ghattia' than lallywood's 've gujra ve' type movies.

on topic:
sounds funny, i'd definitely watch it even if it's a rip-off from anywood movie. it takes a lot of efforts to produce the rip-offs too.:P
It was a low budget movie but a job well done. I am not sure if its a rip off or not but the idea is very simple and thats the beauty of it.
I really liked the movie. Some good, clean and light-hearted entertainment for the whole family.
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